Chapter: 175

Bending and stretching his arms, Klein repeated this process over and over again, watching Dunn half-turned and pushed open the door of the guard room.

The captain's cautiousness, high vigilance and absurd "protective action" made his mind extremely tense, just like the feeling when he walked past the graveyard at night when he was a child.

"Level 2" sealed items are dangerous and must be used cautiously and sparingly... Even the official members of the Nighthawks can't understand the details... I don't know how dangerous it is... In the tension, Klein couldn't help but think a lot.

At this moment, his head suddenly went numb, as if the processor was suddenly powered off.

In Klein's sight, everything slowed down, even the movement of bending his arms.

He saw Captain Dunn stop and approach him frame by frame in slow motion, and saw the other party slowly stretch out his palm and push his shoulder.

Suddenly, Klein's thoughts and vision returned to normal at the same time, as if he had just hallucinated.

"What happened?" He asked in a low voice with a bit of shock in his daze.

Dunn shook his head at him, and said in a deep voice, "Be careful and observe."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the guard room. Klein followed him and saw four people sitting or standing inside.

One of them was "Midnight Poet" Leonard, and the other three Klein had never met before, but they had one thing in common, that is, they were all doing "bending and stretching exercises" without any relaxation.

"Klein Moretti, there is a wonderful connection between the notes of the Antigonus family." Dunn gave a rough introduction.

Then, he pointed to the three strangers and said: "These ladies and gentlemen are counterparts of the Backlund Diocese, escorting the sealed item '2-049', this is Ms. Lolotta, the 'gravedigger' of Sequence 8 �, but also a sharpshooter.�

At this time, the black-haired lady in her thirties nodded kindly to Klein.

She has a good appearance, no hat, wearing clothes similar to men's clothing, black coat, white shirt, black tight trousers and leather boots of the same color, with a slightly upturned mouth.

After Klein had greeted him, Dunn pointed to the man sitting behind the desk: "Al Hasson, an old guy like me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Klein watched as Mr. Al Hasson, who was wearing a gray double-breasted windbreaker,'s "bending and stretching movements" became jerky, as if the gears lacked lubrication, or the joints were covered with rust.

What's the situation... Klein was in a daze, and saw Lolotta pushing Al Hasson, and then, the gentleman's movements returned to normal.

I was like that just now? Klein was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized:

This is the manifestation of the dangerous leakage of the sealed item "2-049"!

What happens if you are not woken up in time?

Will it become "the living dead"?

With doubts one after another, Klein said hello to Al Hasen, who is very charming as a middle-aged man.

"Borgia." Dunn pointed to the last Nighthawk.

It was an indifferent man with a knife mark on the side of his face. His brown eyes were as keen as an eagle, and he kept looking at everyone present.

"Let's go, everyone, finish it as soon as possible, and seal '2-049' as soon as possible." Al Hasson, a middle-aged gentleman with handsome appearance but wrinkled eyes, stood up and said.

Well, what about "2-049"? Klein looked around curiously, but found no trace of the existence of the sealed item. Of course, he would not be able to see the place covered by the table without "Spirit Vision" turned on.

"Okay." Dunn turned his head to Leonard Mitchell and said, "You are in charge of driving. It is best not to involve C�sar in such matters."

The C�sar he was talking about was the clerical staff of Tingen's Nighthawks team responsible for the application and purchase of supplies, and the other party also worked as a coachman, that is, Klein drove when he went to Welch's residence to meet "psychic" Daly the one.

"No problem." Leonard put away his frivolity and nodded solemnly.