Chapter: 2006

No, Dwayne Dant�s couldn't die so easily! He is a monster who has lived from the Fourth Epoch to the present... However, why did he sneak in? Leonard frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and then took the initiative to include Dawn Dant�s in the investigation range of himself and his two teammates.

When the "Red Gloves" and the local "Nighthawks" started to move, Leonard found an excuse, went to the bathroom first, and said in a low voice, "What do you want to say about Dwayne Dant�s? "

He didn't try to expose the internal parasite's lie just now.

The somewhat old voice said with a chuckle: "Didn't I already tell you? I don't know much about him, I only know that he has something special about him, and his breath has an ancient taste.

"However, a case you investigated before gave me some inspiration. I suspect that Dawn Dant�s may have some connection with that matter, and he is an agent of existence."

"What's the matter? Who exists?" Leonard whispered in amazement.

The old voice in his mind replied in a rather strange tone: "A fool who does not belong to this era."


160 Berklund Street.

After Klein finished his breakfast, he returned to the semi-open room with a large balcony, sat on the easy chair, and rubbed his forehead with his hands.

When the tense state gradually receded, Klein found himself in a trance. The corpses hanging in mid-air in the ancient church would always appear in front of him, and the transparent worm that was vague in the depths of his memory would always appear. , there seemed to be an illusory voice constantly echoing in my ears: "Honakis...Freguera..."

Although I quickly cut off the connection with the secret puppet at that time, I was still affected to a certain extent, and my spirit was slightly polluted... It is indeed a real mythical creature... After the initial investigation, I have to start to solve the residue of this aspect There's a problem... Klein let out a breath slowly, using meditation to calm himself down.

On a carriage at the intersection of Boklund Street, Leonard Mitchell was discussing the target of this investigation, Dawn Dant�s, with two "Red Gloves" teammates.

"I haven't had direct contact with this gentleman for the time being. I just investigated his servants and his neighbors." Cindy, who has long wine-red hair, first introduced her findings, "Initial confirmation, Dwayne Dant�s last night Up to this morning, as usual, I entered the bedroom to sleep at 11 o'clock in the evening, finished washing at 7:30 in the morning, and let the personal servant prepare the clothes. During this period, there was no movement or abnormality. Of course, sometimes, he would eat some supper. The day doesn�t end until after 12, sometimes he�ll be up before 7 and go out for a walk, but that�s not the norm.�

Another "Red Glove" Bob nodded and said, "From this point of view, Dwayne Dant�s doesn't have a problem."

Leonard Mitchell, who was sitting in a somewhat casual posture, suddenly smiled and said: "But the opposite is also true.

"According to the current situation, the missing servant should have been replaced between 11:20 and 35 last night. The infiltrator entered the Chanis Gate at 6:00, and we discovered the problem at 7:20. But did not find the target.

"That is to say, during the time period involved in the infiltration incident, Dawn Dant�s was sleeping, and there were no alibi."

"What you said makes sense..." Cindy glanced at Leonard in surprise.

In her impression, although this teammate often has judgments and questions that point to the core of the problem, he seldom makes such a long and logical statement. He is more like a loose poet, who only occasionally has inspiration.

Bob, with a sharp chin, frowned and shook his head: "In this way, everyone on this list can't escape the suspicion. They didn't sleep under the watchful eyes of others. Also fell asleep.

"Also, I don't think an infiltrator would be so bold. He has already entered Chanis Gate and escaped smoothly. After completing this unbelievable thing, he still stays nearby, does not abandon his identity, and directly runs away. is it possible?

"The risks that need to be taken are immeasurable, unless he is still planning something, or he is reluctant to part with something, but what else can be compared to sneaking into the Chanis Gate? Is there anything that can compare with those sealed items, materials, and formulas?" compared to?"

If I hadn't known in advance that Dawn Dant�s had a problem, I would have made a similar judgment... Leonard had already thought up his words, crossed his right leg and said, "I'm just explaining that it can't be ruled out so simply. The suspicion of Dwayne Dant�s.

"And Captain Soest also said that the infiltrator is likely to have died behind Chanis Gate. Even if Dawn Dant�s is related to this matter, he should be more of an accomplice.

"Well... don't you think it's too coincidental? It's been less than two months since he moved here, and the church has encountered things that might not happen for hundreds of years, and he really comes to St. Samuel's Church too often, There is enough opportunity to figure out the corresponding situation.

"Also, during this period of time, there was also a strange sewer explosion on Boklund Street."

Cindy brushed her long wine-red hair together and said, "You convinced me that this should be a target that needs to be focused on."

Bob pulled the edge of the "red glove" on his left palm and said: "There are indeed too many coincidences.

"However, coincidence does not necessarily mean that there is a problem. Even if Dawn Dant�s goes to church every day and listens to the bishop's lectures, he can only grasp the superficial laws and cannot get deep-level information. For example, when will the internal guards go to investigate? Niss Gate, how will the 'Nighthawks' be handed over."