Chapter: 2552

"In the future, there will be many, many disasters, many of which will be caused by the collision of angelic forces. I think you should be in charge of at least one '0' sealed item, which can stop it at critical moments. Of course, you must choose well. When and how."

Bernadette nodded slightly, agreeing with Klein's statement, and acquiesced that she had at least one "0" level sealed item.

Of course, as the daughter of the "protagonist" of the previous era, and as the most beloved child of Emperor Roselle, it would be inconceivable if her father hadn't left one or two "0"-level sealed items for her.

And more importantly, Bernadette is already preparing for the ceremony of being promoted to "Sage", which means that she must have the corresponding Sequence 2 Extraordinary Characteristics in her hand, which is equivalent to a "0" level sealed item to some extent.

After acquiescing, "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette's soft but emotionless voice changed slightly: "However, I still don't like war, although it can bring me opportunities.

"I used to hate him so much and couldn't understand him that I didn't call him daddy for many years. It was because he did too many things that went against the trend of the times and hurt innocent people in his later years in order to be promoted to the 'Dark Emperor'. I can't accept my The father who was like a hero in his heart turned into a crazy tyrant...

"And now, after the answer from the person behind you and my own investigation, I understand his situation somewhat, understand that he is suffering from despair, pain and loneliness, and understand that he is like a drowning person, just instinctively, trying his best struggling."

... Klein sighed for a while, and his mood was hard to calm down.

There may be only two people sitting here who know Huang Tao Russell Gustav best in this world.

Of course, this kind of nostalgia does not prevent him from realizing that the state of "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette is a bit different today. In the previous few meetings, this princess has never said so many words, and has never opened her heart so directly. At most, it is to blow the music and express a little sadness implicitly and restrainedly.

After thinking about it, Klein pretended not to notice, and asked instead, "When did He start changing? Do you think there were any omens before this, or is there anything worth paying attention to?"

"Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette's deep blue eyes moved slightly, as if caught in a long memory.

After a while, she slowly opened her mouth and said: "Not long before that, he said something to me with some pride: Don't you always want to know what is on the moon and other planets around us? From now on, Maybe our journey lies in the sea of ??stars."

The stars, the sea... what is on the moon and other planets... Klein pondered over the words of "Queen of Mysteries", and suddenly remembered a key word and a thing.

The keyword is: "starry sky"!

That thing is: Mr. "Gate" once told Emperor Roselle that when he has the ability and the opportunity, he can go to the moon and take a look, and that will solve many of his doubts.

The emperor finally went? That hysterical diary entry was written after this exploration? (Note 1) He eventually changed his personality unknowingly, became extreme, became extreme? Klein recalled the corresponding content, and under the gaze of "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette, he said after deliberation: "At your level, you should more or less know that the pollution comes from the starry sky."

Bernadette nodded without further questioning, as if she knew that Gehrman Sparrow on the opposite side didn't know either, knowing that only a demigod of the angel rank could detect and resist that kind of pollution.

Klein and her looked at each other in silence for about ten seconds, and then brought the topic into his own intention: "One of the causes of this war is that King George III of Loen discovered the nine secret tombs left by the 'Blood Emperor' Tudor. In order to transfer to the 'Dark Emperor' route and become the idea of ??Sequence 0, for this reason, he abolished the "Corn Law"..."

Klein didn't care whether the "Queen of Mysteries" knew about these things or not. According to his own rhythm, he talked roughly but without missing the key points, and finally said: "The 'Dark Emperor' does have the ability to resurrect, but once a new one appears The Black Emperor', the original one has completely fallen."

Originally, the one was referring to Emperor Roselle who might have succeeded but was "assassinated and died".

Sometimes, Klein wondered if Roselle fell on the spot by deliberately giving others a chance. In this way, when he was resurrected from the astral world, regained control of "uniqueness", and absorbed three copies of the Sequence 1 characteristic, he would not It will take back the characteristics of "Knowledge Emperor", "Mystic Scholar" and other paths, so that you can become pure and get rid of madness.

This is a way to survive the death, but the premise is that Roselle's ceremony was successful, and he died during or after the ceremony, not before the ceremony.

"Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette listened quietly, and said slowly, "You want to stop George III?"

"Yes." Klein nodded frankly.

"Why?" Bernadette asked without changing her tone.

The corners of Klein's mouth turned up, and he smiled and said, "Some ridiculous reasons that are not worth mentioning."

Bernadette's eyes lingered on his face for a while and said: "Enough is enough, I am also worrying about some vague things that probably won't happen.

"We can work together to stop George III."

They are all "ridiculous" people... Klein sighed secretly: "I will give you the method of summoning the messenger."