Chapter: 2717

It is old and mottled, the surface is divided into twelve grids by gray and black, and each grid has a different symbol. There are three pointers, one long, one short, and one medium. It seems to be composed of twelve links full of vicissitudes. "A Worm of Time" composition.

With the beating of the second hand, the bell rang again.


In the echoing sound, the tide-like darkness surged more slowly, and then, the phantom of the ancient clock dissipated, turning back into Amon wearing a soft pointed hat and a monocle.

The Zaratul projection behind him is also in a slow state.

Immediately afterwards, Amon stood up out of thin air, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it toward the darkness.

The darkness quickly returned to normal, flooding Klein, but it didn't cause him any harm. It's unknown whether there was a "bug" or the extraordinary effect was stolen.

At the same time, Amon's body instantly became extremely huge, reaching a height of more than ten or twenty meters, but his clothes were not damaged at all.

He looked down at Klein, raised his hand to straighten the monocle, ignored the attack from Zaratul's projection behind him, drew the corners of his mouth, and said with great interest, "It's interesting."

Nine Heavens Emperor

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When Amon was speaking, in the huge vortex behind him, transparent tentacles covered with mysterious patterns stretched out one by one, entwining his different "spiritual body threads".

In an instant, these illusory and dense black lines were lifted up without hindrance.

As a result, monsters with strange shapes were suspended in the air, like ham waiting to be dried.

Those "spiritual body threads" around Amon were all stolen by him at some point!

While Zaratul launched his attack, his other slippery tentacles kept reaching into the void, trying to drag something back.

In just two or three strokes like this, a figure was quickly outlined.

He has long maroon curly hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, thin lips, two well-trimmed mustaches, and a dark red coat with rust-gold thread. He is the former emperor of Intis, Russell Gustav.

As soon as this "knowledge emperor" stepped into the real world, he looked down at the giant Amon from a high position, and one complex and illusory symbol after another instantly condensed in his eyes.

He wasn't worried about Amon stealing his attack at all, because what he had prepared was an extremely large amount of useless and complicated knowledge. Whether he forcibly instilled it or Amon took it away by himself, he could achieve the purpose of bursting the opponent's mind.

Just as the historical pore projection of Emperor Roselle was fully formed, Zaratul's transparent tentacles dragged another figure.

The figure has a young face, but the long hair is already half white. They are raised back, floating in the air, half hidden and half obvious in the dark night.

This is an angel that Klein does not know. He is male in appearance, with dark eyes, full of vicissitudes of life, and his facial features are not bad, but there are clumps of thick black short hair growing on his cheeks, giving people a kind of old age. Youthful, sane and crazy contradictory feelings.

He immediately turned into a group of wriggling and embracing bugs, extending out transparent and slippery tentacles similar to Zaratul's projection.

Obviously, this is also an angel of the "Seer" pathway.

At this moment, Klein didn't even dare to look directly at the situation in midair, but as soon as his inspiration moved, he already sensed a certain familiarity.

The second angel summoned by Zaratul is the son of the ancient god, the original ancestor of the Antigonus family!

This is the historical pore projection before He became half a "fool".

Obviously, Zaratul has made sufficient preparations during this period of time.