Chapter: 2479

The maximum working hours of the workers and the basic working environment have been satisfied, various industries are developing better and better, the number of homeless people has been reduced to an unimaginable level, and various security plans led by the kingdom cover all groups of people ;

There are more and more workers who can afford bicycles. On the street, the bicycles gathered are like a large army, heading to different places in the sound of clanging;

Children don�t have to enter factories in their childhood. They laugh and fight, and run into classrooms with bright windows and clean tables and chairs, open their textbooks, and start listening carefully. If they don�t study, it�s because they don�t want to, but not without conditions;

Every woman is no longer discriminated against because of gender. Even a female laundry worker can rely on learning, gain knowledge, and find a better job. They are journalists, teachers, policemen, soldiers, miners, and government employees. They can be seen in every formal industry;

All kinds of mechanical creations appear in the streets and alleys, bringing convenience and joy to the people;

On the square in front of the Church of the Evernight, white doves sometimes fly up and sometimes fall down. People are sitting, standing or playing, enjoying life to the fullest...

This is the future Audrey dreams of. Wild Extraordinary people no longer have to worry about it. As long as they receive regular physical examinations and mental state assessments, they can walk in the sun and legally earn money with their extraordinary abilities.

"It was beautiful... If I hadn't been sober, I would probably have been addicted to it, descended from the heights of consciousness, walked with Mom and Dad, hunted with my brothers, and occasionally went to school to teach the children a lesson, Always work hard for the continuation of world peace..." Audrey stared at such a dream, feeling a burst of emotion in her heart.

Immediately, she felt that her astral body was elevated again, breaking through the edge of the gray world.

She saw that her dream was like a huge bubble, growing from the "island of consciousness" and covering it quietly.

The surroundings of this "bubble" are gray, and other "bubbles" can be vaguely seen in the distance, and the bottom of those "bubbles" often corresponds to an "island of consciousness".

The gray depths are silently rippling, and the "wave light" is flickering, and the illusory ocean at the bottom cannot be seen.

The sea of ??collective subconsciousness... This is what the spiritual world looks like from the perspective of the "dream walker"... and the "manipulator" has really started to involve the sea of ??collective subconsciousness... Audrey nodded in a daze, looked away, and stopped lingering , Forcibly broke free from the dream.

What she saw in front of her eyes returned to normal, and it was still dark outside the window, only the gas lamps around the garden were emitting light.

Audrey then turned her gaze to the full-length mirror in the bedroom, and felt that she hadn't changed much from before. Only after careful observation could she find that the pair of green eyes became clearer and deeper, as if they could reflect the soul of others.

After closing her eyes and experiencing the knowledge brought by the potion, Audrey quickly grasped the core ability of "Dream Walker"

Through the guidance and manipulation of dreams, obtain intelligence and influence the enemy.

This is divided into two aspects

The first is "Guidance", which is similar to "Nightmare" in the "Dark Night" pathway. It uses different changes in dreams to guide the target to tell the secrets in their hearts step by step. The difference is that "Nightmare" can forcibly pull people into dreams, while "Dreamland" Walker" is not allowed, unless "hypnosis" is used to cooperate;

The second is "modification". Through the modification of the dream, it will affect the target over time, causing him to change unconsciously and do things that he would not do otherwise. The spirit body acts as a springboard, gradually infecting the mental body of the target, and then reacting to the mental body, which is rooted in the subconscious. Compared with direct "hypnosis", this kind of manipulation originating from dreams is softer, more hidden, and less likely to be manipulated. Perception, suitable for targeting higher level goals.

From this point of view, there may be a few or more "dream modification" results hidden in a large number of acts of love at first sight... Well, in many best-selling novels, because the heroine often dreams of a certain figure, she has sex with him time and time again. Romantic and beautiful getting along, so after seeing the hero who is similar to the figure in the dream, she quickly sinks, full of yearning for love, um... Audrey thinks about the novels he has read in the past, and feels like laughing for a while.

As far as she is concerned, no matter "guidance" or "modification", there is no essential improvement compared to "hypnosis". Instead, she likes another extraordinary ability more, that is "dream travel".

This can make her body blur, as if she has become a dream elf or a dream walker. Not only can she directly hide in other people's dreams, but she can also jump from one dream to another, so as to complete the "flash" in the physical sense. ".

��The limitation of this kind of shuttle is that the distance between the two dreams is no more than 500 meters, and they belong to intelligent creatures.

Under certain circumstances, this can effectively hide oneself... Well, why didn't Hvin Rambis directly affect me through "dream modification"? Because it is protected by the church? The "Dark Night" pathway is also good at things in the dream realm... Audrey thoughtfully began to restrain her spirituality.


Above the gray mist, inside the ancient palace.

Beside the long mottled bronze table, Klein and Leonard sat diagonally across several seats.

"Why are you looking for me all of a sudden?" Leonard leaned back on the back of the chair and asked rather lazily.

No matter what, he always remembered that this place belonged to Mister Fool, and he didn't dare to act too casually.