Chapter: 2292

"The folk customs of the Southern Continent are really different from ours." Audrey looked down at the feather hat in the gift box and praised sincerely, "But it still fits my aesthetics very well."

Her latter sentence was half-sincere and half-polite. On the one hand, she really felt that the processed feather looked like a work of art, but on the other hand, she thought its style was too obvious and extreme, and it was not the kind she liked to use as an accessory.

It's like when many people visit ancient ruins, they are interested in and praise the mysterious things with unique patterns, but they seldom buy similar things to put in their homes or as accessories.

Hearing this, Klein smiled and said, "There are actually great differences between the various folk customs of the Southern Continent. The East and West Balam are almost completely different from those in the highlands and valleys. Of course, they also have something in common. For example, they respect Gold, the metal believed to have magical powers."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the feather in Audrey's hand and said, "It is rumored that people who wear this hat will be blessed by the Feathered Serpent, also known as 'Death'."

He was implying the hidden function of that feather.

Audrey, who is already in Sequence 6 of the "spectator" pathway, easily heard the hidden meaning in Mister "World"'s words, and understood that the hat decoration can get the response from the so-called "Death God" at critical moments and play a certain role.

As for how to operate it, it belongs to the basic knowledge of mysticism. Audrey has a very solid grasp of it, and there is no need for Mr. Dwayne Dant�s to explain it.

She smiled without showing her teeth: "I really like it, and I will put it on my hat when the occasion is right."

That's right, talking to the "audience" is easy... Klein smiled back, pointed to the door and said, "There are still some gifts to give away."

"You are the most popular person here today." Audrey responded with a smile, expressing her gratitude in this tactful way.

At the same time, she was a little troubled in her heart, and she was hesitant to take the opportunity to tell Mr. World about Hvin Rambis's matter, who had been involved in Cuaron's suicide case, and was very interested and concerned about it.

Well, it will be Monday soon, let�s save it for the Tarot meeting, then we can communicate more conveniently... Just in time, I also want to ask Mr. "The Hanged Man" and Ms. "Hermit" how to deal with it The current situation, especially how to guard against the suggestion and hypnosis of high-sequence powerhouses, after all, it is not always possible to pray to Mister Fool in advance and get the blessing of the angel... Think about it carefully, that kind of hypnosis is really scary , unconsciously followed the instructions, and I didn't realize it at all... Audrey's thoughts were like boiling water, and bubbles bubbled up one after another.

This made her suspect that many people in Backlund's upper-class circle had been hypnotized and had acted against her true thoughts and wishes.

In addition, she also vaguely understood something:

Every time my father and mother go to Saint Samuel Church to participate in mass, the person in charge of presiding over the ceremony is definitely Archbishop Backlund, and the one who can hold this position must be the demigod of Church of Evernight!

Sometimes, His Excellency the archbishop will take the initiative to visit our house and chat with us... Is this to guard against similar things? So, Hvin Rambis didn't hypnotize me too much? Audrey watched Dwayne Dant�s walk out of her office, closed the door casually, sat down again, picked up a pen, and unconsciously scribbled on the paper.

When she withdrew her thoughts, the white paper in front of her had intertwined circles one after another, with a pair of cold eyes and a human face with divergent lines.

Just glanced at it, and Audrey tensed up, and quickly used the friction between spirituality and matter to ignite the blank paper, burning it to ashes.

The scribbled things just now reflected her true emotions and thoughts to some extent!

For a qualified "psychiatrist",

Deciphering similar pictures is a basic operation, so Audrey didn't let any traces remain.

After a while, Klein finished delivering the presents, chatted with several directors separately, and then entered the room for part-time directors like him to rest, found a pen and paper, sat on the sofa, and began to write a letter after thinking: "Dear Mr. Ards..."

When he was in the Southern Continent, Klein wrote a letter about Adam getting "0-08", himself, Leonard, and Daly taking revenge on Ince Zangwill, and summoned the messenger by blowing the copper whistle , sent to the sleeping Mr. Ards, and there is no doubt that he has not received a reply until now.

As for the mention of Adam and "0-08" in the letter, Klein didn't care at all. Anyway, that "fantasy angel" must know about his relationship with Mr. Azik, and he will discuss the things he encounters with his acquaintances. A certain amount of sharing will not elicit any violent reactions.

This time, the contents of Klein's letter did not involve the transcendental domain. With a smile, and with a gentle touch, he shared in detail the philanthropy and student assistance that he had just learned from Audrey and other directors, and at the end Said: "...This is really a meaningful thing, I feel satisfied and happy, Mr. Azik, do you think so?

"When you wake up, maybe you can try to do similar things. Every time you resurrect in the future, you can see the children you helped. At that time, although you don't remember them, they must still remember you..."

After writing, he put the pen away, and Klein read it again carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he blew the copper whistle, summoned the bone messenger, and took the letter away.

Then, he took his personal servant, Enyuni, and left the "Luen Charity and Student Fund" to the Saint Samuel Church not far away, where he prayed silently for a quarter of an hour in the dark and quiet large prayer hall.

As in the past, Klein came to the offering box and put a wad of cash in his hand into it, totaling 80 pounds.