Chapter: 2089

Forsi's expression froze, her eyes turned slightly

"Any clues?"

"It can't be called a clue, uh, there was a demigod-level 'tornado' at the scene, which is not common outside the Church of Storms, and earlier tonight, a pier in Pritz Harbor also encountered a small-scale 'tornado' 'Attack, a pharaoh mummy was stolen in the chaos." Xio briefly explained, "MI9 suspected that the two things were done by the same group, so we urged our informants to work harder to collect information and find out clue."

...I still have a "tornado" on my "Leymanor Travel Notebook"...Mr. Gehrman Sparrow? What did he do to steal the pharaoh's mummy... Forsi forced a smile

"Maybe it was done by the Church of the Storm?"

Xio gave her a blank look, and quickly walked into the kitchen, looking for food.


In the early morning, 160 Berklund Street.

Klein had just finished washing, and before he could open the door to let his personal servant Richardson in, he was inspired. He saw Miss Messenger's headless body walking out of the void holding four heads.

One of them bit the thick envelope, and the other opened his mouth, spit out a lot of gold coins.

It's finally time to pay off the debt... Klein glanced at Reinette Tinickerr's half neck that was not connected to the body under the four heads, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I remember that you are still short of 3413 gold coins, and now you can take the last part of the arrears."

At the same time, he inexplicably felt that the pile of gold coins looked familiar, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because all the gold coins looked familiar to him.

Hearing Klein's words, one of the four blond-haired, red-eyed heads held by Reinette Tinekerr immediately said, "Okay..."

It opened its mouth, and immediately sucked most of the gold coins back, and it didn't know where it was put.

After looking at the dozens of shiny gold coins left, Klein reached out and took the thick envelope, quickly opened it, glanced at the beginning, and found that it was indeed the detailed information of "Spiritual Predator".

When Miss Messenger returned to the spirit world, he put away the gold coins, opened the curtains, sat down, and read the beautifully written content seriously in the morning sunlight: "Thank you again for your help.

"The mummy of Tutansis II was part of my ascension ceremony and it meant a lot to me.

"'Spirit World Predators' live in the depths of the spirit world. They are rare, intelligent, and extremely aggressive. They can transform captured or killed creatures into their own souls, and their souls can change into their true souls. The appearance of the body has similar performance and special features, and it can also pretend to be other spirit creatures. When encountering them, maybe all the surrounding spirit creatures are them, and they are all transformed from their souls. You must not be careless.

"This kind of creature can effectively affect the thinking ability of the prey, causing them to appear paralyzed... The spirituality of the real soul itself is very strong, and it can often gain a lot of advantages in related confrontations...

"They are hard to find, and there is only one place where there are traces of their activities, Calderon City in the spirit world.

"This is a legendary city with a mysterious origin and unknown origin. In this regard, there are three speculations about it. One is the residence of the god of death in the past, the entrance to the underworld, and the other is the fall of an ancient god in the second era. In the later kingdom of God, it was attracted by the spirit world, sank into it, and gradually evolved into a city that was both real and illusory. The third was the real city that was swallowed by the spirit world during the catastrophe.

"No matter what kind of speculation, it points out that this city is very dangerous, and there are many special and strange places...

"I don't have the mystical coordinates of Calderon City, not even many high-ranking spirit creatures...

"I can offer two ideas. One is to use a specific secret agreement ceremony to pray to the 'Red Light' Al Moria and get the corresponding answer. I won't talk about what the 'Red Light' is here. If you don�t understand, you can write to me again to ask, the second is to find people from the Abraham family, they have inherited the �Traveler� pathway, and have a very in-depth exploration of the spiritual world...�

Even when Miss Sharron writes a letter, she gives people a very restrained feeling... Sure enough, the pharaoh mummy was prepared for the "puppet" ceremony. The evil spirit in the underground ruins also said that it could be a part of this ceremony... So, the specific requirement of the ceremony is the spiritual corpse left behind by the high-sequence powerhouse after death, or the evil spirit derived from the fusion of their resentful souls?

Hehe, can I pray to "Orange Light" and let Him help to ask "Red Light"? Well, for others, finding the city of Calderon is very difficult, but for me, it couldn't be easier, just entrust it to Miss "Magician", she is now the head of the Abraham family Hero...

I really hope that the first guess about the city of Calderon is correct. That way, when I contact Mr. Azik, I can see the dangerous residents of this mysterious city lined up in two rows to welcome me... Klein shook his head and put his beautiful imagination behind him.

He re-examined the "Spirit World Predators", and confirmed that they had some characteristics of "Secret Puppet Master" and "Crafting Mage", and were quite dangerous high-ranking spirit world creatures.

The split soul has the appearance, performance and special characteristics of a real soul body, which is consistent with the "crafty mage" giving his own ability to the secret puppet... At the level of Zaratul, or the Sequence 3 "Ancient Scholar", he can temporarily transfer certain Extraordinary abilities bestowed on other creatures that are not marionettes? Klein folded the letter paper thoughtfully, shook his hand casually, and watched as they were engulfed by the crimson flames, turning into charred crumbs and falling into the trash can.