Chapter: 2144

After dealing with the traces of the scene, he took four steps backwards and entered above the gray fog, preparing to conduct a more comprehensive and thorough inspection of his own state, and confirm whether Secret Puppet Enzo still had passive "luck" and "disaster".


Bayam, a slum area, in a dilapidated room that is not too big.

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya sat behind the table, looked at the door, and heard a knock on the door with a special rhythm.

"Come in." She said without trying to hide her voice.

The wooden door opened with a creak, and the "Hanged Man" in a hood and black robe walked in.

Seeing the other party's concealed attire, Cattleya pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of her nose, smiled slightly and said, "You will be surrounded by members of the Church of Storms in less than five minutes if you walk out like this."

She didn't pretend to be anything, because she knew that the news that she let Gehrman Sparrow board the "Future" had already spread in the sea, and it was not difficult for "The Hanged Man" to guess that "Admiral of the Stars" was "Hidden Man". by" Ms.

Alger didn't respond directly, and while closing the door and pulling out the chair, he said calmly, "You can go out like this."

What he meant was that "Admiral of the Stars" is second only to "Admiral of Hell" among the seven pirate generals, and he is suspected to have a close relationship with Gehrman Sparrow, and is hunted by many forces including the Church of Storms and the Church of Evernight The main goal, the bounty has risen to 45,000 pounds. No matter which city you go to, as long as you don't wear a disguise and be recognized, it means a lot of trouble is coming.

Cattleya nodded slightly, then turned to look at the face of the "Hanged Man" covered by the hood and said: "In front of me, such a dress actually doesn't make any sense.

"However, I respect your choice."

She kept wearing glasses.

Very imposing, very confident, worthy of being the "Admiral of the Stars"... Alger, who also wore an extra mask under the hood, didn't bother with the disguise, and said straight to the point: "Thank you for your help."

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya put her right hand to her left elbow and said, "I'm curious, with your current strength and the resources you have, even without my help, you should be able to handle the problem of 'craftsman' well , why are you looking for me extra?"

Alger was prepared long ago, and said simply: "I don't want to be a topic of discussion for others."

Cattleya seemed to have grasped the hidden meaning of the other party, pondered for a few seconds and said: "I need more information."

Alger nodded lightly and said: "According to my observation and guess, the 'craftsman' should be controlled by those who believe in the 'primordial moon', the latter belongs to the faction that originally existed in the southern continent, not a traitor of the life school .�

Cattleya's expression remained unchanged, she thought for a while and said, "Why didn't you find Mr. Moon? He should be very interested in this matter."

Alger hooked the corner of his mouth, and replied in his usual voice: "If we can't solve it, maybe I will."

Cattleya understands that "The Hanged Man" means that if the problem is serious, then the "moon" can be used to drag the entire blood race into this matter, recovering losses and gaining benefits in the chaos.

She immediately smiled and said, "If the matter is so serious, why don't you just go to 'World'? It seems simpler."

Alger was silent for a few seconds and said: "I have to prove that I have the ability to deal with problems, so that is the last choice."

Hearing his answer, "Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya suddenly had some associations: "The Hanged Man" attaches great importance to "The World" Gehrman Sparrow's opinion, because the other party is Mister Fool's follower. By? Also, his attitude is quite consistent with the popular political jokes in Backlund, Trier and other places in a certain sense: When encountering a problem or making a mistake, the first reaction is to suppress it and find another way to solve it. Let the "boss" or "delegate" know...

This shows that the "Hanged Man" used to belong to a well-organized and powerful force, and has acquired such a culture and mastered related skills... "Church of Storms"? No, such a person is a heretic inside... The fleet of the "King of the Five Seas"?

While thinking about it, the pirate general pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose, and brought the topic back to the right track: "Let's continue talking about that 'craftsman'."

Alger seemed to have prepared the draft a long time ago, without recalling, without pausing, he spoke at a moderate pace: "In order to conceal the identity of that 'artisan' and prevent this channel from being mastered by others, I deliberately sent him He was portrayed as an insider of the Church of Steam, but in fact, because he was fond of famous wine, addicted to beauty, and extremely profligate, he had to make items for wild Extraordinary people to earn money to support his life, so he defected from the Church of Steam and hid In Bayam.

"This time, he contracted a strange disease first, was monitored by people of unknown origin, and then controlled by those who suspected of believing in the 'primordial moon', claiming to have gained a new life..."

Cattleya listened carefully, her slightly purple eyes behind the lenses seemed extremely focused.

When "The Hanged Man" finished speaking, she pondered for a while, and asked: "A 'artisan' will never lack magical items, and they know how to combine various extraordinary effects and negative effects, and their strength can definitely reach the level of Sequence 5 levels.