Chapter: 2309

First of all, Klein ruled out the possibility that the other party no longer had Roselle's diary. Based on the frequency of the Great Emperor's records in the early and late stages, he deduced that all diaries added up must exceed ten. Even if Bernadette didn't have a third, one or two The number of diaries can definitely be made up, and the diaries she provided before can only be counted as a very small part of it, a relatively critical part;

Secondly, Klein doesn't think that "Queen of Mysteries" has figured out all the truth from the answers he gave;

Again, he was also sure that the other party could not grasp the interpretation of Simplified Chinese from the small amount of feedback. After all, he never gave a detailed translation, but only gave a vague answer or two.

Combining these three points, he wondered if the part of the diary that Bernadette will provide next is more important and more critical, pointing to some secrets, or very special, so that people don't know whether to seek answers, so, this Only a "Queen of Mystery" would hesitate!

It should be like this... I don't know what the Emperor will write, and Bernadette judges the value from where and from what angle... Later, please remember to ask Ms. "The Hermit" to pass on the request... If Klein the Fool While thinking about it, "The Hanged Man" Alger turned his head to "Star" Leonard: "I'm sorry, but there is no news about mystical items that meet your needs."

"This is normal. Correspondingly, er, the mystical items of Sequence 6 and Sequence 5 are less in circulation." Leonard nodded quite understandingly.

He was sitting upright at first, but after realizing that members such as "Moon" and "Magician" were not too restrained, they also quietly relaxed the pressure on his back.

Seeing this, Klein manipulated "The World" Gehrman Sparrow, causing him to speak hoarsely: "I have a magical item, and its abilities in all aspects meet your requirements, but there are many negative effects that are difficult to avoid. Do you want to think about it?"

He was referring to the "Word of the Sea" scepter.

Klein had never planned to sell this item that almost needed to be sealed to Leonard, because he felt that the poet student could not bear the negative influence of "Words of the Sea". The traits of the hunter, and the shortcomings of being easily struck by lightning, are not so easy to avoid. Only he who can educate the "Word of the Sea" well above the gray fog and mainly let the "winner" Enuni use him can not be so easy to avoid. Affected, even turning unfavorable factors into help.

However, thinking of Leonard having a Sequence 1 "Thief" pathway angel parasitic in his body,

Klein felt that the other party might not be able to solve it, so he finally decided to ask.

"Well, let's hear it." Leonard believed that Klein would not harm him, and expressed his willingness to understand the specific situation.

"The World" Gehrman Sparrow glanced at "The Hanged Man" before slowly saying: "It can release lightning on the target..."

He roughly described the extraordinary abilities and negative effects of "Words of the Sea", which made Leonard's heart flutter and frown.

It can be used as a magic wand to take me flying... Even if I reach Sequence 5 "Spirit Witch", I have to find a suitable spirit to be able to fly... And the attack power is really not weak, and the characteristics are not single... But, Those three negative effects are simply terrifying... Go back and ask the old man to see if there is any way to reduce the bad effects... Leonard pondered for a few seconds and said: "I want to think about it for a while, and I will give you an answer next week, how about it?" ?�

"No problem. World" Gehrman Sparrow responded without any surprise.

As for the rest of the members, even if they were a little interested at the beginning, they all gave up their inquiries after hearing the negative effects of "Speak of the Sea".

At this time, "The Fool" Klein's thoughts turned to another direction, that is, should he take the opportunity to do a "clearance sale".

After he was promoted to Sequence 4 and became a demigod, many of the original items and characteristics were useless.

"Wriggling Hunger" can be kept, even for "travel". In addition, it can also herd a Sequence 4 saint, which has the potential to grow, and the combination of various extraordinary abilities is also quite good ...The value of the "Death Knell" revolver is actually not too high, but after the "Deadly Attack" mode is turned on, the blow to the fixed position of the target is still stronger than the air cannon, at least it can be used in the fourth stage of the sequence, um , It also has room for improvement... The first two items that came to Klein's mind were the two most commonly used items.

In his opinion, as long as more powerful bullets can be obtained, the "Death Knell" revolver can produce terrible effects. The only problem is that such bullets are equivalent to high-level spells. , You also have to consider whether praying to a high-ranking existence will succeed, and whether there will be backlash.

In this regard, Klein initially has several plans, namely: pray to the goddess; ask "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin for help; find Pallez Zoroaster through Leonard; The power of the mysterious space above the fog, and the reason for Leonard to find a mission to go back to Tingen and steal some "Eternal Blazing Sun" blood from the "Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem", that is, "3-0782" strength.

"Yangyan Bullet" is definitely the nemesis of evil spirit creatures... How to borrow the material of the mysterious space power above the gray fog, I also have a preliminary idea, Amon's "Worm of Time" can be used as a "Luck Stealer" spell , my 'Insect of Spirit' should also be able to be used to make extraordinary bullets, but I have to ask Pallez Zarathustra about how to do it specifically... Klein has a few more words about the next conversation with Leonard. very much looking forward to.

"Spirit Worm" is the name he himself gave to the transparent worm.

Immediately afterwards, he considered other items and characteristics: "Sun Brooch"? I currently lack the ability and items in this area... Although it is absolutely possible to deal with evil spirits by manipulating the "spiritual body string", you can also keep it for a while and let the "paper angel" have another change, and sometimes have to lend it to Danitz;

"Blood Flower" ring? This one can�t be sold, and there are no members of the Aurora Society in the Tarot Party, so let�s continue to let the Secret Puppet use it, one more life may give one more hope;

"Luhua" ring? This can be sold, I have already been able to transfer diseases, and there are "doctors" grazing in "creeping hunger";

"Murloc Sleeve Nail"? This is useless, if I need it for a short time, I can turn into a large fish by myself, and if it takes a long time, I can completely come above the gray fog, and use the "Scepter of the Sea God" as an additional effect;

"Finger off"? I don't know if anyone wants it, and why the mouse demigod was sealed has not been investigated yet, it may be useful;