Chapter: 2695

In twos and threes, the members of the City of Silver exploration team patrolled or guarded under the light, preventing accidents.

Among them, a "Dawn Knight" with a height of nearly 2.3 meters was standing on the barrier, looking into the distance, guarding against the monsters hidden in the darkness.

Suddenly, he saw in the depths of the darkness, a dim yellow light of fire coming from a distance.

This... The pupils of this "Knight of Dawn" suddenly dilated, and his heartbeat accelerated.

Except for the newly born and uneducated children, everyone in the City of Silver knows that in this land abandoned by the gods, except for humans, no one can use flames to create light in the dark, even monsters who are good at manipulating flames, Before launching an attack, they were also lurking in a dark environment. As for other humans, all the city-states discovered so far in the City of Silver have long since been destroyed and become relics. There are no survivors. The only outsider they have seen is that strange Little Jack.

And at this moment, a fire appeared in the depths of the darkness, a constantly moving fire!

What this meant, the "Knight of Dawn" standing on the barrier couldn't think of it for a while, but felt his body trembling slightly.

The dim light of the fire slowly passed from far to near, passing in front of the camp, and heading out of Wuwu Town. Indistinctly, the "Dawn Knight" saw two human figures walking in the depths of the darkness, surrounded by the light. An unusually blurred figure.

Carrying what looked like lanterns, they walked away from the camp step by step, disappearing into the endless darkness.

The "Dawn Knight" on the barrier held his breath at some point, until the dim yellow flame disappeared completely.

And other humans? No, not necessarily humans! The "Knight of Dawn" narrowed his eyes, turned his body carefully, and prepared to notify the elders of the "Six-member Council" who presided over the camp.

At this time, he found that one of the lanterns hanging on the stone pillars was missing at some point.

The "Dawn Knight"'s body stiffened suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on the back of his forehead at the same time.


In the process of walking away from afternoon town step by step, Klein was under the gaze of pairs of eyes deep in the darkness, and quietly used the ability of "ancient scholar" and his connection with "Origin Castle" to sense the gray and white mist intertwined with history .

He succeeded.

This proves that "Land Abandoned by God" is not separated from "Origin Castle".

The sanctuary of the "True Creator", and even the Kingdom of God, is on this land... If I activate "Origin Castle" and create anomalies, will it cause him to watch and conflict with Amon... He is the true God , I don't expect to be able to escape in the chaos, but I can seize the opportunity of him to deal with Amon and commit suicide... Klein's thought will make "Origin Castle" tremble slightly.

In the next second, his thought disappeared.

Amon, who was walking beside him, said slightly, "'The Hanged Man' has no interest in 'Origin Castle'. Of course, his reason may not always be in his brain."

"'The Hanged Man' refers to the Sequence 0 of the 'Shepherd' pathway?" Klein himself didn't expect the impulse just now to be truly successful. He mainly wanted to try Amon's reaction and see how he responded. At this time There was no sign of frustration, and he asked questions with undisguised curiosity.

Amon nodded slightly and said: "Yes, this symbolizes the fallen self. Of course, if you want to explain it in a positive sense, it is sacrifice and commitment."

Klein thought for a moment, then tentatively said, "I thought this was your nickname."

Just like Medici.

��As far as Klein knows, the birth of the "True Creator" due to the "Rose of Redemption" is likely to be related to the fall of the ancient sun god. Therefore, he wants to know what attitude Amon has towards this evil god, and whether he agrees with it. like his brother.

Amon stroked his monocle, laughed and said, "I have always respected the gods."

"The Blasphemer" said this really against the law... Klein had no choice but to stop this topic.

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Most of the "Land Abandoned by God" does not have roads in the normal sense, but it is not difficult to walk, because there are large areas of barren wilderness here, and deep black is the main color of everything.