Chapter: 2332

After the game was over, the first person to walk towards Dwayne Dant�s with a smile was Major General Qonas Kilgor.

Quinas Kilgor, with deep blue eyes and black hair, which is rare for high-level people, walked up to Dwayne Dant�s with a glass of champagne, and said with a slight smile, "You're lucky today, and you're full of courage." .�

If it means that the next hand after receiving the "bribe" is often folded directly, preferring to lose the blind, then it is not luck, but knowledge... As for other times, when I play a game with you, I will almost " Winner" Enyuni's accumulated luck in the past few days has been used up... Klein shook the cup of light gin in his hand, sighed and smiled, "For a person who doesn't care about the result, of course he is fearless no matter how he fights.

"Hehe, praise the goddess!"

He was expressing in a Ruen-style implicit way that he mainly came here to lose money today, and his good luck was the blessing of the gods, and had nothing to do with him.

Quinas didn't lose much tonight, only one or two hundred pounds. Although this is quite a lot compared to his apparent salary, for a major general and deputy director of MI9, the hidden demigod For him, salary is only the most insignificant part of his income, so he didn't care, and shook his head with a smile: "Human beings are always unable to see through the arrangements of fate.

"You are an interesting person, it was a pleasure meeting you."

His last sentence was half praise and half polite, which meant the conversation was over.

However, Klein "performed" all night in order to get to know this demigod of the "Dark Emperor" pathway. How could he give up on this? He first responded, "I'm glad to meet you too", and then asked for advice in a seemingly casual manner. Said: "Your Excellency Major General, do you know anything about the manor on the outskirts of Backlund? It's best to have a forest where you can hunt."

According to the information Klein obtained from Miss Justice, the deputy chief of major general Qonas Kilgor doesn�t know whether it�s because of his personality or his special position, he doesn�t like to hold various banquets and dances at his home. , Sharon, and rarely accept invitations in this regard.

His hobbies are very simple. One is that he likes to smoke cigars, especially the "Chief Cigar" produced in the East Balam Mikont area-this is recognized as the best cigar in the world; the other is that he likes to play cards, mainly in Texas; It is a hunting hobby. In autumn and winter, it often goes to the outskirts of Backlund, and even Ahowa County, East Chester County and other places to hunt.

Originally, Klein planned to buy the manor just to spend money to integrate into the high society. He hadn't considered this aspect yet. After meeting Qonas Kilgor today, he temporarily added the corresponding requirements, hoping to arouse the other party's interest. At that time, he might be able to invite the deputy director of MI9 to go hunting in the countryside, enjoy a happy weekend, and look for opportunities to do it.

Qonas Kilgor took a sip of champagne, thought for a while and said, "Let me keep an eye out for you. If there is a suitable one, I will send someone there. Go, is Boklund Street? Well, go there and tell you."

"Thank you very much." Klein responded sincerely.

At the same time, he felt sorry for Richardson, the former personal servant who had just become a housekeeper's assistant. This young man who is eager to make progress has been going out early and returning late recently to collect information on the manor outside Backlund for his employer. Meet the requirements, which ones have the intention of selling, and do a field survey one by one, so that there is no problem with every option submitted in the end, so that the employer can�t let the employer take a fancy to which one from the information, and send someone to ask, only to find that others don�t want to sell at all. , or the actual situation is very different from the description in the data.

After Klein temporarily adjusted the requirements, all the work Richardson had done before would undoubtedly have to be overthrown and restarted.

Evil Party A...Well, after finishing this matter, let Tanya give him an annual salary increase of 5 pounds. Of course, the butler's assistant will earn a little more than when he was a personal servant... 5 pounds, in today's event In a game of poker, one or two raises are enough... With Richardson's annual salary, he can only play a few hands... Klein sighed silently, and suddenly felt that someone was looking at him.

He looked back at the past without concealing it, and found that it was Admiral Amyrius Leavitt who was looking at him.

This old-fashioned and serious middle-aged man nodded lightly, looked away, and had no intention of communicating with Dwayne Dant�s, nor did he call for someone to capture the wild Extraordinary. After all, he was a partner of the military. It is not uncommon for a businessman and adventurer with extensive contacts in the Southern Continent to accidentally obtain potions.

At this moment, Colonel Calvin and Councilor Macht walked towards Dawn Dant�s with wine glasses in their hands.

"How could this be?" Calvin lowered his voice and asked rather helplessly.

Since Dwayne Dant�s won nearly 1,000 pounds, in order not to let Admiral Amyrius lose money, he and Councilor Macht had no choice but to change their strategies from being cautious to unrestrained, and each lost several hundred pounds. Quite heartache.

In this way, plus other people's losses, Admiral Amyrius won two to three hundred pounds in the end.

In this regard, Klein spread his hands: "I didn't even look at the hole cards!"

His implication is that this is purely the favor of the gods in the realm of destiny.

So far, gods, angels and "hidden beings" who have authority in the field of destiny include but are not limited to "Evernight Goddess", "The Fool", "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin, Pallez Solo Astor, "The Blasphemer" Amon, and "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus.

"This is really a distressing thing." Councilor Macht smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Both Calvin and I were too defeated to go home."

They lost almost half of their apparent annual income.

Dawn Dant�s with gray sideburns showed a surprised look when he heard this: "When did you lose?"

He then pointed to the chips stacked in front of his position and said, "I just managed to keep the 1,000 pounds I bought at the beginning, and the rest is yours."