Chapter: 2710

As soon as the ceremony ended, Reinette Tinekerr, who was carrying four blond-haired red-eyed heads, wearing a gloomy and complicated long dress, and nothing above her neck, walked out of the swollen candlelight.

Bernadette's eyelids twitched invisibly, and immediately picked up the letter and a gold coin that she had prepared long ago, and handed them to the messenger.

One of Reinette Tinekerr's heads bit the letter and the gold coin, while the other heads sized up the "Queen of Mysteries" for a few seconds.

He moved his gaze back and walked into the void, but just as Bernadette was about to put away the tablecloth, the Miss Messenger suddenly appeared again.

Two of His blond-haired and red-eyed heads spoke in turn: "He..." "Missing..."

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Gehrman Sparrow disappeared... Bernadette already had a certain premonition when the extremely terrifying messenger returned, and she roughly grasped what happened. Therefore, after listening to the other party's feedback, she It's just that his expression sank slightly, and there was no obvious reaction.

The blue eyes of the "Queen of Mysteries" that looked like a condensed ocean instantly became deeper and lost focus for a while, as if she was peering at the torrent of fate through Reinette Tinekerr.

Two or three seconds later, Bernadette suddenly closed her eyes, as if there was a bright light in front of her that was hard to see directly.

Bloody liquid dripped from the corners of her eyes, making her complexion a bit pale.

"Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette closed her eyes tightly like this, and said in a slightly misty voice: "Gehrman Sparrow is in a great crisis, the darkness is swallowing the light, and there is only a ray of dawn left .�

This is a prophecy.

Sequence 3 of the "Secret Peer" pathway is exactly the "Master of Prophecy".

The four blond-haired and red-eyed heads held by Reinette Tinekerr spoke in turn: "Then..." "Darkness..." "Symbol..." "What..."

Bernadette maintained the posture just now and said: "Desolation, distortion, doomsday, negative, wrong."

Reinette Tinekerr, who was wearing a gloomy and complicated long dress, didn't let the head in her hand speak anymore, dropped Bernadette's letter and gold coins, turned around and walked into the void, disappearing into the room.

"Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette stood on the spot without making any movements for several seconds.

Finally, she opened her eyes again. Her azure eyes were cloudy and lifeless, and it seemed that it would take a longer time to recover her eyesight.

Bernadette thought for a while, stretched out her right hand, and took a virtual pat.

The tablecloth was put away by itself, and unfolded again, replacing the items it carried from the ceremony with pens, paper, and ink bottles.

The pen jumped up suddenly, as if held by an invisible elf, and quickly wrote down the disappearance of Gehrman Sparrow on the paper.

Sunya Hai, the captain's room of "Future".

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya looked at the fried mushrooms on the plate and smelled the smell of fat, she didn't pick up the knife and fork for a long time.

Suddenly, she was inspired, and looked sideways at the place where the brass sextant was placed, and found that there was an extra letter there at some point.

Cattleya smiled immediately, reached over, picked up the letter, and eagerly read it.

Gradually, her brows wrinkled.

"Gehrman Sparrow is missing..." Cattleya whispered and repeated the key content of the letter, keenly feeling that this matter was a bit serious.

She easily understood the meaning of the Queen's letter to herself. Without hesitation, she lowered her head, clasped her hands, and recited an honorable name in ancient Hermetic language: "The fool who does not belong to this era..."

Above the gray mist, the crimson star representing the "hermit" "lived" afterward, and there was obvious expansion and contraction, opening the circle of light containing the sound of prayer.