Chapter: 1843

"He is driving the members of the Aurora Order to help him find 'Mercury Snake' Will Auceptin!"

And this means that behind Mr. X, somewhere in Backlund, there is a king of angels!

Under such circumstances, my assassination of Mr. X is equivalent to my death... No wonder that Mr. X doesn't care about Backlund's specialness at all... The official power at most thinks that there is a saint behind him, um, in the official files, Aurora The upper echelons of the meeting are only the five saints. In this way, they will deal with mistakes... After Klein made a judgment, his first thought was to reject Miss "Magician"'s commission and warn the other party not to provoke Mr. X.

If it wasn't for "calling the police" that would involve "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin, and the Extraordinary Event File of the Church of the Evernight Goddess clearly records the luck of Dr. "Miss reported "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus and Mr. X to a certain church!

He calmly thought about it for a few more seconds, and then manifested Gehrman Sparrow the "World", and asked him to pray in the gray fog: "...I will confirm the situation and give an answer tomorrow."

He didn't directly refuse, because he planned to ask "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin first!

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the real world, carefully took out the paper crane that had become very fragile from the interlayer of the wallet, and unfolded it gently.

Klein was not in a hurry to write the content, but first recalled what questions he needed to ask, carefully typed up the draft, and then took out a pencil and sharpened it with a knife.

Stretching his muscles, Klein wrote: "Members of the Aurora Order are looking for people with abnormal luck.

"I don't know if you know how to make a charm with 'Worm of Time'?

"Does your umbilical cord blood count as the blood of a mythical creature? If so, and I want to get a drop, what price will I have to pay?"

Klein originally wanted to ask Will Auceptin why he was able to maintain his sanity. After all, according to church information, he did not openly worship the "Snake of Destiny". Anses would reply unseriously: "When did you have the illusion that I am rational?"

That way, he wouldn't know whether to think the other person was joking or telling the truth.

Well, although there is no organization that believes in the "Snake of Destiny", there are still existences similar to the "God of Luck" in some areas, which belong to traditional customs... Maybe they are Will Auceptin or Ouroreus The vest... Klein muttered a few words silently, exhausted the ability of the "clown", and finally folded the paper crane again, and put it under the pillow.

After doing all this, he has time to calculate how much cash he has now.

17,046 pounds + 5 gold coins + 3 soules and 8 pence in change... If you have assets such as houses, manors, and company shares, you can be considered a rich man in Backlund with so much liquidity... Of course, it is still far away from the top tycoons. It's far away, and their standard is a total asset of one million pounds... Klein was delighted that he had a lot of money, but at the same time thought that he still owed money,

It is also necessary to invest heavily to show the preset image of the characters.

He immediately took a sip of water, lay down on the bed, covered with a light and warm quilt, and fell into a dream little by little.

In a daze, Klein suddenly woke up and saw the barren black plain.

All the way into the pitch-black spire in the middle of the plain, passing through the chaotic layout, he came to the depths of the tower, where, as usual, there was a circle of Tarot cards scattered.

However, there were no silver words on the raised ground in the middle of the circle of Tarot cards.

Will Auceptin didn't answer... Then why did he pull me into this dream? Amidst Klein's doubts, he suddenly saw a black stroller slipping out of the shadows, and inside lay an unrecognizable baby wrapped in silver silk!

"... Mister 'Snake of Destiny'?" Klein asked politely and cautiously.

The baby immediately made a clear voice: "Why must you be sir?"

Isn't this judged by your name? Don't care about such details! Klein slandered a few words, because the other party's casual attitude relaxed a lot and said: "Then what should I call you?"

Baby Will Auceptin let out a "hmm" and said in embarrassment: "I haven't decided yet...

"You know, oh, you don't know, every time I start over, I try to make myself a little different in order to maintain a good mental state, and the child should look like a child."

Klein's heart skipped a beat when he heard this: "Is this the 'monster' way to maintain sanity and fight madness?"

Will Auceptin, who was lying in the black baby carriage, replied briskly: "Yes, every time I restart, the madness will be washed away, but this still requires a certain belief orientation, otherwise I cannot maintain the state of Sequence 1 too long.

"Hehe, compared to before, you know more and more."