Chapter: 2350

Senator Macht then put the monocle on his right eye.

This... Hazel has clearly sensed that something is wrong, and looked at the other people in the room in a little panic.

Her mother, Mrs. Lianna, took off the ornament on the bridge of her nose, and put on a monocle that she took out from nowhere, and the servants and maids standing next to her also took out monocles Glasses, also worn to the right eye.


Hazel stood up instinctively, backed up again and again, and knocked the chair to the ground.

This voice alarmed everyone in the room. Councilor Macht, Mrs. Lianna, and the servants and maids all turned their heads and looked at Hazel.

A little smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.


Hazel collapsed all of a sudden, and let out a shrill cry.

The scream spread out of the house, penetrated the garden, and attracted the attention of passers-by on the street. Amon had put down his right hand with the monocle, looked at the figure in mid-air, and said with a smile: "Pale Si, it�s already 1350 of the Fifth Era, and the technique of relying on avatar gathering to improve the level has long been outdated.�

Behind him, Klein stopped talking nonsense, and while reaching into his arms, it seemed to be drawing a gun, while making "squirming hunger" transparent, condensing a transparent book in front of him.

And Amon just raised his hand lightly, and the human leather glove disappeared.

However, what disappeared together with the human leather gloves was the figure of Gehrman Sparrow.


It was not a glove that fell into Amon's palm, but a mouse, a mouse that died due to marionization.

On the other side of Amon, Klein, who was not wearing a top hat and wearing a shirt and a vest, flashed out, threw the things he had just taken out, and threw them at the target.

It was a thousand paper cranes.

It was an ordinary Thousand Paper Crane, and as soon as it flew out, it ignited a red flame and dropped some ashes.

Amon, who was looking at the sky, suddenly turned his head to the side, looked at the paper crane carrying the fiery flowers, and raised his palm again.

The eyes under the monocle had long since shone with a cold light.

Suddenly, the flames on the surface of the thousand paper cranes disappeared, Klein's ability to swap positions with Secret Puppet disappeared, his ability to "manipulate flames" disappeared, his ability to "jump flames" disappeared, and his ability to "air cannon" disappeared!

At this moment, he had six extraordinary abilities stolen from him, including four very important ones!

If Amon can do a few more steals, Klein might become an ordinary person directly.

This is the "stealing" at the angel level!

In the dim light of the fire, the paper crane slowly drifted away.


Backlund, Dr. Alan's house, inside a black baby carriage.

Will Auceptin Chris, who was wrapped in silver silk, wiped his mouth, wiped his eyes, and muttered: "Life is so hard..."

Before he finished speaking, he took out from nowhere an object that looked like a cane head and was inlaid with transparent gems.

The pure and clear light then lit up, illuminating the calendar in the room extremely clearly.