Chapter: 2151

Azik looked ahead and said: "Later... Later, we built a castle in our fief and had a child. It was a boy who grew very fast. It is foreseeable that he will grow very tall and burly in the future.

"He liked to fight, and he was always running around with a broadsword in his hand, saying he wanted to be a knight.

"I thought it was just a child's temporary hobby, and it was hard to stick to it, but even if he broke his leg and bruised his head, he still didn't give up practicing. He thought that hiding in the room and covering his wound with a distorted expression would prevent me from seeing Hehe, he underestimated his father too much, the spirits of the entire territory are secretly serving me.

"Year after year, I retrieved more and more memories. My wife kept complaining that the castle was too dark and wanted to go to a sunny and warm place. I satisfied her request, but it was not until a long time later that I I understand that she doesn't hate living in the castle, but she is afraid of the little changes in me, afraid of me who is getting colder and stranger.

"She didn't say these things to me, and she still got along with me as in the past. We had a good life by the sea in the south, and even wanted to have another child, but unfortunately it didn't work out.

"It wasn't until I had a premonition that my next death was imminent that we returned to the fief, to the castle.

"My eldest son, that boy, told me that he wanted to go to Backlund, become the attendant of the Viscount and Earls, and start his own path of knighthood.

"I asked him, why did he make such a choice at the age of ten? He answered me, because I was his idol and role model, and he wanted to rely on himself instead of his parents to become a knight and become a nobleman like me.

"At that time, I had recovered most of my memories. I was always a little awkward, unfamiliar and uncomfortable when facing this child, but when I heard his answer, I still felt an indescribable joy, satisfaction and pride in my heart.

This is my child, a child completely different from the blood descendants I left behind in the Balam Empire. "

Klein knew that Mr. Azik was referring to his status as the "first Baron Ramud", and the child who made him proud and satisfied was poisoned and murdered in his later or middle age, and was crucified in a coffin. Even the skull was brutally taken away by Ince Zangwill.

Azik's eyes were in a trance and he said: "I died again, woke up in a daze, instinctively stayed away from the fief, and wandered to other places under the pre-arrangement. Every time in the front part of every life, I have different In my life, sometimes I will encounter sweet love, sometimes I will get a beloved daughter, that kind of heartfelt love, helplessness, and satisfaction time and time again make me stunned, confused, and contradictory when I gradually regain my memory.

"Once, I was a filial son who brought pride to my parents and a wonderful life and lovely grandsons and granddaughters, but when I 'woke up' and found myself, I remembered that I went to At the end of the first life, I ignored their real son who died on the battlefield and occupied this identity. On the one hand, I felt pain and guilt, and on the other hand, I thought it was nothing, just a trivial matter, and my heart seemed to split into two people.

"At that time, I had a mask that could turn me into anyone, but I lost it after waking up. Maybe I lost it on my own initiative..."

Klein remembered the daughter Mr. Ards mentioned who liked to beg for candy from him, thought for a while, and said, "I don't think you are splitting your heart, but you are fighting against a crazy spirit.

"After losing the memory of the past, you who start a new life again and again are kind, enthusiastic, and full of emotions. The closer to the current life, the more it should reflect this.

"This may be the real you, the essence of you, and you in the 'Death Consul' period were affected by the out-of-control tendency contained in the Extraordinary characteristics, and were influenced by the Death God passed down from a high position. I heard that, He has gone mad after the 'War of the Four Emperors'."

Klein�s words don�t actually have much basis, because he only knows a few parts of Azik�s life�the Baron Ramud, the father who made a swing for his daughter, the filial child, and the gentle and friendly history teacher.

His purpose is to provide a guess, a possibility, to help Mr. Ards fight against the "death consul character" that came back with his memory, and let him face up to himself in the past life, so as to reach a certain kind of reconciliation with himself, become less grim.

While talking, he suddenly had a new idea, and before Azik finished digesting what he just said, he quickly asked: "Mr. Azik, do you know anchors? Gods and angels fix themselves, don't An anchor that is dragged down by the out-of-control tendencies and insane nature of Extraordinary characteristics?"

"I know." Ards looked back and nodded.

Klein wasn't too sure, but said in a quite firm tone: "Perhaps, the new life you start with losing your memory again and again is your anchor against madness and loss of control!"

Don't throw them away, don't forget them, this is who you are! After finishing speaking, Klein silently added another sentence in his heart.

"Anchor..." Azik repeated the word with a look of thought and confusion.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly sighed and said, "This may be an explanation, at least it makes the divisions and conflicts in my heart less intense.

"However, now that I have come here, I still have to go to the depths of the mausoleum to see what is hidden there, why is it calling me, and what caused me to die and resurrect again and again, and to lose my memory again and again and gradually regain it ...

"This has troubled me for more than a thousand years, and has troubled me again and again in my life. I think I should be able to get an answer today."

His gaze gradually became sober, and his tone seemed soft but with an indescribable firmness.

Klein wanted to stop it, but after opening his mouth, he closed it again.

Azik pressed the half-height silk top hat on top of his head, without tilting his head, and smiled gently: "Remember to close your eyes."