Chapter: 1836

In a broad sense, "King of Angels" refers to quasi-gods who surpassed Sequence 1 but failed to reach Sequence 0 by various methods, including accommodating "uniqueness" and taking additional Sequence 1 potions. In a narrow sense, "King of Angels" "It specifically refers to the Creator that the City of Silver believes in�the eight kings who command all the angels around the ancient sun god. Of course, they must also meet the generalized standards... Several thoughts quickly flashed through Klein's mind.

As for Roselle's speculation about the ancient sun god, he deeply agrees, thinking that the Creator believed by the City of Silver "reclaimed" too much and too much authority of the ancient god, showing signs of chaos and madness, so he resolutely gave birth to two Children, this eliminates some "clutter".

To put it simply, both Amon and Adam were given by drinking potions... From this point of view, "Angel of Imagination" Adam obviously has the uniqueness of the "Audience" path, and he should be the mysterious leader of the "Twilight Hermit Society" , from ancient times to the present, interfering with the changes of the times in order to resurrect his father... I don't know if He has been promoted to Sequence 0... Even if he didn't, the number of angels that the "Twilight Hermit Society" can dispatch is probably beyond my imagination... Well, "Mystic Mage" actually has the meaning of keeping secrets, and has a hidden meaning... Klein suddenly thought of the symbol behind the chair "The Fool":

Part of it symbolizes the hidden "eye without pupil" and part of it represents the "twisted thread" of change!

He quickly withdrew his thoughts and turned the diary to the third page: "On November 28, I dreamed about Green again.

"He was the smartest one among my subordinates, but unfortunately when he was exploring that unnamed island, he was infected by an unknown infection and died in the sea of ??mist, not even leaving behind his child.

"At that time, I knew that the nameless island contained secrets and unimaginable dangers, but its own level and strength were not enough, so I had to endure it forcibly.

"The dream this time should be my spirituality reminding me that I can explore that small island, master its secrets, and completely end the Green affair."

"On November 29th, I gathered three subordinates, and with the help of Benjamin Abraham and a period of searching, I finally discovered the unnamed island again.

"We didn't go straight in and decided to take a day off before the fringes.

"Edwards said he often dreamed about Green and felt guilty for not being able to save him at the time.

"'It's not your fault, it's mine,' I said to Edwards because I was their leader."

"On November 30th we penetrated deep into the island.

"There are a large number of extraordinary creatures that are said to be extinct here. They gather together without fighting, and they seem to be worshiping something...

"Such a group of extraordinary creatures without intelligence seem to be holding a certain ceremony!

"They are praying to unknown gods?

"During the ceremony, I saw Green..."

Green, who was infected on the unnamed island and died for sure, appeared on that unnamed island again? Great Emperor, when did you switch to writing horror novels? And, what about the back? Klein's eyes were fixed on the last line of the diary on the third page, and he found that there was no more content.

In addition, he also had a feeling of horror about the strange gathering of Extraordinary creatures described by Emperor Roselle and who he was worshiping. You must know that not all Extraordinary creatures are intelligent and able to communicate, and a large number of them are out of control. A monster with nothing but mad instincts.

And these out-of-control monsters gathered together to worship the unknown existence!

It's a pity that the emperor didn't leave the coordinates of that unnamed island... However, even if he did, I don't dare to go right now. If I get infected, die outside, and be reborn on the island, I will be in big trouble... ...At least you have to have a Sequence 4, or even a Sequence 3, to have the confidence to explore... Klein let the diary disappear while thinking, looked sideways at Cattleya the Hermit, and said with a smile: "You What is your request?"

"The Hermit" Cattleya didn't think about it, and asked directly: "Dear Mister Fool, I want to know if Emperor Roselle has ever joined a very secret and very ancient organization."

Very secret and very old... "The Hermit of Twilight"? Emperor Roselle was once a member of them? Audrey "Justice" suddenly remembered the organization that Mister Fool had mentioned before.

"The Hanged Man" Alger also recalled the corresponding events. He remembered that when Miss "Justice" described the "Apostle of Desire" incident in Backlund, she mentioned a mysterious organization. At that time, Mister Fool told the members that in The outside world should not mention the name of that organization, because "everything that has been spoken must be known"!

Such an organization really fits the level of Emperor Roselle... Alger nodded inwardly.

"The Fool" Klein thought of another thing: "Queen of Mystery"'s experience in selecting diaries is vague, and she can't accurately ask questions about the content provided, that is to say, she can only know a certain node with a high probability His diary is very important, it hides key information, or it can be judged from the handwriting that Roselle's mood when writing.

As for Ms. "Hermit"'s question, Klein didn't have any difficulty. He smiled slightly and said, "Yes."

At the same time, he silently reminded himself two sentences in his heart:

The problem of having to guard against the "Queen of Mysteries" in the future has nothing to do with the content of the submitted diary... Fortunately, I have read a lot of Roselle's diaries before, and I have a relatively full understanding of the emperor...

After finishing speaking, he didn't make any additions, but instead smiled and said, "It's up to you."