Chapter: 2000

Klein breathed a sigh of relief, and approached slowly and cautiously. He saw the flesh and blood of the "mushroom" congealed, and the spots of light shrank inward. Soon, only a thin human leather glove was left.

This...Because of the mutation brought by the angel of Sequence 1, "Squirming Hunger" and Mr. A merged? An upgraded version of "Squirming Hunger"? Klein bent down and carefully picked up the human leather glove.

From the appearance of the thin human leather glove, it was no different from before, but Klein did not dare to be careless, so he hurriedly used the method of divination to make a rough inspection: "In addition to the five fingers, the palm and the back of the palm can also be distinguished. Corresponds to a grazed soul...

"Moreover, all seven positions are currently occupied, and some similar Beyonder characteristics show signs of fusion...

"It seems that it has more abilities in flesh and blood magic...

"The speed of switching souls has become much faster...

"You have to eat one person every day, otherwise you will feed on your master, heh, you're bloated again, 'squirming hunger', turn around and reflect on the gray mist.

"Others can't get enlightenment for the time being, and we can do more accurate divination after we leave here and go above the gray mist.

"Well, I don't know if there are other negative effects, I can only know that it will not cause harm to me in a short time.

"Also, the grazing Mr. X is not affected, and the 'Traveler''s 'Teleportation' and 'Open Door' are still normal."

Klein heaved a sigh of relief, put the upgraded version of "Squirming Hunger" on his left hand, and then went straight to the church, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

In the process of playing hide-and-seek with the huge "mushroom" before, he did not forget to use illusion, and got himself a formal suit with a windbreaker and a top hat.

As for the Extraordinary characteristics left by "Admiral of Blood" Senor, Klein suspects that it is most likely in the hands of "Witch of Despair" Panatia, and this demigod has been suspended in that ancient palace, in the Under the gaze of the group of transparent worms.

Hey, after all, flesh and blood can be eaten slowly and stored for the future, but the Extraordinary characteristics will definitely be irreversibly precipitated. After such a long time, it has been formed long ago. In the world where divination is very restricted, I can't find it quickly, and in this environment, no one knows whether there will be any changes in the future, and whether the obsidian slab will disappear by itself, so we must grasp Time, escape as soon as possible... Klein returned to the outside of the ancient church with a very clear mind, and crossed the half-closed gate.

Although he promised Miss Sharon that he would sell the Extraordinary characteristics of "Wraith" Senor to Maric, on the one hand, the material itself was polluted and it was difficult to use it to make potions; safety is more important.

It's not impossible to solve it. At worst, hunt another "Wraith", or seek help from "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin, smash the group of Extraordinary characteristics in Maric's hands, and let it be purified. Well, this will have to wait Let's talk about the birth of a certain fetus... Klein muttered a few words silently, passed under the dense corpses shaking like wind chimes, and came to the side of the stone statue.

On the way, he found the iron cigarette case that had not been swallowed by the "mushroom" on Secret Puppet before, and the Azik copper whistle and Loen gold coins inside were also undamaged.

Putting away these items, Klein manipulated his "spiritual body string" to prevent it from floating towards the top of the church, while bending down to pick up the obsidian slab.

After confirming that this important item was not damaged, he calmed down a bit and inspected Zaratul's tin white urn.

Opening the lid and taking a closer look, Klein's eyes narrowed and froze in an instant.

All the ashes in the tin white jar were gone!

No residue at all!

Has Zaratul achieved his purpose? Should I say sure enough... Klein threw away the tin-white urn in surprise, straightened his body, and inlaid the obsidian slab on the wall behind him.

The wall glowed again and became transparent, allowing people to see the ancient stone bricks, holed walls and floating clouds outside.

Thinking of that group of transparent and terrifying worms, Klein didn't rush to describe the symbol provided by the Antigonus family's notes, he raised his right hand first, and snapped his fingers.

He set fire to the trees outside the church, preparing to use "flame jump" to get away from here if something goes wrong.

Getting ready, Klein pointed to a pen and quickly outlined the vertical eye composed of many hidden symbols. Compared with before, the positions of the crescent moon and the broken line were reversed.

With his last stroke, the pure radiance shot up, flowing along the complex lines of the vertical eyes, converging and bursting, emitting light!

The whole church suddenly became unreal, up and down, left and right, and front and back.

Klein seemed to have arrived at the top of the hanging corpse. In front of him was an illusory gate. Behind the gate was the ancient palace he was familiar with. It was the gently shaking corpses of "Witch of Despair" Panatia and others.