Chapter: 232

"Mass hysteria?" Sir Deville, who had also come into contact with many psychiatrists during this period, chewed on the term given by Klein.

His butler, his bodyguards, and his servants, without his permission, no matter how curious they were, they didn't make a sound.

On the contrary, Sheriff Gate looked at Klein suspiciously, as if he had never heard of a similar concept.

Klein controlled the inertia of tapping the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and explained in a calm and low voice: "Human beings are very easily deceived by their own senses, and group hysteria is the psychological cause of mental stress and other factors interacting within the same group. sexual issues."

His series of professional vocabulary made Sir Deville, Sheriff Gate and others confused for a while, and subconsciously chose to believe it.

"Let me give you a simple example. This is a case I have dealt with. A certain gentleman held a dinner party and invited thirty-five guests. During the dinner party, he suddenly felt nauseous and vomited it out on the spot. Severe diarrhea, once, twice, three times, he began to think that he had food poisoning, and he told his guests this speculation as he went to the hospital."

"In the next two hours, more than 30 of the 35 guests had diarrhea and 26 of them vomited. They filled the emergency room of the hospital."

"The doctors conducted a detailed examination and comparison, and believed that the gentleman was not poisoned at first, because the gastroenteritis was caused by the combination of weather changes and cold spirits."

"And the most surprising thing is that none of the guests who came to the hospital were poisoned, and none of them were even really sick."

"This is mass hysteria."

Deville nodded slightly, and praised: "I understand, human beings are indeed easy to deceive themselves, no wonder Emperor Roselle said that a lie repeated a hundred times will become the truth."

"Officer, what should I call you? You are the most professional psychologist I have ever seen."

"Inspector Moretti." Klein pointed to his epaulets and said, "Sir, your troubles have been initially resolved, you can try to fall asleep now, and let me confirm if there are other problems. If you can have a Good dream, please allow us to say goodbye in advance, so we won�t wait for you to wake up.�

"Okay." Deville rubbed his forehead, took his cane, and went upstairs step by step into the bedroom.

Half an hour later, the carriage with the police coat of arms drove away from the fountain at Lord de Vere's gate.

After Sergeant Geter got off the car halfway and returned to the police station, Inspector Toller looked at Klein, half complimenting and half jokingly saying: "I thought you were a real psychologist just now..."

He didn't finish his sentence, because he saw that the young man in the black-and-white checkered uniform barely showed any expression. His eyes were dark and deep, and the corners of his mouth were pulled upwards: "I just came into contact with it before."

Inspector Tolle fell silent until the carriage pulled up outside 36 Zouterand Street.

"Thank you for your help. Sir Deville finally got rid of his troubles and regained his sleep." He reached out his hand and shook hands with Klein. "Say thanks to Dunn for me."

Klein nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

He walked up the stairs and returned to the Blackthorn Security Company step by step, knocked on the door and entered the captain's office.

"Solved?" Dunn was waiting for his own lunch.

"Solved." Klein rubbed his forehead, and said concisely and truthfully, "The root of the problem lies in the lead and porcelain factories under Sir Deville's name. From their establishment to now, there have been too many deaths from lead poisoning. Incidents, and every incident, Sir Deville will gain a little bit of resentment from the residual spirituality."

"Normally speaking, these will not cause major problems, at most it will cause people to have nightmares." Dunn has handled similar cases and has quite a lot of experience.

Klein nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the trajectory of things should have developed like this, but unfortunately, Sir Deville met a female worker who was poisoned by lead on the street one day. She happened to fall by the side of the road and saw At the same time, she still had strong unwillingness, anxiety and longing, and these emotions did not dissipate until the Sir gave her parents, brother and sister a compensation of 300 pounds."

"This is a social problem, and it's not uncommon in this age of steam and machinery." Dunn took out his pipe, sniffed it, and said with a sigh, "Workers who make flax, because they will wet the material and wet themselves, are common. Suffering from bronchitis and joint disease, in a dusty factory, even if there is no poisoning, lung problems will accumulate... Phew, we don't need to discuss these, as the kingdom develops, I believe it will be resolved, Klein, Tonight, let's find a restaurant to celebrate your official team member?"

Klein thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow night...Captain, I have used my spiritual vision for too long today, and I used the technique of 'Dream Divination' to directly communicate with those grievances. I feel very tired. I hope I can come back this afternoon. Home, take a good rest, okay? Well, I will go to the Divination Club at four or five o'clock to observe the members' reactions to the sudden death of Heinus Vincent."

"No problem, that's what it should be." Dunn said with a chuckle, "Then tomorrow night, I'll ask Roseanne to make a reservation at the nearby Old Well restaurant."

Klein stood up holding the police cap, bowed and said, "Thank you, Captain, see you tomorrow."

Dunn raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute, you just said that Sir Deville gave the female worker's parents a compensation of 300 pounds?"