Chapter: 1613

The knowledge obtained from the potion told Klein that these illusory black thin lines are called "spiritual body lines", and they can directly affect the target's spiritual body, astral body, mental body, and etheric body by manipulating them, and then use the "ether body to Body" bridge to control the opponent's body.

Therefore, all the extraordinary abilities of the "Master Puppet" are based on the "thread of the spiritual body".

This is to use the "spiritual body thread" that exists in every creature to find hidden targets. It is the nemesis of the "witch" invisibility and the "hermit" shadow hiding ability. Of course, Klein is not sure if it can be used The "spiritual thread" is also a way to cover up.

The second is to control the target like manipulating a puppet, so that his thinking is slow, his body is stiff and his movements are sluggish. This is forced control, and it is difficult to be able to resist. Basically, he can only rely on the strength of his own spirit body to get rid of it. For those who are already at the level of Sequence 5 For the "Master Puppet", there is almost nothing to worry about under the demigod.

The third is that with the passage of time and the deepening of control, the "Secret Puppet Master" can completely turn the target into his own puppet, hide behind the scenes within a certain distance, and manipulate the opponent to fight. In this way, the puppet can use the original extraordinary ability!

"It's really strange, mysterious, and terrifying. It's simply the exclusive property of the mastermind behind the scenes. No wonder Rosago called the manipulation on the 'Spiritual Body Thread' one of the most difficult abilities below the High Sequence...

"However, it takes time. Control can't be achieved completely in one go. It must be deepened step by step until it is finally completed. To get preliminary control, it takes about 20 seconds for me in the current state, but as the potion is gradually digested, the time-consuming will be significantly shortened , wait until the 'Secret Puppet Master' is completely digested, maybe within 5 seconds, um, before the effect is produced, the target can hardly notice it, and those with a certain ability to predict may be able to...

"Once he initially controls the target's 'spiritual body string', he will immediately experience sluggish thinking, sluggish movements, and stiff body, and then develop step by step in the direction of puppets and puppets. If the 'Master of Puppets' has Companion, in this process, you can easily get rid of the forcibly controlled target. Well, if the strength of the enemy's spirit body is not too high, the 'Secret Puppet Master' has some spare power, and you can even draw a gun or use a magical Items, match yourself.

"If the control process is not interrupted by external forces, after five minutes, the target will become my puppet. In a sense, he has truly died, and things can no longer be reversed. When the potion is completely digested, The time required to transform a puppet will definitely be greatly shortened.

"The upper limit of puppets I can control is 1, and I can't judge it for the time being, but it will definitely increase, and the upper limit does not seem to exceed 3.

"In addition to the time required, there is also a distance limit. Currently, I can only see the 'spiritual strings' within 100 meters. To manipulate them, I must enter within 5 meters of the corresponding target...

"When manipulating the puppet, the distance between the main body and it cannot exceed 100 meters for the time being, and it will definitely increase in the future.

"Hey, in addition to retaining its own extraordinary ability, the puppet can also use magical items and sealed items normally, and it consumes its spirituality, not mine. Of course, the act of manipulating it itself consumes spirituality.

"This ability is very suitable for me. When I encounter a very dangerous situation and have to investigate it, I can let the puppet go on it. Although it will be very distressing to lose it, it is better than dying on the spot. Hehe, that'Secret Puppet Master' Luo Before Sago came to deal with me, he must have taken other actions, so that there was no puppet. Well, he must not have fully digested the 'Master Puppet' potion, so he couldn't initially control it while waiting for the door to open. I can only enter the face-to-face conversation.

"In general, it is worthy of the extraordinary ability of Sequence 5! Moreover, the abilities of the previous sequences have also been enhanced by 50%, or even more...

"I'm really looking forward to it more and more. I don't know what kind of qualitative change will happen to Sequence 4, which combines so many strange abilities. Hey, I don't even know what its name is..." Klein finished his inspection of his own situation. Feeling a lot.

He then relied on his experience in setting the opening and closing methods for "spiritual vision" at the beginning, and restricted the ability to see the "spiritual body thread", so as not to see things that should not be seen.

Pinch the first joint of the index finger with the thumb of the left hand twice to open, repeat to close, and the right hand can also... He retracted his thoughts, looked forward, and saw that the remaining mermaids had turned around and were looking at him curiously with watery blue eyes .

Considering that without their singing and the simple ceremony, he would have lost control just now and become a sealed item similar to "2-049", Klein smiled at them in a friendly manner.

Affected by the power of the spell, those mermaids also slightly opened their lips, showing a slightly shy smile.

As their lavender or crimson lips opened, Klein saw their teeth: sharp like wolf fangs, one after another, white and shining, dripping viscous liquid.

Klein was taken aback, and found that this was more difficult for him to accept than a real monster.

He had already prepared himself mentally, and regarded mermaids as the kind in the sewer, so no matter how crazy or terrifying the opponent's form was, he thought he could bear it, but the situation was somewhat unexpected. A beautiful and alluring woman has a strangely beautiful tail, but her teeth are so ferocious and disgusting. The contrast is so stark that Klein couldn't bear to look directly at it, and almost moved his eyes away.

With a wave of his hand, he quickly took out the spell of the "Sea God" domain, created a strong wind again, and pushed the boat back to the "Future".

On the way, Klein couldn't help recalling the feeling just now: "It turns out that the mermaid's singing is a kind of neutralization, a kind of balance, otherwise most of the 'faceless people' would not be able to resist the 'Master of Puppet' potion on their own 'spirits. The corruption of the "thread of the body" will immediately get out of control. Heh, the lucky one like the sea snake Kavitua is not in the scope of discussion. Perhaps, it is because it is relatively weak without the assistance of rituals.

"Theoretically speaking, as long as there is a voice with a similar effect or extraordinary ability, it can replace the mermaid's singing voice, but people who have not experienced it personally can't distinguish the subtle differences at all, so it is not a high-sequence of the 'Seer' pathway. Strong, it is difficult to give effective advice."

With many thoughts, the boat returned to the vicinity of the "Future", and Klein easily went up to the deck with the help of the rope.

Anderson Hood stood on the edge of the ship, chuckled and said: "It turns out that you are looking for the mermaid because of a ritual need, not because you want to obtain the corresponding materials."

"That's very clear." Klein responded briefly.

Anderson shrugged his shoulders and said: "No, I'm not sure, normal people would guess that a mermaid is the material you need, because it's not worthy of the Sequence 4 ceremony, but who knows, the adventurer Gehrman S. Paro only has Sequence 6."