Chapter: 2588

Similarly, Tracy didn't think that Gehrman Sparrow was moved by her beauty and experience, so she coveted herself, because the other party's eyes were as cold as looking at a dead person.

"There must be other factors..." Tracy's thoughts turned, and she made associations from the things she might be involved in, and quickly came to a certain judgment, "It should be that my blood relationship with my mother is too close, and the witches They are all good at cursing. Once I die, my mother will be able to detect it immediately. If there is a problem here, I will evade it in advance, so that Gehrman Sparrow's follow-up actions will not be able to find the target. That's why he let me live, but Unable to communicate with others... So it seems that whether he succeeds or fails in his operation against my mother, he may come back and kill me... And I must succeed in saving myself before I want to live."

In Tracy's heart, she doesn't have any deep feelings for her mother, Katerina. This "immortal witch" has lived long enough, and most of the time she keeps her youthful attitude by interacting with young people. Children interested in having children are often enthusiastic for a while and indifferent most of the time.

However, as she got older, Tracy was evaluated by Katerina as more and more like her in the past, so she got more love and help.

However, Tracy did not want such attention, which caused her to lose her original gender and be in an inescapable pain.

"Huh... Although I hate her and complain about her, I still rely on her unconsciously, hoping that she can respect my opinion more... I hope, I hope she can escape Gehrman Sparrow's pursuit... "Tracey started struggling again, trying to get out of the bondage.

On the one hand, she was saving herself, on the other hand, she wanted to notify her mother as soon as possible, telling her to be careful of Gehrman Sparrow!

Of course, Tracy was a little skeptical about whether Gehrman Sparrow, who had just been promoted to Sequence 4, could endanger her own mother who survived the Fourth Epoch, a so-called "immortal" witch, but she didn't take any chances mentality, because Gehrman Sparrow has a helper, the "Death Consul" that even her mother fears!


Tracy finally fell to the floor and tried to roll towards the desk, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't.

What she is fighting against is not others, but herself who has been "distorted" and magnified!


Above the gray fog, Klein had already sat in the high-backed chair of The Fool, and placed the paper stained with the blood of Vice Admiral Tracy on the surface of the mottled long table.

Immediately afterwards, he manifested a pen and paper, and wrote the divination statement: "The current location of Tracy's mother Katerina, Vice Admiral Illness."

Putting down the pen, Klein took the two pieces of paper, leaned back against the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and repeated in a low voice what he just wrote.

After seven times in a row, he entered a dream and saw a tall Gothic clock tower protruding from the gray world.

Around the clock tower, Katerina, who was wearing a holy white robe, stood in the shadows of several houses. She looked at the surrounding situation with a slightly dignified expression, as if she was looking for something. The crimson moon hung high in the sky, and her position and Klein entered the gray fog. Exactly the same as seen before.

This shows that the "White Witch" Katerina is still in Backlund, in the West District, chasing after a certain target.

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After finishing the divination and returning to the real world, Klein walked to the room outside the rental house, looked at the crimson moon in the night sky outside the window, and thought quietly for dozens of seconds.

Maybe, there is still a chance to digest the potion... Finally, he muttered silently, found something, took two secret puppets with him, and disappeared into the shadows without lights.

In Backlund, he no longer dared to use "Flame Leap", afraid of being sensed by Zaratul. After all, it is impossible to ignite the paper cranes folded by Will Auceptin every time as a precaution. This is right The disrespect of the "Snake of Destiny" and the constant "visiting" of Dr. Allen also made their family easy to be targeted.

Moments later, Klein appeared behind the tall Gothic clock tower in his dream, hiding in the shadows�this was Backlund's iconic "Bell of Order".

Immediately afterwards, he and his two secret puppets dispersed, each occupying a different hiding place.

After finishing all this, Klein quickly transformed a mouse into a secret puppet, let it run to the edge of its own manipulation ability, opened its mouth, and whispered an honorable name: "The great God of War, iron and The symbol of blood, the ruler of turmoil and strife, the 'White Witch' Katarina is in this area..."

Klein is not only fulfilling the agreement with the "Red Angel" evil spirit, but also hoping that this once high-ranking creature will step on possible traps for him. At the same time, his true love for Sauron Einhorn Medici I'm a bit confused about the plot, and I don't plan to rush to ask the Church of Evernight or "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette for help. I'm going to wait and see for a while to confirm the situation, so as not to cause others to fall into the trap.

Just as the prayer ended, the gray mouse twitched suddenly and fell quietly beside the trash can.

It has lost its own life, and is no longer Klein's secret puppet.

This is Klein's way to prevent himself from being marked by the "Red Angel" evil spirit.