Chapter: 2101

"Or, the 'age' itself is a part of the original creator, only when the 'age' develops in line with expectations, can he draw strength from it and resurrect? This is unscientific...Of course, what I see now, participating Yeah, it's not that scientific...

"Actually, according to my thinking, why revive a Creator who is above all others? Isn't it better for everyone to make a show, make sense, enjoy each other, and be free?

"According to my observation, hey, many members here have similar views to mine, but some are stubborn and rigid, strictly following their ideas, and I don't know whether to call them idealists or fanatical cultists.

"What I can't understand the most is the mysterious leader. Mr. Hermes told me that he was the first to form this organization, and it should be him, with some people with the same belief and purpose. However, he seldom expresses his ideas. Thoughts, I never stop many members from using this organization to do their own things. Sometimes, I forget his existence. He seems to like to sit there and watch everyone talking quietly.

"But in one thing, I saw His authority. A high-sequence powerhouse who went against the trend of the times in their mouths, under His promotion, became the target of elimination in only thirty seconds, and I Trust me, that poor guy won't survive this summer.

"Who is he? An ancient god left in the second era??"

Roselle used two question marks in the last sentence to express the strong doubt in his heart. This is a method he rarely uses. Klein suspects that this has become the criterion for "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette to select diaries.

The mysterious leader of the "Twilight Hermit Society" likes to sit there, quietly watching everyone talking, and once they want to do something, they can quickly reach a consensus... This is really in line with the characteristics of the "spectator" approach... I feel more and more that He is Amon's brother, another son of the Creator, Adam... The Great Emperor should be able to make a similar judgment after learning a lot of secrets from Mister "Gate" at the later stage... Klein's side Confirming the description in the diary with what I knew and the guesses I made, I moved my eyes down and read the rest of the page: "March 11th, the more I think about what happened yesterday, the more terrifying I feel. The existence of a demigod was decided in those few words, and he didn't even have a chance to express his objection, and the composition of the ancient secret organization made me believe that, apart from dealing with the church of the seven righteous gods, there would be no way for them to Things that cannot be done, even if they subvert a country, are not impossible.

"I'm really lucky, I was drawn into this organization, otherwise, maybe one day I will encounter an inexplicable and irresistible assassination, and I will die with regret!!

"This kind of organization that hides behind the scenes, judges others secretly, and decides the life and death of the target, just thinking about it, makes people feel unacceptable. Even if I am one of them, I am a little scared and fearful.

"This world is much more dangerous than the earth. Maybe it's because of a higher spirituality, maybe it's just reading an ancient classic, maybe it's just doing business by boat normally, maybe it's just a beautiful girl, maybe it's just a love of travel, After entering some castles, maybe it was just awakened by the sound of fighting next door in the middle of the night, maybe it was just an invention and creation of some meaningful items, maybe they would die inexplicably and miserably!

"And this is one of the motivations for me to improve, work hard to advance, and control my own destiny. I will definitely succeed. I am the protagonist of this era, laugh."

"On March 12th, I felt that it was necessary to take the initiative to search for and collect some information about the Quaternary, Tertiary, and even the Second Epoch. My experience of participating in that ancient secret organization told me that there may be countless secrets hidden in it. The secrets that will affect the direction of the current era.

"Unfortunately, there are so few similar materials. They are either collected by the church or destroyed. I think it is difficult to gain anything by relying on my own subordinates. The best way is to improve my sequence and get more information within the church. high status and greater authority."

From this page of the diary, it can be clearly seen that the emperor established contact with Mr. "Gate" long after he joined the "Twilight Hermit Society", and it may have already been a high-sequence, otherwise he would not be able to withstand Mr. "Gate"'s ramblings... �Compared to the Great Emperor, in terms of historical exploration, it is much easier for me. There is his diary in the Fourth Epoch, the City of Silver in the Second Epoch, and from time to time I can meet evil spirits that evolved from the remnant soul of the King of Angels... Well, from Beginning in the mid-term, the Emperor's Secondary School seems to have improved a lot... Klein turned to the second page of the diary with ease: "On May 18th, I always had nightmares during this time, dreaming that I was wearing a silver-gray ancient The armor, sitting on the edge of a cliff, is quietly surging in front of it, and the black mist at the bottom cannot be seen. It is full of depravity and evil, and it will be affected just by seeing it. In the end, I, who was monitoring the abyss, had long Dark and complicated patterns appeared, the skin became hard, and a viscous liquid faintly flowed on the surface, and the eyes completely lost their minds.

"This is the reflection of the abyss, this is the reflection of the abyss I saw and tried to enter last month!

"As this nightmare became more and more frequent, I found that I was more and more prone to extreme thoughts. The anger that usually just beats me up may cause the thought of dismembering the target to flash through. Also, my back has grown There are dark red bumps, and my body temperature is gradually dropping.

"Is this corroded by the abyss?

"We have to find a way to confirm and solve it!

"I can't find the church for the time being, otherwise I will have to reveal the existence of that primitive island and abyss.


You can find the priests and bishops of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun', they should be better at purification! "

"On May 19th, I got a secret treatment through my relationship, and my whole body relaxed a lot, and all the abnormalities before were getting better.

"Besides being happy, I was also thinking about a problem. I just explored the periphery of the abyss, and I didn't come into contact with any high-ranking demons. There were even some items on the Black Throne that resisted corrosion, and I was unknowingly affected. There are signs of degeneration. Those Beyonders of the 'criminal' path have to sacrifice to high-level demons from time to time, and the erosion they encounter must be more serious. After a long period of time, most of them cannot be cured.

"Similarly, high-sequence Beyonders, especially angels, should be able to actively exert influence on mid- and low-sequence Beyonders in the same path, and there are corresponding range restrictions depending on the level. When they become true gods, most of them can The whole world and the whole spirit world can 'communicate' without hindrance...

"Thinking about it so deeply, wouldn't I be influenced to some extent by the 'God of Artisans', no, it should be called the 'God of Steam and Machinery'? This is a bit scary. It seems that only by becoming a demigod can I Initially get rid of?

"Fortunately, since the Fifth Epoch, there have been no examples of true gods leaving the star world and descending to the earth. There is relatively no way for true gods, so the problem is not so serious."

"On May 20th, after being sluggish for a while, I returned to the social scene!

"Damn it, those bastards teased me privately that I haven't been going out recently because I've had too much surfing and my body has become weak! Is it because I always have nightmares in front of me, I don't sleep well, and my dark circles are more obvious?

"Heh, I want them to know what it means to be gifted!!"