Chapter: 2410

However, they saw nothing, and the corresponding area was empty.

Just when there was strong uneasiness in their hearts and a lot of doubts, behind them, a figure was quickly outlined as if they were drawn. It was Arianna, the ascetic leader of the Church of the Evernight with traces of mending in his robe.

In an instant, the four guards fell asleep, and Anthony, Radar, and Horamick entered the underground ruins one after another.

They didn't go directly down the road, but passed through the hall, floated into the air, and looked down at everything.

This is a world ruled by darkness, and some light comes from the strange moss growing in different places and the firelight reflected in human buildings.

With the help of their illumination, even a Beyonder without dark vision can grasp the overall appearance of this huge ruin:

On one side is a gray stone rock wall, which spreads upwards, with no end in sight, and seems to be connected to the ground. On one side, there is a dark valley with no bottom, like the abyss dwelling of demons. A road paved with stone slabs runs through the two, connecting the halls and buildings together, and there are human beings coming and going from time to time, quiet and silent.

The archbishops of the three major churches were about to grab a few people who could go deep into the underground ruins and ask about the situation inside, when they suddenly saw a figure flying out of the dark ravine, and went straight to themselves and other demigods.

The figure has a rectangular face, with a white wig on his head, two slightly upturned beards at the ends of his mouth, bushy eyebrows, and large eyes, somewhat similar to the characters on playing cards .

He was wearing a dress, a cloak, and extremely long toe shoes. His clothes were out of touch with the current era, as if he had lived in the last hundred years.

Archbishops such as Anthony and Horamick were no strangers to him, and they knew that he was Prince Grove Augustus of Sonia, one of the demigods of the royal family.

"How did you get in here?" Grove asked first, with a slightly puzzled expression.

Glancing at each other, Anthony took the initiative and said, "We have been investigating several cases of mysterious disappearances of a large number of people, and we have locked on Qonas Kilgor from MI9. Through him, we found this place."

Grove's expression changed a few times, he glanced at the calm woman, and asked after deliberation, "Ms. Arianna?"

"Yes, I am responsible for those missing persons cases." Arianna responded succinctly.

Prince Grove showed a wry smile: "We are too greedy. After discovering this ruin, we only thought about digging and harvesting the items inside. In order to keep it secret, we also had a certain connection with the Witch Sect, and collected population through them. To build passages and hold certain ceremonies.

"No, it's not what you think, it's just a normal ceremony, they are still alive, deep in the ruins.

"If you don't believe me, I can take you down to check it now. There is nothing there except for the seals and buildings that have not been fully opened."

Hearing his answer, Anthony, Horamick, and Radar looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

This is completely different from their expected reaction and imagined situation!

This made them wonder if something was wrong, and that things were far from as serious as they thought.

At this moment, Arianna spoke: "You also created the big smog incident."

"No." Prince Grove shook his head again, "That's a lesson from cooperating with the witches. They actually wanted to control Edsaac in order to gain power in the kingdom. After being discovered by us, they created the big smog incident. , Since then, we have cut off contact with them."

Having said that, he pointed down, and said calmly: "Just to keep secret the excavation of a 'Blood Emperor' relic, how could we do such a thing?

"As long as you go down to the depths and examine it carefully, you will understand what I mean.

"Hehe, don't worry, with Ms. Arianna here, no trap can trap you. Besides, let alone the question of whether you have this ability, even if we can secretly bury you deep in the ruins, the Holy See will still be able to find out the problem. I don't believe that you didn't report this matter to your respective Holy See before you set off, and if you didn't go back later, they will definitely have a correct response."

Radar, Anthony and other demigods thought about it for a while, and turned their eyes to Arianna, who was dressed in plain clothes in front of her.

Arianna nodded calmly and said, "Okay."

Then an angel and three saints, led by Prince Grove, entered the depths of the underground ruins, and found that there was a ruin hidden in the dark that no one had stepped on. There were men and women who were taught to form different rituals. , everything is peaceful and orderly.

Arianna, Horamick and other demigods inspected different areas according to their own ideas, and even left here to check further away, but found nothing.