Chapter: 2104

"I haven't accumulated enough merit." Derrick "Sun" was not ashamed this time, but felt that Mr. "Moon" was too anxious. How could it be so easy to accumulate enough merit for the Sequence 5 Extraordinary characteristic?

"Moon" Emlyn turned his head back sullenly, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Miss "Magician": "There are clues to the cursed object and residual spirituality of the ancient wraith, and I am waiting for the specific content.

"This may not directly give you items, but provide information, telling you which place near Backlund is haunted by ancient wraiths."

Having said that, Emlyn thought for a while and said, "300 pounds."

In other words, I need to hunt and kill that ancient wraith myself? In all kinds of mystical rumors, this is a very powerful monster... After hearing Mr. "Moon"'s words, Forsi's first reaction was embarrassment, and the second reaction was, how about entrusting the hunting mission to "the world" "Sir, the other party will definitely be able to complete it quickly and smoothly!

Thinking that the cost of hiring Mister "World" must be far more than the value of the ancient wraith, she thought it would be better to try it herself.

When Hugh becomes the "Interrogator", the two of them together should be much more confident... And I still have "Leymano's Travel Notes", which transcribes "Tornado" and "Angel's Embrace" at the demigod level, Transcribing has many strange extraordinary abilities. Below the high sequence, it is almost a divine weapon... Well, I don't have much actual combat experience, and most of the time I just run away. This is an opportunity... "Magician" Fors quickly With a decision, he said to Emlyn the Moon, "Deal."

After confirming some other things, the transaction session ended. Klein let Gehrman Sparrow the "World" get ahead of Mr. "The Hanged Man", looked around and said, "I have made a preliminary investigation and found out that Backlund Caron suicide."

Regarding the Cuaron suicide case, the person present was most interested in "Justice" Audrey. However, she had long since discovered that "Magician" Fors had a certain curiosity about this matter, so she didn't ask anything and kept her Sitting in the same posture, patiently waiting for a best-selling author to speak.

In just a second or two, "Magician" Forsi looked at the edge of the table in front of "The World" Gehrman Sparrow, and said after deliberation, "What is the truth?"

Klein had already rehearsed how to describe it in his mind, and asked the dummy "World" to say without any hesitation: "The manipulator behind the scenes is probably the royal advisor, Hvin Rambis, and there is a high probability that he has another one." Identity, a member of the jury of the Psychological Alchemist Association."

When she heard the first half of the sentence, the image of a kind old man naturally appeared in Audrey's mind. This gentleman was born in a noble family and graduated from the University of Perth. He has profound knowledge and excellent insights. Royal advisor for over ten years, recognized scholar, good man, gentleman.

Audrey had previously suspected that the royal family might have guided Cuaron's suicide, but she never thought that the actual manipulator would be the gentle, kind, kind and funny Hvin Rambis!

When "The World" Gehrman Sparrow revealed another identity of this gentleman, she could no longer contain her astonishment and surprise:

Hvin Rambis is Extraordinary? A member of the jury of the Psychological Alchemy Association?

That is to say, he may be a demigod and half man... I have seen him many times, but I never thought he would be related to the mysterious world. I always thought he was a pure scholar with a broad vision...

And if Mr. World's investigation hadn't been misled, I really can't imagine that Hvin Rambis, who is known for his willingness to help others, would be so indifferent to a life, and coldly let the children lose their fathers, their wives lose their husbands, and their parents Losing his son...he usually acts so well bred, so caring...well, politics is dirtier than I thought, and so is the royal family...

Speaking of which, I have never met the committee members of the Psychological Alchemist Association, and I have never had contact with their high-level officials. I did not expect that there is not much difference between this secret organization and cults such as the Aurora Society and the Spiritual Sect. ...It's better for our Tarot Society, Mister Fool is always preventing or destroying the plans of evil gods and demons...

While "Justice" Audrey's thoughts were boiling, "The Hanged Man" Argel keenly smelled the hidden gunpowder in Backlund's political arena. He only felt that various forces were entangled there, and many secrets were mixed together, forming a huge situation that could be detonated at any time. Dynamite Kegs.

The nobility, the royal family, the Church of the Storm, the Church of the Night, the Church of Steam, the emerging wealthy class, the commoners on the edge of the cliff, the bottom who live a miserable life... The change of the times is so obvious that I didn�t realize it clearly before In this regard, I simply believe from the words of Qilingus and the "evidence" given that an era in which the old gods will fade away and new gods will emerge will come, and the tide of history is surging and irreversible... Alger sighed silently , It seems to have seen the tall Gothic clock tower and the "Bell of Order" hanging above it.

And around this famous thing, air currents formed, and the light was dim, as if there were circles of storms brewing.

In a daze, Alger suddenly had another thought:

What emerge may not be new gods, maybe there are ancient gods who returned from a more distant era...

He instinctively glanced at the top of the long bronze table, then quickly looked away, his heart was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down.

At this moment, he inexplicably felt that his previous ambitions and goals were too small, and he only wanted to become the archbishop of the Church of Storms, a saint, have the right to speak in the whole world, and secretly control many things.

Now that the old gods fade away and new gods emerge, and Mister Fool wants to return to his throne in the astral world, why can't I consider becoming an angel?

Only at this level can one complete the qualitative change in life form, live for a long time, be able to rank above all spirits, lead a large organization,

Control the power on the world level!

Thoughts flashed one after another, "The Hanged Man" Argel actually trembled a little that no one else could detect, and his heart gushed out with excitement.

"The Hermit" Cattleya thought of the whereabouts of the "Queen of Mysteries" in the past two months, and felt that the other party spent a large part of her time in Backlund.