Chapter: 1982

Klein's figure was immediately squashed and shrunk, reduced to soft paper, and quickly rotted into mud.

"Paper doll stand-in"!

Aware of the danger in advance, he used the "paper doll substitute" in time!

His figure in black cleric robes then emerged at the other end of the dining table, his mouth open, about to make a bang.

At this moment, Klein's mind was suddenly in a trance, and he felt that everything around him became blurred and not clear enough.

He understood in an instant that he was forcibly drawn into a dream!

And he also used this to confirm one thing, that is, the ability to stay awake and rational in abnormal dreams has already solidified into his own characteristics, and there is no need to rely on gray fog!

After struggling a little, Klein immediately came to his senses, and saw the shadows in the house slowly rushing towards him like a tide.


He opened his mouth and created an air bullet with extremely strong penetrating power.

The bullet hit the shadow, and a large blank space was directly burst out.

The shadows around the blank space were like a stream of water, and immediately poured back to fill it up, and everything returned to its original state. Klein seized this opportunity, rolled to the side, and made the glove on his left palm pale and stained with a dark green.

With a snap, the place where he was originally was hit by a mass of flesh and blood flying out of the shadows, covering the dark red carpet covered with strange mold.

Indistinctly, Klein had a feeling that he was being weakened. Without thinking about it, he immediately let a layer of ice filled with cold air spread out from the soles of his feet.

The hoarfrost condensed on the top, quickly freezing the shadows, and under the clear crystals, the pitch black twisted and squirmed, like oil with its own life.

"Frozen" of "Living Corpse"!

Klein rolled over again, changing his position, and at the same time making the glove stand out with black particles, deep and gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, he straightened his body, faced the shadow under the ice layer, and spit out the devilish words full of filth: "Slow!"

Suddenly, Klein saw that the speed of the shadow's movement slowed down, appearing extremely dull. However, his own thoughts also became stagnant, and he didn't have time to receive the follow-up attack.

His "filthy words" were distorted, and it was clearly aimed at the shadow, but it was distorted into the entire living room, thus affecting himself.

In just one breath, Klein broke free from his slow state, threw himself at the dining table without thinking, picked up a plate containing half a steak, and threw it towards the shadow.

During this process, although the glove on his left palm remained dark, it had a strange and noble feeling.


He is "bribing" the enemy with steak, weakening the opponent's attack, defense and control ability!

At this moment, the shadow suddenly retracted to the corner of the wall, causing the dinner plate to hit the melting ice and shatter into multiple pieces.

Then, the shadow surged upwards, evolving into a dark figure in a hooded robe.

In the palm of this figure, there is already a transparent and vague book, accompanied by a distant and ethereal chant: "I came, I saw, I recorded."

As soon as the chant sounded, the book was flipped quickly, and a blazing and high-temperature flame spear was produced in front of it.

Mr. a? Is he completely insane? In such an environment, how dare he use extraordinary abilities like flames? Klein's heart tightened, his thoughts changed sharply, and he hurriedly stepped towards the opponent, dragging his left hand behind him.

"Wriggling Hunger" quickly took on a dark, deep and depraved color, and then condensed an exaggerated giant sword composed of crimson magma and light blue flame.