Chapter: 2336

During this process, his eyes naturally swept over the stack of newspapers on the ground.

The stack of newspapers has been unraveled, revealing a report in the middle: "...Mr. Dawn Dant�s, a rich man from Dixie, intends to acquire the Lalivier Steel Company, believing that it has quite good profitability and development prospect��"


"Sir, do you really want to acquire the Lalivier Steel Company?" Enyuni, the valet at No. 160 Boklund Street, asked on the way upstairs.

Dwayne Dant�s shook his head and laughed, "This news is purely fabricated. I only met Mr. Phil Larivie, the owner of Lalivier Steel Company, once at the ball last week and chatted a few words. .�

The butler next to him, Walter, was a little relieved when he heard the words, and then he said: "Sir, Larivi Steel Company is indeed looking for buyers, and there are quite a few people who are interested."

In other words, this news was released by Phil himself to a reporter in order to sell it at a better price? Klein nodded thoughtfully, entered the semi-open room with a large balcony, prepared to enter above the gray fog later, and observed the Hazel family with the help of "believer" Enyuni's prayer spot.

This is what he has been doing for the past few days.

Above the gray mist, in the magnificent palace.

Klein saw the scene in the valet's room through the prayer spot of "The Winner" Enyuni.

The horizon was raised and gradually extended, and the whole Boklund Street came into his eyes little by little. There were small buildings surrounded by flowers and green grass, and Intis plane trees that blocked the sun. , elegantly or gorgeously decorated carriages, and young people galloping cheerfully on bicycles.

In the end, Klein locked on to the house at No. 39, which is the mansion of Councilor Macht, and lowered his vision, examining the humans and animals there one by one, to see if he could find a black-haired, black-eyed man wearing a monocle. man.

Phew... For the time being, there is no misplacement or grafting of fate... After nearly ten minutes, Klein was slightly relieved.

At this moment, a carriage drove into Macht's house and stopped in front of the hall.

A girl with long dark green wavy hair and dark brown bright eyes stepped down from the carriage. It was Hazel who had gone home.

She was wearing a dark green dress that showed no shoulders, her lips were slightly pursed, and her expression was stretched with a little joy.

Seeing Hazel like this, Klein's heart skipped a beat.

This is absolutely abnormal performance!

In Klein's view, after the mouse demigod encountered Amon's doppelg�nger, there were no more than two results. One was that he still had a hole card and escaped successfully at the cost of serious injuries; No matter what the situation is, Hazel will definitely not be able to find a teacher, and she will inevitably be sad, painful, depressed, and sad. How can she be both relaxed and happy?

Judging by the way she risked going to the suburban manor to inform the teacher, she is not such a cold and selfish person... Her current state shows that she is sure that her teacher, the mouse and demigod, is fine, and even asked him about it. There are certain rewards there, which may include common sense of various extraordinary worlds... This is contradictory to my speculation about the demigod fate of mice, no, it is not contradictory, after eliminating all kinds of impossibilities, what is left is the truth... Klein asked After leaning against the back of the chair, he already had a judgment:

Amon not only absorbed the extraordinary characteristics of the mouse demigod, but also stole "his" fate and replaced "his" identity!

So, in Hazel's eyes, her teacher didn't have any accidents and just needed to hide for a while... After confirming something, Klein silently let out a breath and relaxed a little.

For him, the most terrifying thing about Amon is that no one knows how and in what capacity He will appear. One day Councilor Macht puts on a monocle, and the mosquitoes in the garden turn around at the same time. Possibly, so after roughly grasping the identity of Amon's appearance, Klein inevitably felt a little more at ease.

As for whether Amon will reveal the details in front of Hazel, Klein believes that it is absolutely impossible. After all, this is a king of angels based on fraud. The teaching is different, and you can easily use the excuse of "it was a test, but now it's officially started".

Of course, according to Pallez Zarathustra, Amon will never appear only as a mouse demigod, so he can't be careless because of this... Klein observed for a while, retracted his gaze, and left above the gray mist .

In a semi-open room with a large balcony, he sat in an easy chair, drank black tea with lemon slices, half-closed his eyes, and thought about how to deepen contact with Qonas Kilgor in the future.

After an unknown amount of time, Klein suddenly opened his eyes and activated his Spirit Vision.

��At the level of a demigod, he can already switch his vision on and off purely with his thoughts.

Almost at the same time, Reinette Tinekerr came out of the void carrying four blond-haired and red-eyed heads, one of which had a letter in its mouth.

"Whose letter?" Klein stretched out his right hand as if asking himself.