Chapter: 2054

This...sometimes, Dawn Dant�s is equal to Mister "World"... Audrey "Justice" was startled at first, and immediately felt that all the doubts in her heart were solved:

Forsi did know Dawn Dant�s, but she didn't know that the other party was Mister "World". Her obviously frightened reaction just now proved this point.

Dawn Dant�s was more surprised when he saw me because he recognized the "lie" necklace. Although this magical item has changed its appearance, it itself originated from the extraordinary characteristics provided by Mister "World". This crazy adventurer has some sense, after all, Gehrman Sparrow can pretend to be anyone, and has the ability to adjust his face!

Although I only asked Mr. "The Hanged Man" what to do if the animals took the potion, the materials collected afterwards are often doubled, and Mr. "World" may guess based on this that there are other "" Audience", so I was wary of Susie who was hiding in the dark and looking at the hall... Others may not suspect animals, but Mr. World has rich experience and must have come into contact with extraordinary creatures. It is normal to be wary of things in this regard.

That is to say, Dawn Dant�s, no, Mr. Gehrman Sparrow of the "World" already knew that I was "Justice", but he didn't choose to contact and communicate. Well, there is no problem with his handling. In that case , Unless you say it directly, it's hard to have another way to make me guess and make me believe, and the Tarot Club is said in St. Samuel's Church... This, this is really crazy!

After a short period of astonishment and shock, most of Audrey's emotions quickly fell back, leaving only excitement.

Apart from the "magician" Forsi she introduced into the club, this is the first time she has met other members of the Tarot Club in real life!

"There is a feeling that history is being written at this moment! Well, Mister 'World', and other followers of Mr. 'Fool', uh, they should also be considered as 'World', why did they come up with the identity of Dwayne Dant�s , what exactly do they want to do?

"The matter of Baron Syndras being framed, the matter of Councilor Macht being attacked, and their donations to establish a student fund are really more complicated and important than I expected... Why do you suddenly feel that the upper echelons of the kingdom are starting to feel uneasy? , I used to have this feeling when the smog event of the death of Prince Edsac happened, and it is even stronger today...

"Now that I know the identity of Dwayne Dant�s, I may be able to participate and cooperate to reduce the risk of parents being affected and the risk of innocent people dying..." Audrey "Justice" was full of thoughts. She was about to make a decision, and that was to agree to her father and join the "Luen Charity Scholarship Fund". Then, she muttered in her heart:

Isn't it reasonable that the charity funds established by Mr. "World" of the Tarot Society are joined by "Justice" of the Tarot Society?

"The Hanged Man" Argel and "The Hermit" Cattleya were not too surprised at this moment that Dawn Dant�s was the "world", the collection of Mr. One thought is:

Great things will happen in Backlund!

What else is brewing in Backlund? A continuation of the last big smog event? "The Hanged Man" Alger and "The Hermit" Cattleya speculated while paying attention to the case of Baron Syndras being framed and the case of Macht being attacked. They each prepared to obtain more detailed information through corresponding channels. Is there any abnormality found.

They were not in a hurry, and did not intend to directly ask Gehrman Sparrow of the "World" what intentions he had or what he was planning. They felt that the other party would not answer in detail. Intelligence, do a peripheral investigation, and then decide on the follow-up depending on the specific situation.

At the same time, they suddenly discovered that the announcement of the identity of "Dawn Dant�s" in the Tarot Club seems to be a very good hand. In the future, as long as they pay attention to the news of this rich businessman, they can initially grasp the favor of Mr. "The Fool". Some of the actions, so as to tacitly cooperate or provide help, and this is a false identity, once the problem is exposed, it can be thrown away immediately.

Similarly, they can also indirectly "testify" for this identity, making Dawn Dant�s more real. The simplest example is that if this wealthy businessman has a background in the sea, Cattleya the "Hermit" can give her The crew, friends, partners, etc. instill corresponding information, so that they feel from the bottom of their hearts that such a guy really exists. When the official organization tries to investigate the origin of Dawn Dant�s, they will find that there is indeed such a person, and there is indeed such a person. It's a matter!

During the brief silence, Audrey "Justice" was about to respond to what Mr. "World" said just now, when she saw Mr. "Moon" sitting up straight, looking at the bottom of the long bronze table, and asked actively: "This public What is identity for?

"The case of the baron being framed and the MP being attacked that Miss 'Justice' mentioned just now, are there deeper problems?"

As a resident of Backlund, "Moon" Emlyn is still quite concerned about the living environment.

You ask so many questions, why don't you investigate yourself? In order not to get involved in the vortex, I have already jumped out voluntarily... Klein slandered Emlyn White, making the dummy "World" smile and say: "Of course.

"Under investigation."

Translating his concise answer into detailed words, there must be deep-seated problems in those two cases, but this is a secret, and I am not going to tell you. Similarly, the role of the public identity of "Dawn Dant�s", you Don't ask either!

Although "Moon" Emlyn sometimes has a low EQ, he can still hear the hidden meaning of "World", so he laughed dryly and leaned back, pretending that he was satisfied with the other party's answer.

Seeing this, Audrey "Justice" took a second to control the corners of her lips that were almost raised, and then said to Gehrman Sparrow the "World", "Okay, I understand, thank you for letting me know. "

At this time, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was a good thing to join the "Loen Charity and Student Fund". If she encountered any risks in the future, or things that she couldn't handle, she could completely notify Mister "World" in advance, and then go to the The Foundation, busy next door to Dawn Dant�s.

Well, if the psychological alchemists have doubts about me, or try to test me with tasks, I will ask them to meet at the foundation... The image of Dwayne Dant�s and the appearance of Mister "World" above the gray fog It's totally different, well, Mister "World" is an experienced pretender... Also, Dwayne Dant�s is a public identity, not equal to Gehrman Sparrow at all times, no wonder there will be him on the female side I like rumors that are widespread... A crazy killer and adventurer like Gehrman Sparrow must be suitable for a pure and innocent girl... As an "spectator", Audrey couldn't help but have some associations.

Klein, who heard her answer, couldn't help complaining:

What do you mean by thanking me for your notification?

Shouldn't you pay �500 for the investigation?