Chapter: 1926

The figures of the two quickly became transparent, disappeared in place, entered the spirit world with rich color blocks and distinct superimposition, and quickly shuttled in the direction of the ancient ruins.

Suddenly, the red, green, and black scenes in front of Klein's eyes were strangely unified into a deep black with fine textures, like long black hair with distinct roots.

Long black hair!

A chill shot up from the soles of his feet. Klein took the "Hanged Man" out of the spiritual world without hesitation, and returned to reality. He landed in an area mixed with gravel and weeds. Not far away was a half-collapsed architecture.

Out of the corner of his eye, the "Hanged Man" has turned gray from the waist down, like a stone sculpture!


Klein snapped his fingers and ignited a clump of weeds dozens of meters away, ready to jump directly over.

At this time, his heart suddenly trembled, and his body trembled involuntarily.

To him now, the rising flames are so terrifying!

The weakness brought by the "Death Knell" revolver this time is that it is afraid of fire!

The dark "glass" in front of him was getting thicker and thicker. Before Klein could get rid of his fear, he felt the howling wind roll up from under his body, causing him and Alger to soar at the same time, leaping over the invisible boundary and entering the ancient ruins surrounding area.


The two fell to the ground at the same time, and there was a sound of stones hitting stones.

The thick shadows in their hearts disappeared, and the danger lurking in the darkness around them receded like a tidal wave.

Huh... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, and saw the grayness that had spread to the elbow gradually fade away, and retracted a little bit, feeling that his body was recovering rapidly after being separated from the corresponding environment.

His vest was dripping with sweat, soaking his shirt.

And what frightened him the most was that he didn't even know what kind of monster attacked him just now, and what ability he used!

Was it the gunshot of the "Death Knell" revolver that alarmed some monsters around, or the one who ruled the forest in the dark night? Fortunately, it didn't dare to enter the area where the ancient ruins are located... This is not very good, which shows that there is really something in the depths of the ancient ruins that made the person afraid just now... Get ready to retreat at any time ... Klein moved his hands and stood up slowly.

At this time, Alger also got rid of the gray layer, looked back and said: "That area is petrifying us."

That area... petrified... Klein nodded thoughtfully, walked towards the half-collapsed building covered with weeds and vines, and responded in a low voice: "The current problem lies ahead."

Alger didn't say much, he quickened his pace and walked steadily beside him.

After approaching, Klein looked at the building, and his eyes swept over those spiers, those stone pillars, and those still standing walls.

He paused and asked casually, "What kind of building do you think this ruin was originally?"

Alger was silent for a few seconds and said: "The church.

"A piece of church."

A church... Same as my judgment... Klein looked at the ruins in front of him, and said a few words to himself silently.

At this time, a little crimson moonlight that penetrated the deposited fog and sprinkled on those half-collapsed buildings was much richer than before, and it was closer to blood color.

Klein maintained Gehrman Sparrow's iconic sternness, and said without emotional ups and downs: "Where did you explore before?"

While speaking, Klein glanced at the long-suffering but unbroken lantern in the hands of "The Hanged Man". The light reflected by the flames subconsciously tightened his muscles and membranes.

Although the flame was always isolated by thick glass and metal fences, it still made him a little afraid.