Chapter: 2311

Then, he waited for Miss "Magician" to ask how he would be punished, and planned to take this opportunity to consult other members of the Tarot Party to see if he could get a good opinion.

"Magician" Fors considered that it was a matter within the blood clan, and thought that although she was the victim, since Mr. "Moon" did not take the initiative to provide a plan, she had to take the other party's face into consideration. Don't ask too many questions, just wait. The result is to see if you are satisfied.

The giant-like palace then became quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit strange for a while.

"Justice" Audrey looked across, glanced to the side, pursed her mouth slightly, and asked "curiously", "Mr. Moon, how do you plan to punish that blood race?"

Huh... "Moon" Emlyn breathed out silently, and subconsciously glanced at "The World" Gehrman Sparrow and said, "He also did this under the orders of the higher-ups,

I don't think his mistake is so great that he has to pay for it with his life. "

The implication of Emlyn's words is that you don't need to interfere, Mr. World, and this matter doesn't need to be so intense.

Seeing that the "world" at the bottom of the long bronze table did not refute, Emlyn turned his gaze to the opposite side: "I am going to lead that blood race to a certain church of the Church of the Mother Earth in Backlund."

After participating in so many Tarot gatherings, even if Emlyn didn't bother with some detailed questions, he knew that he had to cover up his situation in the real world, so he didn't specifically mention the Harvest Church.

The Mother Earth Church has only one church in Backlund City, and that is the Harvest Church! The rest are located in the suburbs and surrounding countryside... Leonard the Star held back his smile and looked up at the tall dome.

"You want the Extraordinary from the Church of the Mother Earth to purify that blood race?" "Magician" Forsi blurted out in surprise.

In her opinion, this is no different from killing the opponent directly!

"Uh..." "Moon" Emlyn didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this time, "The Hermit" Cattleya took the initiative to intervene: "The Church of the Mother Earth has the habit of recruiting blood races to convert them into priests and bishops."

"Is that so..." Audrey "Justice" glanced thoughtfully at Mr. "Moon" on the opposite side, without letting the other party notice.

Let that vampire become a clergyman, go to church to pray every day, do volunteer work, cleanse the soul, and cannot get rid of it for a long time... Mr. "Moon"'s punishment plan is so vicious... But, I like it! That guy caused Xio and me to be almost polluted by corrupted forces and become ancient wraiths... "Magician" Forsi suddenly became interested, and asked, "Mr. Moon, how do you plan to lure that blood race to the earth?" In the Church of the Mother God? Is there a mature plan? Maybe I can help, well, you have to be careful yourself, and you can�t let yourself enter the Church of the Mother of the Earth in order to punish the other party. In that way, you can only ask the fool ' Sir begged for help."

Of course, that might be what Mr. "Fool" wanted to achieve, to have many of his own people in the Mother Earth Church... After Forsi finished speaking, she silently added a sentence in her heart.

Hearing her words, Leonard "The Star" almost laughed out loud. He was absolutely sure that Mr. "Moon" was Emlyn White from the Harvest Church. Obviously, this blood race was already a priest of the Mother Earth Goddess!

This is a bit similar to a drowning person dragging others into the water... Leonard restrained his smile, glanced at Gehrman Sparrow the World, and found that this former colleague did not have any emotional fluctuations, and was very deep .

This made him couldn't help but think:

Is this the ability of "Joker", or is Klein already used to this state?

At the top of the long mottled table, Klein the Fool almost covered his mouth with his hand.

He didn't expect Emlyn to be so creative!

This is a bit the same as pyramid schemes, but it's also a bit different. After all, Emlyn knows that this is not a good thing... Klein leaned back in his chair, looking forward to the next development with great interest.

During the last treatment, Miss Justice said not to wear a thick mask all the time. He always remembered and tried to do it when he had the opportunity to maintain his mental health.

And "Moon" Emlyn, who heard Miss "Magician"'s concern, was even more embarrassed, because he now has to go to the Church of the Mother of the Earth several times a day, and he would not even feel comfortable taking a weekend off.

He cleared his throat again and said, "I haven't drawn up a mature plan yet, and I want to hear your opinions. Well, I hope that there will be no too intense fighting. It's hard to control the situation, and I hope it won't be exposed directly. identity.

"Miss Magician, there is no problem if you want to participate, but we must never meet."

The so-called not directly revealing his identity means that it has nothing to do with Ernes Boyar and the rest of the blood race who can guess that he did it. This is just a deterrent, but it is best not to get clear evidence.

"Magician" Forsi said "hmm", imitating the experienced people in various gatherings and said: "First of all, you have to tell us that the blood race is roughly equivalent to the sequence number and what it is good at."