Chapter: 2158

As far as he is concerned, as long as the Goddess marked himself from making a vow with the holy sword, not earlier, and not "monitoring" all the time, then he could accept it.

At least from the mark of the "Scepter of the Sea God" on special believers, it is untenable to "monitor" all the time... Well, Mr. Azik will be in a state of sleep for a long time, and the goddess does not mean that "god descending" can "God's descent" will inevitably have corresponding obstacles and difficulties, otherwise the seven righteous gods would have been "going down" all over the world to solve various problems, so I have to keep a low profile and be honest in the Southern Continent, and try not to place my hopes on it Externally... Klein reminded himself a few words, and turned to look at the new secret puppet, "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell.

Frankly speaking, he has always been quite curious about the face covered by that silver-white mask, but thinking of the change caused by Ludwell taking off the mask during the last battle, he suppressed his thoughts and prepared to leave the city and enter the jungle And other no man's land, try again.

After some busy work, Klein initially figured out the sequence and abilities of the new Secret Puppet.

Ludwell is the Sequence 5 "Gatekeeper" of the "Reaper" pathway, and is not a normal human being.

The corresponding Sequence 9 is "Corpse Collector". Klein knew the specific situation when he was in Tingen City. He knew that they would have certain characteristics of corpses. Attack, at the same time, they have also obtained the improvement of physical fitness, can withstand the erosion of decay, cold and death breath, naturally have spiritual vision, and understand the characteristics and weaknesses of many undead creatures.

Sequence 8 is a "gravedigger". The "corpse collector" who has been promoted to this level is physically stronger, has stronger spiritual vision, and is more agile. He can initially communicate with a small number of nearby 'spirits' and let them provide help. In addition to these "Gravedigger" can quickly find out their weaknesses through "observation" even when facing unfamiliar undead creatures and creatures from the spirit world. This is called "Eye of Death".

Sequence 7 "Psychic" belongs to the stage of qualitative change. Extraordinary people will master various mystical rituals related to spirits, and can directly communicate with natural spirits and wandering dead souls in the real world. For them, there are informers everywhere.

At the same time, they can use different spirits to realize all kinds of magic and create various supernatural phenomena, which is quite comprehensive.

Sequence 6 "Necromancer" and Sequence 5 "Gatekeeper" have no substantial changes compared to "psychic", but the scope of communication has been expanded: "Necromancer" has begun to set foot in the spirit world, and can "recruit "Messenger, with the help of some spiritual creatures, the "gatekeeper" can sense the entrance of the underworld and drive the undead inside, just like guarding the gap between health and death.

Starting from the "psychic", with every improvement in the sequence, the number and quality of natural spirits, undead creatures, and spirit world creatures that Extraordinary can control and drive have increased explosively. "Necromancer" has additionally mastered The "Words of the Dead" that can bypass the protection of the flesh and blood can elevate the communication aimed at the spirit body to drive or even enslave, while the "Gatekeeper" can make limited use of the mysterious door between life and death, leading to the underworld the gate!

"If it weren't for Azik's copper whistle, which naturally restrains the spirit control of the 'Corpse Collector' pathway, I might not have been qualified to fight the 'Hell Admiral' back then, and even now, if I don't have the guarantee of 'travel', even if I use the Ability at the upper demigod level probably won't be able to solve Ludwell, so when you take revenge on Ince Zangwill in the future, you have to pay attention to this, he used to be a 'gatekeeper'." Klein nodded slightly, and turned his head Picked up the cup and drank the lipstick tea.

As for Ludwell's weapon, it is called "Harris' stabbing sword", which originated from an ancient prince in the southern continent. It does not directly correspond to which path or sequence, and is closer to the similarity of "King of the North" Urisian. Properties A product of irregular polymerization.

It has only one extraordinary ability, which is to bring absolute destruction to the things it stabs.

As the pirate general with the highest bounty, Ludwell is not limited to this magical item. Unfortunately, his most precious Death Ring was taken away by Azik. There is also no way to remove the research.

"Also, he really doesn't love money, he doesn't have any need for money..." Klein put down his cup, looked away, and decided to leave Gulain City while it was still early, and wait for Danitz elsewhere Finish the investigation there.

Backlund, Jorwood District.

Forsi, who was taking a nap, suddenly woke up from her dream. She saw the boundless gray mist and Mr. Moon bowing her head in prayer, and heard the clear words from the other party: "...the southeastern suburb of Backlund, Germany In the middle of Lyle Forest, there is an abandoned old castle. There are at least two ancient resentful spirits haunting it, and there are other dead souls. It is not ruled out that extraordinary people live in seclusion there. The coordinates are..."

Finally, there is news of the main material of the "Recorder", which is worth 300 pounds... Fors was overjoyed, and immediately thanked Mr. Fool, and asked him to tell "Moon", and the reward will be paid later.

After finishing this matter, she turned over and got up, went down to the first floor, intending to drink a glass of wine, and think about when to explore the abandoned castle and what preparations she needs to make.

"'Leymano's Travel Notes' can't be rented out recently... Hugh has to take it too...the abandoned castle has a lot of undead, it's quite dangerous, you have to think about the combination of 'magic', if it's flawed, or not targeted enough , just spend money to invite Mr. 'World', Mr. 'Hanged Man', and 'Sun' to record the corresponding Extraordinary abilities..." Although Forsi doesn't have much actual combat experience, she has been in several Extraordinary circles for many years , and later joined the Tarot Club, heard a lot, saw a lot, and naturally knew how to prepare for the adventure.

As for the option of directly asking Mr. "World" to do it for him, she had long since given up thinking about it, thinking that giving all the harvest plus her own savings to the other party would not match the remuneration.

Of course, if her tentative exploration proves that the abandoned castle is indeed very dangerous, and it is not a place where Extraordinary of her level can penetrate, then she will have the courage to bear the debt. After all, only by living can there be hope, and only by living can there be a future.

Theoretically, it shouldn�t be able to reach this point. There are still two demigod-level Extraordinary abilities left by Mr. �World� on the �Leymano�s Travel Notebook�. , those two demigod-level Extraordinary abilities may not be suitable for dealing with wraiths and dead souls... Forsi took a sip of Cold Winter Blackland, and various ideas gradually took shape.

At this moment, she heard the sound of the key being inserted into the lock, and instinctively turned her gaze to the door.

The door swung open, and Xio walked in carrying two paper bags that exuded a strong fragrance.

"Dixie Pie?" Fors first asked blurtly, then frowned in doubt, "Didn't you have a lot of commissions recently, why did you come back so early?"

Hugh threw one of the bags of Dixie pies, and said with a smile, "I just passed by, and I didn't have lunch, so I plan to take a rest."

Without waiting for Fors to ask again, she took the initiative to say: "I have accumulated enough merits! I can exchange for the 'Interrogator' potion formula soon!"

Although her task of monitoring Viscount Stratford, the head of the palace guard, has not made substantial progress, this is a type that can accumulate meritorious service on a daily basis. As long as she submits a qualified report every week, she can get the corresponding "bounty", so , plus the completion of other commissions to varying degrees, Xio was able to obtain the "Interrogator" potion formula.