Chapter: 2566

"Healing a demigod who is showing signs of losing control... I can accumulate contributions again..." Audrey put down the pen in her hand, and put on a cloak with a white background and gold pattern.

Same as the previous mission, she set up the ceremony, accepted the "squirming hunger", put on the "lie" that turned into a silver mask, and under the protection of the "angel's embrace", according to the "world" Gehrman Sparrow The given route map was "teleported" to the Meisangyesi Mansion in Kukwa City, West Balam.

The difference was that because she had to face a demigod, Audrey not only wore a mask this time, but also used "lie" to adjust her figure, breath, and appearance under the mask.

Then, she saw Mr. World who looked like Dwayne Dant�s.

"That demigod is currently decomposed into puddles of black liquid. Try not to communicate directly with his mental body. This will make his out-of-control tendencies infect you in turn. If it can't be cured, I can borrow your extraordinary characteristics." Klein specifically told Miss Justice a few words.

Audrey didn't say that she was very clear and professional in this area, after listening carefully

"I'll give it a try first."

She pulled the cloak that wrapped her body, took a few steps forward, and cast her eyes on the illusory bookshelves and the puddles of black liquid.

"Fortunately, it hasn't really started to lose control." After examining it for a few seconds, Audrey said softly.

Accompanied by these calm and powerful words, there is an invisible wind of "pacification" that blows quietly.

The frequency of curling up and stretching the puddles of black liquid began to decrease, and the feeling of anxiety weakened accordingly.

Audrey used "comfort" a few more times, and waited until Luca Brewster's mental state had completely stabilized and was able to cooperate before letting the other party let go of his mind and embrace the treatment.

And she took the opportunity to open the "mind-body door" of the demigod, divided into multiple times to "pacify" and purify the pollution, and planted psychological hints, implying that Luca Brewster has no problem now, and can easily put away the mythical creature form , turning back into a human.

��The reason for dividing it into multiple times is that Audrey quit immediately when she was slightly polluted and affected, and solved her own mental problems first.

Finally, she finished the therapy and suggestion, stepped back a few steps

"Your Excellency, you can release the mythical creature form."

As soon as she finished speaking, all the illusory bookshelves in the hall disappeared, and the puddles of black liquid gathered together like life, condensing into a human form.

The black faded quickly, and Luca Brewster returned to his original appearance, sighing and laughing

"Thank you so much, I saw a Sequence 5 'audience' coming over, and I thought it would become the main material for her transfer path..."

The old man spoke so directly... I don't know how to answer these words... Klein glanced sideways at Audrey the Justice, and found that her eyes were tightly closed.

Uh... Klein responded to Luca Brewster

"Don't worry, what you need most now is a set of clothes."

"..." Luka Brewster looked down at himself, hurriedly raised his right hand, and scratched to the side.

His gray-green eyes turned dark black.

The gold mixed with the stairs flew out immediately, blended into a thin armor in mid-air, and put it on Luca Brewster's body.

Luca moved his lower arm and explained while experiencing the effect: "'Stiano's Golden Armor Art' is equivalent to the defense level of Sequence 5 'Guardian'."

"Stiano?" Klein asked casually.

Luca said in a tone of introducing historical celebrities: "One of the earliest founders of the Moses Penance Order.

"I heard that Emperor Roselle once improved this 'Golden Armor Technique'. I don't know what effect it will show in the end."

...I can probably imagine... Maybe this "golden armor" has twelve different shapes... After Klein muttered a few words in his heart, he brought the topic back on track: "Fenepot and the Church of the Mother Earth Have you officially joined the war?"