Chapter: 1640

Although Anderson was surprised, his reaction was not slow at all. He immediately leaned back to avoid the thunderous blow.


The hotel owner not far away suddenly shot, shooting at Anderson's dodging body.

"I, what am I doing..." After the gunshot, the boss whispered in horror and bewilderment.

At the same time as the gunshot, Anderson's whole body suddenly collapsed, and he forcibly dodged the bullet in an awkward way.

Klein, who didn't understand the situation, had jumped sideways to the other side, and while activating his spirit vision, he drew out his revolver.

At this moment, his first reaction was that Anderson hunted too much last night and attracted revenge. He just wanted to shout, "I don't know him! It has nothing to do with me!"

At this moment, at the dining table next to Anderson Hood, a strong man in a shirt and cuffs threw away his knife and fork, and suddenly pulled out a double-barreled shotgun that had already been loaded from under the chair, pointed it at the ground, and The condescending gesture pulled the trigger.

There is almost no time difference between his actions and the hotel owner's shooting, but because there are many steps, it is a beat slower.


Shots flew out, and countless tiny particles shot the ground into a honeycomb shape. Although Anderson rolled in time and avoided most of it, he was still hit by some of them, and his side suddenly became bloody.

Klein was about to shoot the strong man with a double-barreled shotgun and help Anderson Hood out of danger, but he found that the other person, like the hotel owner, had a dazed expression, full of surprise and fear, and felt like he had finally sobered up.

No, they weren't the real attackers... Klein rationally stopped his finger trying to pull the trigger, and quickly scanned the restaurant.

Seeing that the spirit vision did not find it, he immediately pinched the first joint of the index finger twice with the thumb of his left hand, and started to observe the "spiritual body thread".

At this time, the ladies and gentlemen in the restaurant had stood up in panic due to the shooting and rushed towards the exit.

When passing by the tumbling Anderson, a good-looking lady in elegant clothes suddenly stopped, opened the dark glass bottle tightly held in her hand, and poured the liquid inside on the strongest hunter.


The surface of the place contaminated by the liquid quickly turned black and suffered strong corrosion. Anderson covered his face and jumped up first, avoiding this attack.

Immediately afterwards, the quiet and lovely lady, the gentleman holding the newspaper, the waiter in the red vest, and the five-year-old child with candy on his hands simultaneously attacked Anderson Hood in their own ways.

Flour, lit matches, fruit knives, scalding coffee, and high-strength alcoholic beverages came one after another. Everyone in the hotel restaurant seemed to have only one goal left, and that was to kill Anderson Hood!

In such an extremely dangerous situation without extraordinary ability to participate, Anderson, who was surrounded and difficult to get rid of, rolled and rolled, sometimes jumped up, sometimes kicked the table, and sometimes ignited objects in advance, barely avoided the vital point, and did not suffer serious injuries.

At this time, Klein also discovered an abnormality:

In the corner of the restaurant, where the seat was covered by a decorative cabinet, a dense and illusory black "spiritual body thread" clearly spread out, but there was no movement.

This is quite abnormal in the hall filled with chaos and panic!

The real assailant who planned this "passerby murder" is sitting there? Judging from the bewildered, puzzled, frightened, and flustered appearances of the hotel owner, waiters and customers after attacking Anderson, they did not become puppets. This is another level of manipulation... Illusion, the emotional seeds of the "Apostle of Desire", or Say, another influence on the spiritual level? Klein suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and immediately took two steps forward, knocking away a customer who still had cream left at the corner of his mouth, and opened a passage for Anderson Hood.

The strongest hunter immediately rolled out of the encirclement from this direction, followed Klein slowly and ran back to the second floor of the hotel, leaning his back against the wall at the corner of the stairs, panting heavily.

"Has my provocative ability reached this level? Even ordinary citizens I don't know want to kill me and take action? Hiss..." While speaking, Anderson pulled the injury on his right rib and almost screamed speak out.

No, no, the real situation is that people with bad luck should not go hunting pirates... The reason why Klein gave up the plan to get closer to the target and use the "spiritual body string" to try to control it was because he thought of it One possibility:

Passers-by seem to have been planted with hints,

Or they would suddenly attack Anderson in an orderly manner after being manipulated at the spiritual level. This is not very consistent with the extraordinary ability of the "Apostle of Desire", because the attacks of the controlled person are directional, precise, and have obvious signs of preparation. And Klein had heard that the name of a Sequence 4 potion formula was "Manipulator"!