Chapter: 1773

Soon, Beilene came over with a white glazed porcelain teacup inlaid with gold flakes, put it in front of Mr. Dwayne Dant�s, and said with a smile: "It needs to be cold for a while."

Klein looked down at the cup and said half-jokingly, "This just allows me to adjust my mood and treat this cup of black tea more formally."

His implied compliments and thanks put Belin in a better mood, and he felt that Mr. Dant�s was a real gentleman, and he was very good at talking.

He is definitely not a believer of the Lord of Storms... Belin brushed her long, slightly curly brown hair, and returned to the room on her own initiative, urging her colleagues.

Not long after, she came over with a stack of documents, sat down on the single sofa next to her and said, "After screening, there are three suitable housekeepers here, let me introduce them briefly.

"The first one, Mr. Asnia, 55 years old, he used to serve the Viscount of Yorkville. Later, because the Viscount failed to invest in mineral exploration and the family's financial crisis, he had to sell the land and manor and dismiss a large number of servants. In the past ten years Here, he was hired by two rich men one after another, and made outstanding contributions to the management of their family."

While speaking, Belin's brown eyes were shining, as if hiding two stars, carrying the unique vigor of a young girl.

Klein nodded lightly and said, "Then why did he leave those two rich men?"

Belin replied with a smile: "The first rich man made a lot of investment in East Balam, and the whole family moved there. Mr. Asnia was unwilling to leave Backlund, so he offered to resign. His health is not very good, and he has left all the affairs of the family to his children, and that gentleman has a more trusted housekeeper.

"Mr. Asnia is a believer in the goddess of the night, and his political inclination is more conservative. He asks for an annual salary of 130 pounds."

"May the goddess bless him." Klein tapped his chest four times clockwise, drawing a crimson moon.

Bellin's eyes lit up and said: "Mr. Dant�s, are you also a believer of the goddess?"

"Of course." Klein smiled and nodded without explaining too much.

No wonder it's so gentle! Belin praised secretly, and continued to introduce: "Mr. Riback,

48 years old, once served the Negan family, served as deputy butler and assistant to the butler for a long time, and later became the butler of Baron Syndras in a transaction.

"Not long after Duke Negan was assassinated, Mr. Ryback, whose service period expired, failed to get a new contract from Mr. Baron, so he had to seek help from our association.

"He is a shallow believer of the Lord of Storms. He has no personality problems. His political orientation is also the Conservative Party. The required salary is 120 pounds."

Klein listened quietly, nodding in agreement from time to time, without interrupting Belin's narration.

Belin flipped through the paper, glanced at it, and said again: "The third person, Mr. Walter, 42 years old, worked as a manor deacon and housekeeper's assistant in Viscount Connard's house. Because of some things, he had a conflict with the housekeeper. He chose to leave voluntarily, and he asked for an annual salary of 115 pounds.

"He is a follower of the Evernight Goddess, and his political orientation is the New Party."

The new governor of Oravi Island is a member of Viscount Connard's family, and their family is a loyal supporter of the royal family... Corresponding information flashed through Klein's mind.

After the introduction, Belin handed out the stack of documents and said, "Mr. Dant�s, who do you want to choose?"

Klein pondered for a few seconds, then said with a smile, "Well, let the three of them come to my place at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and I will meet with them, have a talk, and make a final decision."

He knows that similar associations do not provide accommodation, but are purely intermediary agencies. Even if he confirms the candidate now, he will have to wait until the afternoon or tomorrow to see his housekeeper, so it is better to hold a small interview meeting and choose the one that is more suitable for his intentions. bit.

"No problem." Belin smiled slightly, "What's your address?"

Klein drank the lipstick tea, picked up the pen and paper on the table, and wrote down the location and name of the current hotel.

"You, you just came to Backlund?" Belin glanced and asked blurted out.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that Mr. Dwayne Dant�s' complexion was darker than normal, slightly bronzed, as if it had been exposed to the sun for a long time, and had a rough taste.

Well, his accent isn't Backlund either... Belin slowly recalled more details.

Klein smiled and said, "I came from Dissi Bay, and I'm just waiting for an excellent butler to help me find a suitable house and servants."