Chapter: 2714

And he has long understood Mister Fool's previous hints, and thinks that tonight or tomorrow morning, Mister Fool will officially notify the cancellation of the Tarot Gathering.

Of course, Alger also had some guesses in the deepest part of his heart. He suspected that every time Mr. "Fool" canceled the Tarot Club, it was due to a certain situation in his own state. He wanted to use this nominal prayer to test whether this great existence It's normal.

No, no, you can't test God... This is not a temptation, Mister Fool has not hinted that you can't pray to Him recently, and borrowing the "Undark Cross" is something I really need to do in the past few days... Alger paced back and forth , can't make a decision at the moment.

At this moment, he heard the sound of crashing water waves, and through the extra perspective given by the ghost ship, he saw the sea water on the side parting, and a huge fish creature appeared.

The giant, odd-looking fish opened its mouth and spit out a small metal ball, which fell to the deck.

Alger nodded and expressed his thanks with singing.

This is a marine creature domesticated by the Church of Storms. In this operation, it and its companions acted as messengers between the ships and the actual control islands.

After receiving the thanks, the giant fish trembled, flicked its tail, plunged into the depths of the sea, and swam far away.

Alger watched silently for two seconds, and then drew a gust of wind, allowing it to send the metal ball to the captain's room.

After unscrewing the metal ball and taking out the paper inside, Alger just glanced at it, and his eyes froze.

"George III was assassinated and died..." Alger repeated the above content with a slightly solemn expression, and then remembered the reminder from "The World" Gehrman Sparrow and the hint from "Mr. Fool".

This time, he didn't hesitate anymore, sealed the room, and whispered out the honorable name: "The fool who doesn't belong to this era..."


These prayers are almost turning into a chorus... Mister "The Hanged Man" wants to borrow the "Undark Cross" from the little "Sun"? Leonard, uh... These voices are layered and ups and downs, making the surroundings seem to vibrate... Klein raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling like he was using an electric drill in all directions.

At this time, he followed Amon into the barren wilderness, and saw that there was a grayish-yellow mist, there were several gullies, and there were many things wandering in the dark depths.

Compared with the monsters that were silently lurking before, the monsters here are quite special.

Amon, who was wearing a soft peaked hat, raised his hand and caressed the crystal monocle, pointed to the front and said with a smile: "In half a day, we should be able to reach our final destination."

"Half a day... Less than a day has passed... Didn't you say three days?" Klein's pupils seemed to dilate.

Amon smiled and said: "I said no more than three days.

"One day is no more than three days."

Having said that, the king of angels paused for a moment, and asked with great interest: "Did it disrupt your arrangement?

"Did it make you more desperate?"

Klein didn't respond, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the void next to him.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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Although it has been less than two years since he became a Extraordinary, Klein's experience is definitely rich and colorful even among the saints of Sequence 4 and Sequence 3. What he has and has encountered can quickly kill himself and There are quite a few items that are handy for summoning from historical pore.

In it, he chose the "Yangyan Talisman" that he had used in Tingen City, he had already recited the mantra, infused with spirituality, and he was about to activate the "Yangyan Talisman"!

It is true that this does not have a strong restraint effect on the weird and changing "Seer" path demigod, and mainly relies on its own lethality, but Klein will not dodge or defend, and will let go of his body and mind , Embracing the light of "hope" heartily.

��Even at the level of Sequence 3 "Ancient Scholar", the defense of the Extraordinary of the "Seer" path is still low, and the pure attack is also obviously insufficient compared to its own level, which has caused a sad fact: