Chapter: 2148

He immediately said: "There is only one preparation left, and that is to confirm that 'Admiral of Hell' Ludwell is not in a dangerous place, and there are no demigods from the Spiritual Sect around."

As for whether the murloc sleeve nail is still on the opponent's ship, Klein didn't bring it up, because he would make confirmation every now and then. He believed that "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell hadn't discovered that magical item, or had already discovered it, but He deliberately didn't move, waiting for the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow to take the initiative to "visit", and stepped into the trap.

Azik responded calmly: "This can be confirmed when we get nearby."

"Okay." Klein immediately asked Secret Puppet Enzo to go to the coat rack, and pulled out the gold-encrusted cane.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Azik stretched out his right palm and grabbed Klein's shoulder.

Klein also stretched out his right palm and grabbed Secret Puppet Enzo's shoulder.

The colors of the surrounding scenery changed again, the red became redder, the black became blacker, and the blue became bluer. They overlapped each other, but they were distinct and incompatible.

The two started walking through the spirit world together, and the black gold-encrusted cane flew "in front", pointing out the location and direction of Klein's lost murloc sleeve nail.

Not long after, the cane stopped, hanging in the "mid-air", and Azik also stopped the shuttle, but did not leave the spirit world.

He seemed to be watching something, and he seemed to be listening to something, and after two or three seconds, he said: "No problem."

After speaking, he took Klein, and Klein took his secret puppet and "walked" out of the spirit world.

At the same time, Klein remembered the previous experience of searching for clues to his memory with Mister Ards. That time, the target was the ancient tome in the hands of Vice Admiral Tracy.

At that time, Azik also said "it's not a big problem". As a result, there was "Immortal Witch" Katerina on the opposite side...

There is no problem... Well, if you say there is no problem, then it is no problem... Klein looked around while complaining.

This is an environment he is fairly familiar with, the huge ship with dark green glowing in the darkness, the pale mainsail depicted with dark tulips, and the living corpses, skeletons, wraiths, and ghosts who either manipulate the sails, patrol back and forth, or practice artillery All the undead creatures are proving that this is the flagship "Black Tulip" of "Admiral Hell".

The difference from what Klein saw last time is that there are many living Beyonders on the "Black Tulip" at this time.

The captain with a slender sword at his waist, a lace shirt, a gorgeous coat, a white skull cap, and a silver-white mask on his face, "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell, is standing at the entrance of the cabin, look this way.

Suddenly, the square black ring on Ludwell's right hand trembled slightly, and a light flashed.

The pale flames in the proud pirate general's eyes flickered obviously, and finally shrunk to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, Ludwell bent his back, faced Azik Eggers under the dull, surprised, or lifeless gazes of the crew, prostrated himself on the ground, and kissed the deck.

�Seeing the reaction of "Admiral Hell" Ludwell, Klein, like the part of the living crew on the "Black Tulip", almost couldn't believe his eyes.

He originally envisioned two scenarios:

One is that Ludwell invited the help of the demigods of the Spiritual Religion to ambush Gehrman Sparrow and the powerhouse behind him. Ability to foresee danger coming.

The second is that this "Admiral from Hell" was unprepared and forcibly resisted, which was easily resolved by Mr. Azik.

The plan in Klein's heart is, if it is the first situation, Mr. Azik will deal with the demigod, hunt the "Hell Admiral" by himself, and get the second secret puppet. If it is the second situation, then I implore Azik Mr. watched from the sidelines, manipulated the secret puppet, and singled out with Ludwell. During this process, he would use "squirming hunger" to hide in various shadows and try to hide behind the scenes to digest the "secret master" faster Potion.

Who knows, "Admiral Hell" didn't do anything to resist, just prostrated himself on the ground and kissed the deck, if Azik's most loyal and humble servant.

How can we fight this... Klein stared forward in a daze, wondering if he should say something.

And the whole boat was silent.

Ards raised his hand and pressed the silk top hat on his head, and walked slowly to Ludwell who was kneeling on the ground.

One step, two steps, three steps, he stopped in front of "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell, and said in a low voice: "How far has the Spiritual Cult's artificial death plan progressed?"