Chapter: 1593

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya appeared there, and said in a voice amplified by witchcraft: "Frank, stop all attempts.

"Perhaps the breath of the Mother Earth remains here."

Mother Earth? Klein looked at Ms. "The Hermit" in astonishment, feeling that his previous conjecture about this sea area might be completely overturned!

"Oh, gracious mother." Frank folded his arms in the gesture of holding the baby.

Then, he got down on his stomach and kissed those vines reverently.

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya watched this scene silently, and bright stars surrounded her instantly, making the entire "Future" shine.

She flexed her finger and flicked it lightly, causing a ball of colorless flames to fall on the vine beside the window of the captain's cabin.

Those vines were immediately ignited and turned into ashes without a sound.

The colorless flame spread quietly and raged, but did not hurt a single sailor, and the light from the "Future" helped it successfully resist the burning.

It didn't take long for the forest of vines to disappear, leaving only the watermelon growing above the pirate's head. Of course, the connecting vines were also burned out.

"Huh, this, this is the arrival of the devil!" The previous pirate took two steps forward and hugged the watermelon that grew out of his head.

"Don't open it!" Cattleya's reminder from "Admiral of the Stars" just echoed, and the pirate opened the watermelon with brute force, half out of anger and half out of curiosity.

The watermelon was split in two, and inside was a milky white "brain" full of grooves, surrounded by a bright red blood-like liquid.

With a plop, the pirate died suddenly, and there was no chance of rescuing him. The extraordinary characteristics of him began to condense at an extraordinary speed.

It's really weird, crazy... Klein sighed secretly, and was about to fall back to the deck.

At this moment, he saw a huge palm suddenly stick out from under the sea level and patted on the side of "Future".

The five fingers of this palm are extremely long, nearly half a meter, and the whole body is gray-black like a barren plain!

Klein hissed silently, and couldn't help but glance at Anderson Hood.

This guy just said that nothing happened since he got on the ship!

The huge gray-black palm grabbed the side of the boat, quickly climbed up, and pulled out the part below the sea surface inch by inch.

Through the blue water waves, Klein first saw a large gray-black shadow, and then the wriggling pieces of flesh filled his entire field of vision.

The monster seemed to be cobbled together from countless gray and black corpses. Behind the two huge palms were arms that withered like dry wood, and the arms came from a corpse that was suspected to be a giant. The giant's one-eyed was closed tightly, and several other heads were glued to its neck, and those heads extended out to scaled fish bodies, lizard-like remains, and twisted human corpses, layer by layer, layer by layer. One layer after another, a floating island-shaped piece of meat is built.

From the different corpses, from the gaps in the splicing, strands of yellow-green gas diffused out, spreading to the surroundings, as if to cover the area.

cough! Cough cough cough!

Just smelling a little smell, many sailors on the deck coughed violently, almost unable to straighten their backs.

Seeing this scene, Frank Lee did not hesitate to take out the materials in the hidden compartment of the belt and display the corresponding extraordinary ability. Unexpectedly, the voice of "Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya rang in his ears first: "Frank, stop!

"Go help Nina command the sailors and adjust the sails with them!"

"Why?" Frank Lee asked subconsciously.

"In this area, there will be changes in the supernatural things within the authority of the 'Mother Earth', including your abilities." Cattleya stretched her palms forward and pressed them on a certain position on the desk as she spoke.

The symbols and magic signs on the "Future" immediately lit up in layers, turning the whole ship into a bright sea of ??stars, which seemed to correspond one-to-one with the deep-space rays of light surrounding Cattleya. .