Chapter: 2599

Then, Klein, who was blinded by the dusk and disconnected for a while, was finally able to see the specific situation, but he couldn't expand his vision too broadly.

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The interior of the forest, which was supposed to be dim and decaying, was filled with orange-red light from dusk. Where they were intense, they were burning like fire, but they inevitably brought a feeling that their brilliance was about to end and could not be reversed.

Derrick Berg held the "Darkless Cross" condensed from pure light, and walked slowly in front of him. On the left was the gray-haired "Demon Hunter" Colin Iliad holding two straight swords, and on the right Then there is Heinm who is carrying the giant hammer of "Thunder's Roar". This "half-giant" over two meters is ready to exchange the sealed item he holds with Derrick at any time.

The brilliance emitted by the "Darkless Cross" is becoming more and more dim here, as if the sun has fallen to the horizon, leaving only a golden afterglow.

Of course, everyone in the City of Silver has never seen a similar scene. They can only imagine it based on the descriptions in ancient documents. Similarly, today is the first time they have seen what dusk is.


As the exploration team went deeper, the sound of wind began to sound in the decayed forest that was so quiet that it was almost solidified, like countless creatures crying in the depths.

However, Derrick and the others didn't feel the wind blowing at them at all.


The sound of the wind became more and more intense, shaking his heart more and more. Derrick suddenly felt a chill coming from the back of his neck, which stimulated his hairs to stand on end, and his body and mind turned cold.

Normally, at this time, the human instinct is to retract the neck, raise the arms, block the back, and turn the body halfway, observe the situation, and prepare the attack, but Derrick did not do this, because in a dangerous environment, Turning head recklessly will often encounter extremely terrible things. Moreover, there are chiefs and teammates behind him. He fully believes that they can respond in time and put his life in their hands.

With a whoosh, the silvery white blade entwined with the tiny electric snake flew past the side of Derrick's neck, and evaporated in the twilight light with a blurred and distorted figure.

At the same time, the "Darkless Cross" suddenly got rid of the gloom and gloomy state, and the light emitted became bright and pure again.

The surrounding area suddenly came to dawn, and black shadows that could not be described in shape appeared one after another in the light of the morning light, and then quickly melted away.

When everything calmed down, Derrick asked doubtfully while staring ahead: "What are these? Unlike wraiths, shadows, and evil spirits..."

"Demon Hunter" Colin looked around, and slowly said: "Some kind of residual aura...they seem to be combined with the power of Dusk, producing a certain mutation."

I've never seen this kind of monster... Derrick tightly held the "Undark Cross" tightly, and moved the other finger that was not pierced to the thorn.

Relying on the targeted ability of the "Undark Cross", the exploration team moved forward fairly smoothly. It didn't take long for them to reach the depths of the decaying forest. They could faintly see the distant cliffs and orange-red clouds through the trees.

The damage here is not serious. The branches and leaves are involved in the air, blocking the solidified dusk and making the environment dark.

After carefully walking around here, Derrick's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw two standing, gray and mottled stone tablets.

Before he had time to observe carefully, the twilight rays of light coming in from the gaps in the branches and leaves were strangely refracted at the same time, and intertwined together, forming a huge figure nearly ten meters high.

This figure is very vague, containing an immutable meaning, like a reflection cast from the age of mythology.

Its complexion is gray-blue, and it wears silver-gray armor stained with blood-like plaques. There is a sun-like light on its face, which seems to be the manifestation of eyes. Its existence itself bends the surrounding trees and the void , making it difficult for all things to start to decay involuntarily.

Witnessing this scene, without any reason, a thought emerged in the hearts of everyone present: "The giant king, the ancient god Almir!"

Joshua, Heim, Antielna and other members of the exploration team had granulated skin one after another, showing a little bit of grayish blue, and there were flesh and blood wriggling between their eyebrows, as if some monster was about to emerge.

At the same time, they entered a state of near-out of control.

They haven't even seen the mythical creature form yet, and just approaching the figure, signs of loss of control appeared indiscriminately, and they became more and more serious.

Derrick Berg was relatively alright, because the pure light of the "Darkless Cross" enveloped him, bringing a warm feeling, allowing him to temporarily resist the erosion of decay.