Chapter: 1667

"He is an orphan who grew up in a monastery and truly regards the church as a family and regards the Mother God as his mother.

"He had a lot of strange ideas. He had the opportunity to become the bishop of the diocese, but he was almost sent to the court for blasphemy."

Frank said this because he wanted to crossbreed bulls, cows, and wheat... Frankly speaking, I would have sent him to trial too... The reason why the guy didn't do anything in the early days must be Because the sequence is not high enough, what can be done is limited... Klein muttered a few words, followed the bell ringer Kano into a street, and came to the alley behind San Draco Church.

Kano walked to an ordinary house and rang the doorbell, once every two seconds, a total of three times.

After a while, the sound of tuk tuk approached, and the door creaked open.

Klein immediately saw an old man in a short black coat and a sturdy cane.

The old man's hair was as white as snow, his face had no obvious wrinkles, and he wore a black blindfold covering his eyes.

"Mr. Congressman, Mr. Gehrman Sparrow has business to visit you."

Senator Rachael? Is he Senator Richord? He is blind? Klein had only heard his voice but not seen him before, so he was inevitably a little surprised at this time.

Richiaud tilted his ears, slowly turned his head to where Gehrman Sparrow was, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I can only see you this way. I woke up this morning and suddenly had a premonition that today is the I couldn't see anything with my eyes open, so I had to wear a blindfold to prevent accidents."

...It can still be like this...I can't compare to this magic stick...Klein was amused and stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he understood the accurate interpretation of the other party's premonition, that is, not looking at himself!

He remembered that "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin said that the Extraordinary of the "monster" path can see things that others cannot see, so he can perceive his own specialness, while Admi of Tingen City Sol, his eyes bleed when he saw him, and he fell to the ground in pain.

Senator Richaud had a premonition of danger, and put on the blindfold in advance... Hey, if it wasn't like this, I was going to ask him what he could see... Klein didn't have the habit of forcing others to harm themselves, so he restrained his thoughts and asked Said: "Is there any clue of the magical item I need?"

"Not yet." Councilor Richaud said with a smile, "I went to Bayam after I recovered from my injury. I was lucky. I met the high-level transfer of the Navy and the Governor's Mansion and successfully rescued Roy Jin. However, it was a waste of time. Less time."

Klein had expected this, and said without any surprise: "Then I will exchange this request for help.

"A friend of mine who came into contact with a mural left by an 'Angel of Destiny' suffered bad luck and needed to be eradicated."

Councilor Richaud thought for a while and said, "No problem, just take me there and don't let him go out, maybe there will be accidents."

Klein nodded and walked towards the entrance of the alley with his suitcase. He seized the opportunity to ask, "Mr. Congressman, what do you know about the 'Mother Tree of Desire'?"

In Klein's view, there are many contradictions between the School of Life and the School of Roses, and they should have a deep understanding of each other.

With a cane, Rijord walked slowly behind the side, without the support and guidance of others, as if he didn't actually wear a blindfold.

He chuckled and said: "The 'Mother Tree of Desire' is the embodiment of the 'God of Bound' in the Rose School, but I suspect that the fact may be the opposite. The 'God of Bound' is one of the incarnations of the 'Mother Tree of Desire'. My reason Yes, 'Red Light' Al Moria said that the Sequence 0 position of the 'Heterogeneous' pathway is still vacant, hehe, you know Sequence 0, right?"

"I know." Klein responded succinctly, without being wordy, and he didn't even say that he knew about the Jingguang Brotherhood.

Councilor Richaud said "hmm": "In short, no one knows the true identity of the 'Mother Tree of Desire', and it is not clear which path he corresponds to. Perhaps this is his true identity. In addition, I can provide some side information .

"The 'Mother Tree of Desire' and the 'Primitive Moon' are opposite each other, and seem to have irreconcilable contradictions, and it is precisely because of this that the Rose School is always hostile to us.

"However, sometimes, the relationship between the 'Mother Tree of Desire' and the 'Original Moon' is very subtle, and you may find it hard to imagine that there is a 'Witch King' who worships the moon in the Southern Continent joining the Rose School.

"The Church of the Seven Gods hates evil gods such as the 'True Creator', 'Primary Witch', and 'Dark Side of the Universe', but it hates 'Primitive Moon' and 'Mother Tree of Desire' even more.

"Similarly, the Aurora Order, the Witch Sect, the Blood Worship Cult, and the Morse Penance Order don't like the Rose School of Thought."

That's kind of interesting... "Mother Tree of Desire" is one of the two most isolated? Klein thoughtfully stopped a carriage, and watched Kano, the bell ringer, send "Member of Destiny" Rijord up.

He immediately entered the carriage and told the driver to go to the hotel not far away.