Chapter: 2472

After the red wine bottomed out, Charlie Lake stood up and walked to the bathroom.

When he passed the full-length mirror in the bedroom, he glanced at it casually, and his body froze suddenly.

In the mirror, his face had become extremely pale at some point, his eyes were extremely protruding, bright red blood was left on the edge, and there was a dark red at the corner of his mouth.

As a member of the Rose School of Thought, Charlie Lake is no stranger to such situations. Instead of screaming or running around like ordinary people, he directly raised his right hand and stretched it out to his chest.

He had just touched the jewelry he was wearing, and his body was like falling into an ice cave that would never melt. From the inside to the outside, it was cold.

This coldness seemed to have vitality, and it expanded rapidly, occupying every corner of Charlie Lake's body, making him feel like his joints and muscles no longer belonged to him, and he began to obey others.

At this moment, there seemed to be another person in his body, cold and vague, full of malice, directly taking over everything outside of thinking.

At the same time, Charlie Lake saw a new change in himself in the mirror. There were two figures in his eyes, both young men in white shirts and black vests.

With the help of the preemptive touch with his right hand, a bright radiance lit up in front of him.

This glow seemed to originate from a shrinking "sun", throwing light and heat to the surroundings.

Charlie Lake immediately felt the warmth, and was no longer controlled by the coldness in his body. He uttered a word vaguely.


The miniature "sun" in front of his chest became more and more hot, and the light was like warm water, pouring inward, creating ripples.

Charlie Lake then regained control of his body, immediately gave up on the door, and rushed towards the window.

The curtains had not been drawn there yet, the drizzle was falling lightly outside, and the light from the street lamps was dim.

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When Charlie Lake passed the carpeted coffee table and sofa area, he suddenly staggered and almost fell.

The rug seemed to come to life, wrapping around his ankles!


The coffee table flew up, and the bone china teacup and various documents on it flew directly onto Charlie Lake's face, causing him to be torn apart and turned into a strange dismembered puppet.

Moments later, Charlie Lake's figure stood out on the other side, and he continued to run wildly with a lingering fear in his heart.

He hated the size of his bedroom more than he did now.

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The pens were shot randomly, and the papers were flying horizontally. Charlie Lake finally ran to the window.

As a devout believer, he didn't break out of the window immediately, but grabbed the curtain and pulled it.

At the same time, he pressed his other hand on the gas pipe.

A layer of white frost instantly condensed on the iron-black metal surface.

With a click, the glass window in front of Charlie Lake shattered by itself, and each fragment was shot out like a bullet, hitting the businessman's face, leaving him without a piece of intact skin, and piercing him. Blood gushes out from the neck.

Charlie Lake's eyes dimmed, and he fell back weakly. During this process, he screamed and yelled, but the sound could not be heard in the room.

At this time, in another room, a maid who was obviously from the Southern Continent saw the light of the gas wall lamp flickering.