Chapter: 1980

He sat there, relying on meditation and his own control over his emotions, to resist the wave after wave of crazy thoughts. During the process, he heard the cracking sound of the bones in his face, and saw his black hair unaffected. It grew and thickened in a controlled manner, and the clothes on the chest were propped up a little bit, and granulation-like particles appeared on the surface of the skin.

After nearly thirty seconds, Klein finally let out a breath and relaxed a little.

He has completely got rid of the influence of Pannatia's incomplete mythological creature form, and even gained a little knowledge, that is, the level of the other party has "despair" as the core, and is good at creating and spreading plagues.

Witnessing the crazy tendencies and body mutations caused by mythical creatures not only show signs of loss of control in their own pathways, but also have the characteristics of the opponent's sequence... I was almost fully cooked by the "Eternal Blazing Sun" back then, but this time Then he almost became a "witch"... Klein looked down at his current state, and restored his skin, chest, and hair to their original state.

If he is not a "faceless man", except for those granulation that will slowly shrink into the body, the rest will have to be resolved by external force.

With no time to sigh, sigh or analyze, Klein slowly stood up and cast his eyes on the closed dark curtains, trying to figure out the current situation.

His expression suddenly changed because he heard a loud whisper in the street outside!

At this moment, he only felt that there were many more residents in the empty town except for himself and "Madame of Despair" Pannadia. To buy bread, it is better to be extravagant, and come with 1 pound of beef.

The foggy town suddenly became alive!

However, the vague figures did not try to enter the houses on both sides. They seemed to have been walking back and forth on the street, and the sound they made was hard to believe that they were talking, which was closer to the low roar of wild animals .

Klein couldn't imagine what the scene was like outside. He only knew that this was a danger that even a demigod-level witch would avoid.

He withdrew his gaze, pondered for a few seconds, and said to himself silently: "I can't go out...

"But you can't stay here...

"Who knows when the red moon in the sky will be covered by mist again, and Pannadia will regain her freedom of movement. At that time, with such a short distance, I will have no way of escaping!

"But, if you don't go out, how can you transfer?"

In the silence, Klein slowly turned his body and faced the dark ancient steeple church.

According to "Madame of Despair" Pannadia, that church was the only area she didn't dare to explore, and it seemed that only by entering there could she get rid of her "hunting".

Of course, the witch Pannatia may not be telling the truth, but Klein judged that she should not lie about these things, because, in her eyes, her own position is a prey and a delicacy.

Moreover, Panatia was already using her speech skills and her own charm to induce step by step, design traps, and prepare to hunt. With the confidence of a demigod, it is impossible to deceive people in the information revealed. In addition, this kind of Sometimes, telling the truth is the most worry-free and safest choice, without worrying that the prey will detect the lie and escape early.

Unless her half-mad state caused her to lie habitually, there should be no problem... Klein, who lacked other options, quickly made up his mind.

He immediately lowered his left hand, making the "squirming hunger" transparent.

Although he knew that "Travel" was useless, he still had a glimmer of hope, because now is the clearest state of the red moon, without any cover, round like a silver plate, whenever this time, Mr. "Gate" can come from It is not impossible for the place where one is lost to transmit the cry for help to the ears of one's descendants, the "travel" is enhanced, and mutations occur.

Klein's figure quickly faded and disappeared, and after a few seconds, he reappeared at the original position.

"I can't enter the spirit world, and I can't even sense it at all... The extraordinary ability of 'travel' is only effective in the first third, and it can barely be used as 'invisibility'..." Klein muttered to himself, summing up the experience just now in his heart And lessons, from which I found a doubt, "However, the lightening and transparency of the body brought about by 'travel' is based on the special spirit world, why is it effective?"

Klein pondered for about ten seconds, and vaguely guessed: "Everyone must have a connection with the spirit world, because the astral body is always inside, and various abstract information can be obtained. This is the principle of divination to obtain enlightenment.

"So, when we are transformed into 'hidden' states, the connection with the spirit world is also included?

"This can explain why you can still borrow the special features of the spirit world, but you can't enter the spirit world, because the former is already part of the 'secret'! Well, before I had time to think about it, I tried the 'flame jump', and it was successful , which also requires the special use of the spirit world."

After confirming this, Klein raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, trying to light the remaining half of the candle in the house next door.

He will use the "flame jump" method to shuttle through the adjacent houses, approaching the steeple church step by step, wait until the red moon is covered by the mist, and then decide whether to take the risk to hide in it according to the situation!

Suddenly, the candle core in the neighboring house ignited a crimson flame, which slowly expanded, illuminating the surroundings.