Chapter: 2396

In the same way, if the king's secrets and plans are very important, then on the way to and from the underground ruins, there are probably angels "watching" him from afar, paying attention to his safety, and once he is attacked, he can do it immediately. No response, and when he returns to a normal state of normal life, most of the sights cast on him will be withdrawn. After all, there are only so many angels, and they will not be so idle.

Fortunately, I used the most covert tracking method before, and the distance was large enough... From this point of view, Ms. Arianna handed over the battle to me mainly not to avoid risks and reduce negative effects, but to maintain a stealthy state. Preventing the battle from being discovered by the existence in the underground ruins would consume a lot of his energy... As his thoughts flashed, Klein gained a better grasp of the whole matter.

At this time, Arianna added

"Battles in the hidden world do not destroy reality."

This is pretty good... Klein murmured to himself silently, and said after thinking

"Then I have to hurry up and make some preparations."

"Okay." Arianna responded calmly.

He didn't even ask me what preparations I had to do, and I was ready to say "at least I need to change clothes"... While complaining to himself, Klein looked down at the blue and white checked pajamas he was wearing.

The glove on his left palm quickly became transparent, and the whole person disappeared in place.

Inside Meisong Manor, Klein's figure flashed out, maintaining the image of Gehrman Sparrow, quickly changed his clothes, and put on his top hat.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a blank piece of paper and started writing directly with his fingers.

A little crimson flame spewed out from his fingertips, leaving scorched black marks on the paper without igniting the thing.

Those scorched black traces were shaped like lines, and quickly formed a complex symbol, combining the symbols of "peeking" and "secret".

With the completion of the symbol, the surface of the full-length mirror in the room suddenly became deep, and there were fluctuations of water light.

One after another silver lines are then highlighted, forming one word after another

"Great and supreme master, Arrods, your loyal and strong servant, is here at your summons!

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"Yes." Klein nodded, looked out the window and said, "Which demigod-level abilities and powerful sealed items does Qona Korgo possess?"

This is the information he had roughly grasped before�after confirming that Qona Skelg was the target, he made corresponding collections, and now he wants to learn more and prepare more fully and pertinently.

On the surface of the full-length mirror, the silver words twisted and wriggled, quickly forming new words

"Great master, Quina Korgo is a 'fallen earl'. In order to conceal his strength, the sealed item he controls also belongs to the 'lawyer' pathway, but it has some characteristics of the 'arbitrator' pathway, called 'light and shadow'. concerto'."

On the full-length mirror, the silver words seemed to have their own vitality, disappearing line by line, and reorganizing line by line: "'Concerto of Light and Shadow' is a pocket watch that can 'prohibit' certain behaviors within a certain range, and can also 'deprive others'. 'Some kind of Extraordinary ability of the target, but the combination of the two can cause no more than two kinds of restrictions;

"'Concerto of Light and Shadow' can also directly 'gift' a certain negative state to the target, making him either passive and slow at work, or greedy and eager, or lose fighting spirit, or only focus on money;

"In addition to these, the holder of this sealed item can also 'distort' the target's language, actions, intentions, and attack effects, turning fatal wounds into serious injuries, striking into pushing away, advancing into retreat, making Escape becomes charge.

"The negative effects of 'Concerto of Light and Shadow' are relatively serious. Among them, the most important point is that once the carrier enters the combat state, within a certain range, all the extraordinary effects displayed will be intermittently and randomly mutated, regardless of enemy or friend. It is difficult to control and unpredictable, that is to say, the 'lightning strike' may still create a bolt of lightning, or it may pour cold water on the target's face, or it may summon unknown spirit creatures.

"For this reason, Qonas Kilgor deliberately collected a magical item that would make him lucky at critical moments, hoping that the intermittent random effects would be more beneficial to him. This has a certain effect, but it's not that big.


"Qonas Kilgor also owns a peculiar pistol, which originated from a mutation in a certain evil god sacrifice event, called 'Revere's Desperate Scream' can be fired without bullets, and every shot It has a lot of power... It can shoot continuously and quickly, like a shrunken machine gun... The target hit by it will also bear Revere's desperate screams before death, and they will experience pain, dizziness, confusion, etc. state��

"The biggest problem with this pistol is that its owner hears the same scream of despair, just not as often.
