Chapter: 1637

He knocked on Klein's door again.

The door swung open, and a revolver was pointed at him.

"Haha, I want to ask, do you know any Extraordinary who can help people change their fortunes?" Anderson half-raised his hands, crazily implying Gehrman Sparrow to name the strong man who provided the prophecy.

It's too late, "Queen of Mysteries" has disappeared... Eh, she didn't leave me a contact method? However, since Frank Lee knows about the summoning ceremony of my messenger, it means that "Admiral of the Stars" knows about it, and it means that Bernadette knows about it. Also, after returning to Backlund, you can ask Miss Sharron for help, " The "Queen of Mysteries" is in her circle, although it does not appear frequently... Klein gave Anderson Hood a pityful look.

He doesn't like the strongest hunter very much. He always arranges the other party in his heart and shows all kinds of malice. After all, the other party should bear half of the responsibility for the loss of the sleeve nail, but he can only think about it, and has no intention of putting it into practice Intention, if you really want to meet the other party and ask for help, you will not refuse directly.

Klein thought about it and said, "I can ask you a question for you, and I'll give you the answer tomorrow morning.

"But I doubt you have the ability to pay."

"I'll go to the bar later! Besides, I still have a lot of personal treasures on the side of the Misty Sea." Anderson responded without hesitation.

Klein nodded, and said while closing the door, "See you tomorrow morning, I hope you can live until then."


The door locked again.

"Are you a curse or a blessing?" Anderson whispered with a wry smile, "According to my experience, there is a high probability that there will be no more accidents in the next two or three days."

In the room, Klein returned to the desk.

There was already a letter that had just begun and a thousand paper cranes that had been dismantled.

Before Klein opened his mouth to answer Anderson's question, he had already thought about who he would ask:

The one who knows the means of a "Snake of Destiny" best is undoubtedly another "Snake of Destiny"!

He thought about the area of ??the Thousand Paper Cranes and the questions he wanted to ask, first he typed the draft in his mind, and then he raised a pencil and said, "How to get rid of the curse of bad luck brought by the 'Angel of Destiny' mural?

"What is the name of the Sequence 4 potion corresponding to 'Seer'? Where can I get its formula and main ingredients?"

Putting down the pencil, Klein carefully examined the contents twice, then carefully refolded the thousand paper cranes according to the creases, and stuffed them into his wallet.

After finishing all this, he continued to write the letter to Mr. Ards.

In this letter, Klein first mentioned that with the help of "Admiral of the Stars", he entered the dangerous area in the east of the Sunya Sea and successfully completed the ceremony. Deville's unreasonable attack almost caused heavy losses.

On this topic, he described the ring in the hand of "Admiral of Hell" that was suspected to be a relic of the ancient god of death, and asked Mr. Azik very intimately if he had any impression of it, and if he needed to take it in his hand to observe it, so as to arouse More memories.

After clicking this, Klein talked about the "Artificial Death" plan of the "Spiritual Cult" in a casual manner, and curiously asked the boss whether this was feasible, and whether the previous documents had recorded specific details.

After saying that he still doesn't know the situation of the follow-up sequence, and he doesn't know where to get the opportunity, Klein described the precautions in dangerous sea areas summarized during this journey in the style of travel notes.

He was providing information for Mr. Ards, lest the other party suddenly want to go there to find the remnant breath of the ancient god of death, but did not know what potential dangers there were.

"...It is said that the ravings of the 'True Creator' flooded that sea area. The higher the sequence, the clearer you can hear, and the easier it is to be affected, go crazy or lose control. Sequence 4 is the dividing point...but there are also a small amount of half God has found a way to move freely there..." Klein wrote at the end of the letter.

After folding the paper, he picked up the Azik copper whistle and summoned a huge bone messenger.

The courier emerged from the floor, looked at Klein politely, and spread his palms.

Not bad... Klein secretly praised and handed the letter to the other party.

Then, he brushed his teeth, took a bath, and lay down comfortably under the covers.