Chapter: 2386

"If we follow the intention of the 'message' person, the final result will depend entirely on whether she has good intentions, which we cannot control." Xio added from a rational point of view.

The reason why she used "she" to represent the person behind the scenes was because she thought of the quiet and sweet smell she smelled when she lost Sherman last time.

After listening quietly, Fors nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we are too passive in this whole matter, the best option is to leave here..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she glanced at the warehouse and opened her mouth, but she didn't add anything.

She thought of Sherman's current possible situation and suspected that "he" was in deep danger, but in the end she deliberately ignored it and didn't mention it.

To her, Sherman is just a person in Hugh's description, similar to the character in the novel. If she has the ability and opportunity to save him, then she is willing, but she has to take the risk and let If your friend becomes reckless and his life is in danger, he will definitely not consider it.

Hugh nodded and said

"Okay, we're leaving now.

"However, the person who 'messages' is definitely not happy to see us do this, and there must be some obstacles.

"Well, in this way, we escape from different directions, so that person can only choose one side. Whoever successfully escapes from this area will immediately make noise and attract the official Extraordinary."

"Why don't you just make noise here?" Fors subconsciously asked.

"This will definitely be blocked or destroyed!" Xio gave his reasons.

Forsi nodded thoughtfully.

"Makes sense.

"Okay, don't delay any longer, let's get started."

Xio didn't speak again, holding a handful of transparent and almost invisible triangular thorns tightly, bent his waist, jumped out of the hiding place, and ran towards the outside of the pier along the shadowed area.

The three-edged thorn was a magical item that she commissioned the "craftsman" to make from the dust and residual spirituality of the ancient wraith through Ms. "The Hermit" of the Tarot Society, and spent 500 pounds in cash. It was called the "cold blade".

Anyone who is hit by this weapon, even if they just touch it, will fall into freezing rigidity, and they will not even be able to control their thoughts, as if possessed by a resentful spirit. At the same time, once the battle continues, the "cold blade" Even if the enemy does not have direct contact with the triangular thorn, his thoughts will gradually slow down and his movements will become dull and jerky.

The negative effect of the "cold blade" is relatively not so terrible, and there is only one, that is, to make the wearer's body lose temperature a little bit, and transform into a dead spirit. Once the certain time limit is exceeded, this process will be irreversible.

Therefore, Hugh has recently become more and more fond of running, or riding a bicycle quickly, so as to generate heat by himself and fight against the loss of temperature.

But even so, she only increased the time interval for the "cold blade" to leave her body from 3 hours to 4 hours.

After running for a certain distance, Xio looked back and found that Forsi had gone through the wall and disappeared into the place where she was hiding before.

After staring at it for two seconds, Xio bit his lips lightly, turned around abruptly, and changed direction.

She went straight to the warehouse!

Soon, she arrived at the side of the destination, but she didn't rush to the entrance. She looked up and looked up, as if she wanted to find another passage, a passage that was more hidden and less noticed by people inside.

Just at this time,

She intuitively turned her head sideways, and saw a figure flashing past the corner of the wall.

The figure was wearing a black dress, with slightly curly brown hair and a pair of light blue eyes. It was Forswall.

"Didn't you leave?" Xio was surprised, but did not forget to lower his voice.