Chapter: 2634

In mysticism, the "Abyss" is recognized as the most filthy, depraved and chaotic place, and it is the residence of demons, but now, most of the "indigenous people" cannot survive there!

Is the environment of the "Abyss" deteriorating, making it impossible for the demons to adapt, or is the filth, chaos and corruption there getting better and no longer suitable for the demons? "The Hanged Man" Alger quickly had two guesses, but he didn't know which one it would be.

"The Hermit" Cattleya had similar thoughts to him, but she was even more puzzled as to why the Queen would ask such a question, and what was the deep meaning behind Mr. Fool's answer, and what was the secret of what the Queen wanted to know and what she wanted to do? help.

As for "Justice" Audrey, she suddenly thought of the "prophet" demigod of the Church of Knowledge. The other party once said that the end will come in 1368 of the Fifth Epoch. This is a fact recognized by all Extraordinary people who are good at prophecy. Even the gods claim so.

The current year is 1350, and the end is only 18 years away... Then, signs appeared in the "Abyss", and the filthy and chaotic environment full of abstract meanings broke through the limit and became even worse? Audrey roughly made a certain judgment, and felt a little restless in her heart.

Originally, because there was no sign of the end of the world, she didn't believe in it so much. She usually pays more attention to the current war and the people who died, injured, and suffered pain in the war. But now, the mutation of "Abyss" made her inexplicably frightened. He desperately wanted to improve himself, wanted to digest the potion as soon as possible, obtain the Extraordinary characteristics left by Hvin Rambis, and be promoted to a demigod.

Only in this way can she have the ability to interfere and fight against certain things she doesn't want to see.

More entrustments from Mister "World"... Audrey "Justice" silently prayed in her heart, and quietly calmed down her restless emotions.

Members such as "Star" Leonard, "Magician" Forsi, and "Judgment" Hugh actually have some doubts about whether the "Abyss" really exists, because after the second era, the "Abyss" never appeared in In front of the world, most of the demons active in reality come from the Blood Worship Cult. Even the high-level demons and evil beings pointed to by the rituals have a high probability of being the top level of the Blood Worship Cult.

Of course, the evil god "Dark Side of the Universe" is widely considered to be the incarnation of "Abyss", but his sense of existence is very low. If he didn't occasionally respond to rituals and show the characteristics of the demon realm, he might be considered a pure myth Legend, like the giant king Almere.

But even so, the confidential information of the Church of Evernight that Leonard has access to at present also shows that the possibility that the "dark side of the universe" is disguised by other evil gods and hidden existences cannot be ruled out.

"Sun" Derrick was not surprised at all. In some places far away from the City of Silver, in the depths of the boundless darkness, there are many demons who cannot maintain a calm state. Among them are "devils" and other demigods, and "abyss There doesn't seem to be much of a difference.

If there were not such iconic things as the "Royal Court of Giants", the people of the City of Silver would definitely suspect that the truth of their abandonment was being thrown into the "Abyss".

While the thoughts of all the members of the Tarot Society flickered, "The Hermit" Cattleya restrained her doubts and continued to ask: "Dear Mister Fool, the second question is: What did Emperor Roselle do in his later years?" Were things affected externally, unnecessarily?"

This question reminded Klein of the horrifying details and contradictions in Roselle's diary in his later years, and he was a little bit emotional for a while.

He slowly shook his head in the attitude of a "fool".

No... Those things are all what the Emperor himself wanted to do... "The Hermit" Cattleya just felt uncontrollable disappointment and frustration when she heard Mister Fool half-smiling and half-sighing: "It's not influence, it's pollution. Pollution that is hardly noticeable."

Pollution... Was Emperor Roselle polluted in his later years? At that time, he was already Him, an angel on earth, how could he be polluted? Is this from a true god, or the underground pollution that even the ancient gods fear? Audrey "Justice" was shocked, and combined with the secrets she had learned, she had a guess.

"The Hanged Man" Alger and other members of the Tarot Society also did not expect such a thing to happen to Emperor Roselle in his later years, and they had some doubts about his purpose of creating the "Card of Blasphemy".

At the same time, they believe that Mr. Fool's act of collecting the "Card of Blasphemy" probably has a deeper intention, which involves more than what they originally deduced.

"In this 'card game' that involves the entire world, only a big man like Mister Fool is eligible to become a 'player', and we are just a card, or some chips... the king of angels, the angel of Sequence 1 Maybe he is eligible to participate..." "The Hanged Man" Alger sighed for a while, and actually had some desire to become a "player".

The story of the emperor's later years changed from a tyrant to a demon? A book that started out romantic, inspirational, passionate, full of love, adventure, and the corrupt life of Intis's upper class, turned into a horror story in the end? I dare not write like that! If I were to write it, I would let the emperor's final tragic ending stem from betrayal of love, betrayal of marriage, and betrayal of promises... "Magician" Forsi couldn't help but spread his thoughts, and wrote for Rose. The impulse to write a biography of Emperor Er the Great.

Of course, there are many Russell biographies on the market, some of which are even prohibited items.

Being turned out to be polluted... "The Hermit" Cattleya felt emotional and sad for a moment.

What she felt was that the emperor did not change from a hero to a dragon like the story of the dragon slaying warrior he told in the end. He is still a legend worthy of worship. The sad thing is that until today, this misunderstanding has only been initially resolved .

After the emotions gradually settled, Cattleya recalled the matter of being polluted, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

She considers herself to be the one who knows Roselle the best among all the members of the Tarot Society here, and she is very clear about what height the emperor has reached in his later years�Mr. Fool is the convener and witness, not a member.

But it is such a Sequence 1 angel who aims at the throne of the true God, who will be polluted silently, and neither he nor the people close to him notice it at all!

This is scarier than scary... "The Hermit" Cattleya secretly took a breath, and then let it out slowly, in order to adjust her emotions.

Then, she bowed again to the top of the long mottled table: "Thank you for your answer, respected Mister Fool."