Chapter: 2450

How could this be... Even if Hugh and Fors didn't delay at all along the way and maintained a relatively fast speed, it would still take at least a quarter of an hour to arrive at the nearest Evernight Church... Fortunately, I was still cautious and prayed to Mister Fool in advance She gave the angel's blessing, and she really hypnotized Xio and Forsi just now... Audrey's thoughts flashed one after another, and she quickly suppressed them.

Her eyes were confused at first, and then revealed a sudden color, as if she finally woke up from a long dream, remembering all kinds of things that were forgotten and ignored before.

"Mr. Rambis, why are you here..." Audrey made her voice erratic, as if she was still a little addicted to dreams.

While speaking, she used the "psychiatrist" to control her emotions, so that a little bit of unavoidable anxiety flashed like a normal thought, without causing any abnormalities.

This unexpected change made her not know how to move forward.

Undoubtedly, she knew that she had to deal with Hvin Rambis's next question first, so as not to make this demigod feel a little suspicious, but if it was just like this, the other party might leave in three to five minutes, and Hugh He and Forsi must have not yet entered the Church of the Night, and have not completed the misleading steps. At that time, forcibly igniting the hats and summoning the "world" will easily cause flaws in the end of the matter, and cannot really solve hidden dangers.

No, I'd rather miss it than push forward the plan without being prepared... Patience, patience, and caution are the key words in the mysterious world... At least Hvin Rambis was just using me for a long time, It won't hurt me directly. Even if he wants me to marry His Royal Highness, the whole process will take more than half a year. I still have enough time to wait for the second, third, or even fourth, fifth chance... the only one The problem is that Xio and Forsi need to be notified, so that they can hide as soon as possible... Audrey quickly made a decision when her eyes returned to normal, revealing a little bit of vigilance and fear.

After observing her reaction and hearing her question, Hvin Rambis smiled and said, "This should be the first time you have hypnotized someone in a real sense. I was worried that there would be accidents, so I came to the scene to wait, haha , with your background, you really rarely have the opportunity to use this ability..."

His voice was soft and caring, and unconsciously made the vigilance and fear in Audrey's eyes melt away little by little.

In Audrey's spiritual world, she once again had the feeling of split consciousness, partly elevated, overlooking the "island" and "sea".

This made her clearly realize that the goodwill and sense of security she had just had were the result of being guided.

Seeing that Audrey's state had returned to normal, Hvin Rambis nodded slightly and said, "How did they answer your question just now?"

Audrey said frankly: "Hugh said that the investigation of Viscount Stratford and the pursuit of the king's secrets all came from her own will. She was full of doubts about the cause of her father's death back then. Her father was the former head of the palace guard, Mason... Earl Dill...

"However, she mentioned that her actions were blessed by a certain existence."

In the process of speaking, Audrey's words almost stopped, because the "she" who was under the spiritual sky, overlooking the island of consciousness and the ocean of mind, saw a figure climbing rapidly from the bottom of the sea, along the stairs that appeared, penetrating the subconscious landed on the island of her "mental body".

That figure was wearing a black three-piece suit, with silver hair all over his head, like another Hvin Rambis.

This Hvin Rambis didn't have a smile on his face, and his temperament was extremely sinister. Part of his skin was covered with off-white scales. His eyes not only changed from light blue to golden, but also stood upright, like some kind of animal.

If she hadn't had such an experience before, at this extremely tense moment, Audrey might not be able to pretend that she didn't notice anything, so that her speech would not be interrupted or stuttered.

Hvin Rambis in the real world looked at Audrey's pure and beautiful face with a smile, and asked further: "Which existence is the blessing?"

Audrey shook her head, and there was a corresponding change in the island of consciousness: "As soon as this matter was mentioned, Xio and Fors resisted very much. There were signs of getting rid of hypnosis, so I didn't dare to pursue it."

Of course, the blessing of a certain existence can be interpreted as Mister Fool's attention, or as the goddess' gaze... The Audrey who kept awake under the spiritual sky muttered silently.

Hvin Rambis continued to focus on this issue, asking about the details of the hypnosis just now.

Two or three minutes later, he nodded in satisfaction and said: "Yes, you do have enough hypnotic talent, and when the recent incident is over, I will give you the potion of 'Dreamwalker' and personally preside over the ceremony for you.

"Well, don't reject love and marriage too much. You are not yet twenty years old. It is time to pursue and enjoy these things. Your charm is enough to be liked by everyone, and you can enjoy their eyes and fawning to the fullest... "

Hvin Rambis used hints and guidance from the side to make Audrey lower her resistance to love and marriage.

This hateful guy... Audrey under the spiritual sky puffed her cheeks, muttered angrily, and manipulated herself on the island of consciousness to show a little shyness and yearning.

Hvin Rambis followed the gradual theory, and succeeded without thinking about it once. Seeing this, he withdrew the consciousness of invading the other party's mental body, and let his illusory self escape from that island.

He himself said instead: "Forget the words I just said, they are the thoughts that come to you spontaneously.

"When I leave here and my back disappears from your sight, you will forget that I have been here."

Hearing these words, Audrey under the spiritual sky couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, because it meant that Hvin Rambis was about to leave.