Chapter: 2129

Suddenly, he found a suspicious figure carrying luggage and preparing to board the ship.

The reason why it was called suspicious was because the man not only wore a black overcoat and a tall top hat to cover up the features of his figure, but also wrapped his face with a scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes.

And those eyes kept looking at the ground, making it hard for people to see the specific appearance.

According to Klein's experience of watching so many episodes of detective movies and detective animations, people who cover their faces with scarves and coats to cover their body features are probably problematic, and there is a high probability that they are hiding ulterior secrets, especially not now. In winter, the temperature in the Sea of ??Madness is far from cold.

However, this has nothing to do with me. Even if there is a murder in a secret room, the captain should be the one who has a headache... Wait a while and do a divination above the gray fog to see if the journey will be smooth... Klein doesn't care much, but he doesn't care at all. Don't think about it negligently.

He immediately looked away and looked at Dixie's grilled fish brought by the waiter.

After dinner, he returned to his own cabin, completed a divination above the gray mist, and came to the conclusion that the environment he was in would not change much and everything was relatively smooth.

This allowed Klein to fall asleep easily without meditation, and woke up until dawn.

The siren sounded "Woo", and the passenger ship turned from stillness and slowly left the port of Harman.

When the pier was still faintly visible, Klein saw a figure suddenly appear there.

This figure is wearing a white shirt and a dark blue jacket. It has a high nose bridge, deep-set eye sockets, light blue eyes, and slightly brown curly hair.

With a glance, he quickly locked on to the passenger ship Klein was on.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, as if it had become a door leading to a dark and illusory land.

A deafening hurricane rises from the bottom of the sea, mixed with a large amount of azure blue and rushes straight up. The deep lightning is like a gap in the void, appearing and disappearing due to self-healing.

This blocks all line of sight between the passenger ship and the pier, making the two seem to be in separate worlds.

The violent sea showed its horror once again.

The passenger ship could not evade or resist, so it could only continue to move forward along the safe channel with weaker storms.

What a coincidence... This shouldn't be a coincidence... Klein, who was standing behind the glass window of the cabin, first secretly sighed, and then thought that there were unnatural factors in the sudden change in the violent sea.

��Although it is normal for the weather in the Sea of ??Storms to change, it is still doubtful that it happens to change at a certain point.

"Is that gentleman on the pier following the suspicious passenger who got off the ship last night? And the passenger saw that his identity was exposed, so he simply changed the sky and forced the passenger ship to stay away?" Klein had some vague guesses when he thought about the previous events.

And if this is the case, it means that the suspicious passenger covering his face with a scarf is probably a demigod, or he is carrying a "1" level sealed item!

You know, with Klein's current strength and items, if he doesn't use the "Sea God's Scepter", he can't induce this level of celestial change.

Of course, he may have another way, which is to throw out Azik's copper whistle to see if it can make the entire sea of ??madness go berserk.

"Really, I just want to go to the Southern Continent like a normal rich man, and I will encounter demigod-level chases along the way... Sigh, I have endured too much pressure that does not belong to my sequence..." Klein laughed at himself, and finally Choose to believe in the divination done last night.

In the midst of the storm, the passenger ship staggered through the doomsday-like scene along the relatively calm gap, and most of the passengers on board looked calm, as if they had already adapted to this state, only a few of them passed through the violent scene for the first time. The people in the sea are trembling, holding on to every possible place.

Time passed by, the wind and lightning gradually subsided, and the sky brightened up a little bit.

At this time, Klein, who was on the deck, was suddenly inspired, and subconsciously looked sideways at the location of Harman's port.

Above the undulating deep blue sea water, below the scattered white clouds, a blazing flame flew over at high speed from far to near.

The flame became bigger and clearer, and finally showed a complete appearance. This is a huge flaming spear!

The flaming spear pierced the sky and landed on the front of the passenger ship deck, but it didn't ignite anything, burning through half of the board,