Chapter: 237

Alger glanced at the Fool, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "Let's start with the Mos Penance, it is the earliest secret organization, of course, many people think that the earliest secret organization should be the Church of the Evernight Goddess, The Church of the Mother Earth and the Church of the God of War."

"These people must be members of the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Sun, or the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom." Audrey retorted sullenly.

The Church of the Goddess is the earliest hidden organization? This was the first time Klein heard such a statement.

In the fourth era, or the third era, what happened?

Alger smiled and said: "These truths have long been buried in the ancient history. The only thing that is certain is that no one has ever said that the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom were once Secret organization."

"Okay, let's save time and get back to the topic. The Moses Penance Order was first formed by a few humans who watched the blasphemy slate. They believed in an impersonal god called the hidden sage."

"This is described as a god, but it is closer to an idea, a natural law, such as everything is number, and the hidden sage is the embodiment of spiritual numbers, such as knowledge is supreme, and the hidden sage is knowledge itself. Therefore, the early Moss The Penance is a very respected organization and has a good relationship with all major churches."

"Members of this organization use penance to fight against out-of-control, resolve the effects of potion remnants, and strictly keep secrets, adhere to morality and precepts, and believe that people will continue to reincarnate after death..."

"The Sequence 9 they mastered is called 'Secret Peer'... The word 'wizard' also came from this organization."

Audrey savored the description of "The Hanged Man", and sharply asked: "You said that the early Moss Penance Order was a very respected organization, aren't they now?"

Alger nodded slightly and said: "Yes, they have degenerated into an evil organization."

"Why? I think their ideas are very good and normal." Audrey expressed her doubts.

This is also Klein's doubt. The information he can access with his confidentiality level does not record the reason for the fall of the Moss Penance Order.

Alger glanced at the profound fool again, and said with a "hmm": "I don't know the real reason. It may have been completely covered up by the dust of history, but I know a shocking explanation."

"In that explanation, the main reason for the degeneration of the Moses Ascetic Order is that the god they believed in, that is, the 'hidden sage', is alive!"

"He became a personified evil god!"

"Alive? did you live?" Audrey asked in an unimaginable and incomprehensible tone.

Without knowing it, she exited the "spectator" state.

Just like a ghost story... And that "ghost" is still a god... Klein's heart also set off a storm.

"I'm sorry, no one knows the answer." Alger wanted to say "Maybe Mr. Fool knows" pretending to be casual, but he forcibly resisted the urge.

Because he has tried once today on the verge of danger.

There is this sentence in Chapter 5, Section 7 of "Book of Storms", which is still fresh in Alger's memory, that is: "Do not test God!"

Audrey calmed down, didn't ask any more questions, and signaled to continue.

Klein remained seated and silent, confirming what the "Hanged Man" said with what he knew.

In the end, he found that there were four points that he needed to pay attention to: "1. The Witch Sect was also called the Witch Clan in the Fourth Epoch. At that time, they had few members and relied on blood to reproduce, and they would kill their children. father, and abandoned the baby boy, so all the members are female, of course, this is what Alger said, and it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not."

"Second, the Spiritual Sect, which believes in death, and the Rose School, which likes bloody sacrifices, all originated in the Southern Continent. After the advent of the colonial era, they were almost wiped out by the Church of the Seven Gods, but they also spread to the Northern Continent."

"Third, the Psychological Alchemy Society is currently similar to the early Moss Penance Society. It believes in impersonal existence and believes that the human spirit can evolve everything."

"Fourth, the Secret Order is the organization with the lowest activity frequency among all the secret organizations, so it is the least understood by others. Every time they appear, they seem to be chasing something and looking for something."

What are you chasing? What are you looking for? Klein suddenly thought of the diary he had just read: Zaratul, the leader of the Secret Order, cooperated with Russell to obtain a relic of the Antigonus family.

And the purpose of their appearance this time is to retrieve the lost notes, the notes of the Antigonus family... Klein narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling as if he had grasped the core elements of the Secret Order's actions: