Chapter: 2264

He slowed down, kept an eye on his surroundings, and cautiously returned to the three-story building not far away.

Pagani glanced at the dignified Alfred, and asked slightly puzzled: "What happened?"

He was quite a distance away from the arms trading site, so he couldn't hear the conversation over there clearly.

Alfred walked to the window, looked down at the horse team that had finished transporting the munitions and was about to leave, and said in deliberation, "Dawn Dant�s left suddenly, he said he had a premonition of danger."

"Danger?" Pagani was not careless, and looked around guardedly, but he didn't notice anything wrong until Meisangyesi's people moved away from this area and disappeared into the darkness.

He laughed immediately: "Haha, Alfred, you are too sensitive, I think it's purely because Dawn Dant�s is timid and doesn't want to stay here for too long!"

Alfred withdrew his gaze, frowned slightly and said, "Maybe."


After returning to the rented hotel, Klein asked Enzo, the "winner" who had become a mixed-race young man, to open the box in his hand, and took out the gold bars and coins inside one by one, counting them clearly.

There are a total of 30,000 Ruen gold pounds worth of property here!

"Fortunately, we agreed with Miss Messenger earlier that the amount of gold equal to 10,000 Loen gold coins,

There is no need to exchange it separately..." Klein, who was sitting leisurely in the easy chair, drank the sweet and sour "Gwadar" drink while "supervising" the secret puppet's work.

After Enzo finished dividing the belongings, he took out the adventurer harmonica, brought it to his mouth, and blew.

Reinette Tinekerr, who carried four blond-haired and red-eyed heads, immediately stepped out of the void, as if she had always been nearby.

Her eight eyes turned at the same time, looking at the pile of gold coins and bars.

After a few seconds, the four heads held by Reinette Tinekerr said one by one: "Very good..." "In the future..." "Mission..." "Price increase..."

...Where is the logic before and after this? I paid the reward in such a timely and quick manner, why do I need to increase the price for future tasks? Klein was stunned for a second, then sat up straight and asked, "What?"

Reinette Tinekerr nodded seriously with her four blond-haired and red-eyed heads: "Mission..." "Pricing..." "Depends on..." "You..." "Make money..." "The... ""ability��"

It's okay... Klein opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute it. After all, this kind of thing is unilaterally decided by the helper. Moreover, as he advances to Sequence 4 and becomes a demigod, it is estimated that the missions that require Miss Messenger's help in the future will be more difficult. It's getting harder and more dangerous, and the fare increase seems justified.

When Reinette Tinekerr swallowed the pile of gold coins and bars and disappeared into the room, Klein restrained his thoughts and began to think about his current property: "The expenses during this period are not small, and I still have 17,275 pounds of banknotes and 65 pounds left. A gold coin... This pile of gold bars is worth 25,000 pounds... A total of more than 40,000 pounds of property is not too small in the entire Loen Kingdom, and you can buy manors and fields... The arms deal is really profitable..."

Reinette Tinekerr's priority is gold coins, so the rest are gold bars.

After standing up and putting the gold bars on the gray mist, Klein walked to the window and turned his gaze to the north.

The affairs here have initially ended, and he will return to Backlund next.

Staring at the sky for a while, Klein suddenly sighed silently: "Backlund..."


North District, Backlund Technical University.

Audrey was walking on the campus with several staff members of the "Luen Charity Scholarship Fund".

She was wearing a simple light green long dress with a white unadorned belt around her waist. She had long golden hair surrounded by a slightly playful gauze hat with ribbon flowers. The bracelet looks no different from a female student whose family conditions can only be called medium.

During this period of time, she has been to the public elementary school located on the edge of the East District, and also visited the technical school in the Backlund Bridge area. She has already understood what kind of clothes to wear on what occasions, unlike many nobles who regard charity activities as a social occasion.

The green and clear pupils turned slightly, and Audrey had a slight smile, carefully observing the situation of the students coming and going.