Chapter: 2499

"The Kingdom of God..." Leonard's pupils suddenly dilated, and he repeated the most crucial word.

"Justice" Audrey also came back to her senses, and whispered softly: "Is it really Levished?"

"It's just possible." Klein calmed down and responded simply, "It didn't float in the air like the legend said, but sank at the bottom of the collective subconscious sea, so it's hard to say whether it's true or not."

At this time, Leonard finally controlled himself, looked at the magnificent city in the "deep sea pit" once again, and smiled like a self-deprecating smile: "I didn't expect that I would come to the kingdom of the ancient gods one day... ..."

Frankly speaking, if Miss Justice hadn't been here, he definitely couldn't help but sigh how "rich and colorful" Klein's life was.

Since reuniting with this former teammate, he has not only directly met the two Sons of God, the King of Angels, but also entered the magical world of books and discovered a city suspected to be the kingdom of the ancient gods.

This is many times more exciting than his experience in the past year, and the level is also many times higher!

Of course, it is also dangerous many times.

After saying this, he looked up at the "Sea of ??Light and Shadow" floating above, and asked thoughtfully, "How can you tell whether the sea of ??collective subconscious is real or just imagined?"

This is a continuation of the question of how to judge whether Levished is true or false.

Audrey "Justice" thought about it for a while, and said uncertainly: "There is no way to tell, or in other words, the collective subconscious sea here is also real.

"Essentially speaking, the collective subconscious is the precipitation and accumulation of strong emotions and feelings. Although people in this world may be imaginary, their experiences, emotions, joy, anger, sadness, pain, happiness, It all happened for real..."

While talking, Audrey stopped, vaguely grasped something, but couldn't really say it out.

At this moment, Klein suddenly said: "The items it imagined will definitely manifest, and the kingdom it imagined will surely come to the material world..."

Amidst the echo of the voice, Klein put away the gold coins in his hand and jumped directly into the "deep sea crater", with the black windbreaker raised.

"The future it proclaims will surely be staged and become a reality..."

While his figure was gliding down, the follow-up words came up.

Audrey's green eyes were confused at first, then lit up immediately, and immediately afterwards, she also "jumped" towards the "City of Miracles".

"Aren't you going to predict the degree of danger? This may be the kingdom of the ancient gods!" Leonard looked at the two in amazement and blurted out.

In his education, this was an illegal course of action.

When did you have the illusion that I didn't do divination, it's just that you didn't notice my small movements, I just put away the gold coins... Besides, my premonition of danger didn't prompt... Also, if my guess is true Yes, the "Dragon of Wisdom" Herabogen should have entered here, if there is any active danger, he would have dealt with it long ago... If Miss "Justice" wasn't here, I really want to complain about you... Ke Ryan slandered silently while adjusting his direction and speed, passed between several thick stone pillars nearly 100 meters high, fell layer by layer, and stepped on the gray ground.

He is in a spirit state now, so he can fly naturally if he wants to.

Two or three seconds later, "Justice" Audrey wearing a silver mask landed beside him.

Audrey immediately looked up, and was shocked by the magnificence of those stone pillars and the palace for a few seconds before speaking: "Looking inside is completely different from looking at it from a distance...

"Perhaps, this is how a mouse really feels in Backlund..."

While she was speaking, Leonard also glides over, looking sideways at Klein.

It's not that he doesn't trust Klein and doesn't know the other party's caution, but that in a joint operation, this kind of thing must be asked clearly, because there is a possibility that his teammates will be unknowingly polluted and act recklessly.

This is the experience summary of the "Nighthawks" who have sacrificed time and time again.

"The current revelation is that there is no danger." Klein said truthfully.

Leonard no longer doubted, looked around and said, "The City of Miracles is really big...