Chapter: 2643

He himself switched places with Secret Puppet Qonas, walked four steps backwards in the enclosed space created by the "distortion", and entered above the gray mist.

Then, with the help of the "Scepter of the Sea God" to magnify the "true vision", he carefully observed the situation in Boklund Street and the "Luen Charity Student Fund".

"Hazel was not 'parasitized'... neither was 'Miss Justice'... their maids, pets, and bodyguards were also not...nor were the residents of Berklund Street and the staff of the 'Charitable Student Fund'... ...There is no trace of Amon's activities on any street in this area..." Klein heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the real world.

Then, he approached St. Samuel's Church, passed through the gate, and found a place to sit in the dark and quiet prayer hall.

After reciting the honorable name of "Goddess of the Night" in a low voice, Klein briefly described: "...The witch Triss got the hair of the descendants of the Abraham family, and planned to contact a certain hidden existence on the night of the full moon. The specific purpose Can't be sure..."

After sitting quietly for a while, seeing that the goddess didn't respond and the archbishop didn't come out, Klein put on a silk top hat and walked out of the church slowly.

At night, he changed places, controlled a mouse to be a secret puppet, and recited another's honorable name: "The great god of war, the symbol of iron and blood, the master of turmoil and disputes, I want to be with you Let's meet..."

Just like before, the mouse lost its life as soon as it finished praying, and Klein then pulled away.

He wanted to meet the "Red Angel" and talk about Mr. "Gate" and "Dark Angel" Saslier.

After waiting for a few minutes, with the help of another mouse puppet, Klein saw the previous one suddenly ignite, and a blazing flame gushed out.

The flame quickly outlined a short sentence on the ground: "I don't want to see you."

... Klein's facial muscles twitched invisibly.

He thought for a while, gave up rationally, and left the area.

After dozens of seconds, the remaining blazing flame formed a new word: "Please."

But at this time, Klein had already left.

In a certain house in a certain area of ??Backlund, the pale-faced Sauron Einhorn Medici stood up from the sofa wearing a black-bottomed red-striped robe.

He frowned slightly, and said to himself, "Who is interfering with me..."


In the blink of an eye, Backlund ushered in the night of the full moon.

In a room illuminated by crimson light, the witch Triss stood in an altar surrounded by ritual materials such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, pearls, and lapis lazuli.

After more complicated preparations, she ignited the hair in her hand and put it into the cauldron.

When the flames were covered with darkness, Triss took two steps back and recited in the Giant language with a solemn expression: "Great Gate of Ten Thousand Gates;

"The leader of the endless starry sky;

"The key to all the mysterious worlds..."

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As Triss recited, the gems around her made a clicking sound one after another, shattered into powder, and floated up.

They flickered red, blue, green, or shimmering light, and quickly merged into a torrent, throwing them into the candlelight on the altar.

At the same time, the hair that burned out of the cauldron joined the ranks.

The flames swelled and intertwined, becoming darker and darker, like an "illusory door" leading to other worlds.