Chapter: 1907

That is to say, after one breath, the tide-like darkness and coldness poured in silently from the outside world, completely submerging this dreamland and calming down everything.

Klein opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he had fallen asleep at some point, and the withered and yellow-haired inner watchman had already turned his head away and continued to pray with his eyes closed.

Turning his eyes slightly, Dwayne Dant�s looked around in a hint of horror, as if he was still immersed in the dream just now, and he hadn't completely shaken off his fear.

After dozens of seconds, he took two deep breaths, looked at the holy emblem again, and drew a crimson moon on his chest.

Until then, Klein had time to recall the experience just now, and speculate on what happened:

Because of my peeping at his "spiritual body thread", he showed signs of losing control, and reacted excessively, forcing me into a dream, trying to deal with it accordingly?

Afterwards, the sealed core behind the Chanis Gate should have sensed an abnormality and calmed down the problem...

The key now is whether this internal watchman still remembers the source of his almost mutation... If he is used to it, in his current state, he should be very vague about how the problem happened...Of course, it may not be my problem, Maybe he himself was close to losing control... Klein looked at the old man with withered hair in front again, observing what he was going to do next, so as to judge how he should respond.

If it doesn't work, just use "Squirming Hunger" and use "Travel" to escape... Klein quickly made a decision and patiently waited for possible changes.

A few minutes later, he saw Bishop Elektra coming in through the side door and walking towards him.

Klein's heart tensed, and he stretched out the five fingers of his left hand, ready to activate "Squirming Hunger".

At this moment, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and gave up the action.

If the internal watchman had already used the dream to tell the bishops about my problem, then what would greet me now would be a joint blow from many extraordinary figures of the church. After all, pulling into the dream can avoid accidentally injuring other believers, so they don�t have to. Find the bishop I'm familiar with... This should be more about condolences and appeasement... Klein retracted his gaze and continued to put on a prayer posture.

In less than a minute, he finally felt someone approaching, and quickly looked up to the side, and saw Bishop Elektra softly said: "You don't look too good?"

"I didn't know how to fall asleep just now, but I had a nightmare, and I'm still scared." Klein laughed at himself.

Bishop Elektra took the opportunity to sit next to him, and said calmly: "Dreams are sometimes the presentation of inner fear.

"As long as you pray to the goddess devoutly and drink holy water, you will be able to calm down.

"Of course, the most important thing is not to suppress yourself too much at ordinary times, and you must know how to confess to the goddess. Sometimes, a hidden cry will relieve you a lot of pressure."

Klein secretly observed the other party's attitude, read his tone, and said with a sigh of relief, "I understand."

He turned his gaze forward again, lowered his head, clasped his hands, and began to pray quietly.

During this process, he saw the internal watchman in front of him get up by himself and walk towards the side door, where a bishop was waiting.

Phew... Klein hissed silently, truly blending into the peaceful environment around him.

Suddenly, a voice came out of his heart, a voice that belonged to him but could not be controlled by him: "You think you are doing it secretly?

"No! Not at all! Have you forgotten that you have touched the holy object of the Evernight Goddess?"

who? Who is speaking? Klein's muscles stiffened, and his eyelids almost opened.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out from behind his back and wet his shirt.

What frightened him the most was not what the voice said, but why it could directly resound in his heart, and it was consistent with his unchanged voice.

In that dream just now, even though I stayed awake, I was still polluted by the other party's out-of-control spirit? Or, who is using the inner watchman just now to send me a message? Countless guesses flashed through Klein's mind. Combining the content of what he just said and his own situation, he made a preliminary judgment:

There are very few people who know the identity of me, Klein Moretti. The same is true for those who know that Klein Moretti made the oath by touching the sacred object, and there is almost no intersection between the two sides.

Mr. Ards has heard me say the latter thing, but he wants to remind him, just let the courier convey it directly, there is no need to use such a scary method... Will Auceptin may know, after all, He is the representative The "Mercury Snake" of fate, but for the same reason, He can contact me directly... Of course, the possibility that He suddenly wants to scare me cannot be ruled out. I just thought about it at noon, and maybe I have the opportunity to be His godfather...